
Demigod Of The Underworld

“All heroes will eventually fall. Why not start now?” - Kylar (Currently undergoing editing before continuing.) 6/14

NxtVanilla · Fantasy
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62 Chs

Our trust.

I got up approaching Ace, despite Eric's pestering or maybe even begging to stop what I was doing.

Refusing to do so, "Ace.."I spoke his name out to catch his attention, The blue haired demigod looked in my direction a bit shocked.

He took his hand off of the cyclops, "Kylar- it's not what it looks like I'm just-.."Ace tried to explain but stopped midway.

His reaction is normal, it's not everyday you get caught taking care and even domesticating a cyclops.

Especially when many demigods feared them, there were a ton of stories where cyclops were just displayed as human eating giants, one of them was the popular Odysseus saving his men from the cave of cyclops.

I noticed the herbs and vegetables Ace was holding, "Let me take a wild guess.. is it vegetarian?.."I asked purely based on inferences.

Ace said with an uneasy nod, it's not everyday you see a vegetarian cyclops either, it is rare but not impossible.

Behind me I heard a small sigh, "Rescue is going to come any minute now.. I'd advise you to hide the cyclops in any way you can.."A familiar voice responded.

It was Eric, I looked back at the blue haired demigod, no wonder he looked so exhausted this morning, he was busy taking care of a cyclops.

Ace nodded understanding what to do next, right then and there he disappeared with a blink of an eye.

"His teleportation power is unique.. doesn't leave any traces nor signature effects.."I said observing out loud.

The blonde demigod noticed this, "Yup.. the biggest flaw is that he is the only one who can do it in the whole school.. meaning that if any crime was made with no evidence left behind.. he'd be the first suspect."Eric said as if he was experienced with these type of stuff.

"Alright detective Orcan."I replied with pure sarcasm as I lightly patted him in the back leaving him in the hallway.

"Hey!.. I told you to call me by my first name!.."Eric whined childishly behind me as I walked away.

It was very evident that Eric and I were totally different people. Eric was kind, considerate, heroic, honest, social, funny, smar-…

I'll stop now.

Now here I was stuck in the investigation room, "Did you see anything?"The middle aged man in front of me asked with a stern gaze.

"No."I answered bluntly, lying straight at him. I knew that he wasn't believing a single word I said.

But, a forced confession shouldn't count, if I know my law stuff well enough at least.

The male sighed deeply, "Alright.. you can leave now."He said with a hand on his face.

Probably stressed out that I wasn't giving him any answers.

Simply leaving I walked out of the door to see the blonde hair demigod, I gave him a glare.

Eric was a good guy, too good that he might just spill the beans.

The blonde demigod seemed to have noticed my worries, "Don't worry~ it's a white lie to protect Ace right?"

I nodded, that being half of the reason, Ace could be a useful tool in the future as well, a cyclops trainer as well as a powerful demigod, how rare that was.

"Mr.Orcan, come in please."The male voice spoke as Eric stood up, "It's my turn, see you at school."The blonde demigod said with a confident expression leaving the room.

Don't know if that makes me trust him more, or makes me more worried that he might just tell the whole story.

I opened the door to outside, it was a bit breezy, it also seemed like school was already over.

I wonder how many subjects I missed, right, Ray and I were supposed to continue the plan.

Wondering if Ra6 remembered I took out my Utheria, "On."I spoke with a clear tone.

My Utheria showed a hologram like a home screen, I clicked a few buttons to eventually call Ray.

It was quickly picked up, "I'm here."Ray said directly from the other side of the call, already?"Okay, I just wanted to check in, I'll be there in a minute."I replied as I hung up the call.

Holding out my hand, a dark mist came as it eventually covered my body, making me teleport to exactly my house.

The sight of Ray near my front door was clear, "Hey."I said, almost jumpscaring Ray.

Children of the big three's should at least be capable of teleporting, right?

The demigod's widened a bit, "You almost scared me.. I thought you were going to walk to your house, not literally teleport."Ray replied.

"Well, too much time wasted, now let's just get going without any disruptions."I responded as I went to the keyboard and quickly but surely with a large combination opened the door.

"I still can't figure out the code.."Ray sighed as he got inside of my house, I closed the door behind him.

My house was normal, I guess Eric cleaned it up a bit more the last time he came here.

"The maps and papers should be in my room like always."I said as I handed him an apple.

"You're allergic to apples too?"I teased lightly to the surprise of Ray. I even noticed a slight flustered expression, but brushed it off.

"Yeah, you got any of those peanut granola bars?"Ray teased back with a kind of smirk.

I jokingly laughed, it's not that I'm not taking it seriously, but I might as well take it as laid back as I can.

At least until the plan starts to take action.

That's where the real hell begins.