
Demigod Of The Underworld

“All heroes will eventually fall. Why not start now?” - Kylar (Currently undergoing editing before continuing.) 6/14

NxtVanilla · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
62 Chs

Cyclops trainer.

I heard the faint sound of the bell ringing, it was time for the next period, my hand covered the bright reflection of the sun from my hands.

It was a bright sunny day, no clouds covering the sun, it felt like nothing could go wrong today.

There was a strong urge, telling me to run, leave this school. My instincts told me that.

Right when I was about to shake it off as a joke, the school siren rang.

Signaling that some kind of species managed to get through the schools border.

"Students, this is a high level red code. I repeat a high level red code. Get into safety."The voice played clearly over the announcements.

I know you probably won't know the code, so let me just lay it out for you.


Intruders (Code Red) -

Humans (Rare) - Low level red code.

Unauthorized demigods (Demigods who don't go to Meria High) - Mid level red code.

Monsters (From the schools defenses it has to be a high or higher classified monster) - High level red code.


Of course there's many more but, right now that's all you need to know.

I teleported myself inside the school, with the hallways completely empty.

They do take the drills seriously, whatever this monster was.

I was confident I was capable of handling it myself, I guess I wasn't the only one who thought that.

A blonde haired demigod walked next to me with that same nostalgic smile.

"You think you can defeat the monster too?."Eric said. I nodded to his question, but I was quickly shut off by the loud noise.

It seems just like the noise of normal walking, but it was abnormally large and loud.

"Cyclops."I quickly said, this was bad, a high level monster I could probably take.

There were no drills to extremely powerful monsters, a cyclops this size..

How did it even get into the school?

What was its motive?

I had so many questions I just stood there frozen, Eric had to pull me to run away.

"Kylar!.."Eric kind of whispered-yell in my ear, and held my wrist to run away from the cyclops.

We both knew that we couldn't take a cyclops, at least not just the two of us, despite the unimaginable power we held.

We would be able to barely stay alive for rescue to come.

Eric urged me to hide in a secluded corner, the blonde haired demigod seemed serious for once in a while.

I noticed something much more bizarre, a blue haired demigod going straight to the cyclops.

I noticed Eric was about to yell out to Ace, but I stopped him.

Ace wasn't afraid of it, the cyclops didn't attack it either, instead it's body position softened.

Ace touched the cheek of the cyclops, rubbing it slowly, keeping the cyclops calm.

It really seemed like something out of a movie, a cyclops trainer? Really unexpected from a son of a God who ruled horses.. not cyclops.

So what now? This all happened because a cyclops of Ace went out of control?

I'm guessing that's why the cyclops went out of control and came to the school to find its master.