
Demigod Of The Underworld

“All heroes will eventually fall. Why not start now?” - Kylar (Currently undergoing editing before continuing.) 6/14

NxtVanilla · Fantasy
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62 Chs

Nightmare Of The Future.

I looked closely through the information provided, the weaknesses of Aphrodite and Ares.

There weren't many weaknesses to a God/Goddess, but when there was it usually is very fatal, just like when Superhero's one and only weakness is kryptonite.

Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty, the more dark side of her would be lust and envy.

And then, you have Ares, what a great couple right? Ares being the God of War, but he's quite impulsive and irrational.

Both of the Gods had flaws that usually would mature over time, but they are Gods.. well whatever, it's not my theory class.

Looking over to Ray, he was sleeping soundly this time, I then looked at the time to find out it was 2 am.

Time really flies past, carrying a warm blanket I laid over Ray gently hoping to not wake him up.

Once I was done I continued back to my work, carefully looking through them and writing major points.

Weaknesses, strengths, and anything I could find about them, provoking each and every God/Goddess was quite easy from its long history.

Now then, you might be wondering why the Gods aren't aware of this yet, well the Gods don't watch you 24/7 if they weren't alarmed of you in the first place.

Rarely Demigods would want to overthrow Olympus, sure it happened in the past, but many things have changed, just not my mind.

Finishing up tonight's inferences and points of escape I organized them and securely placed them in a safe.

At that moment it was 6 am, I was tired, really tired.

I haven't slept in two days, just one more.

My alarm began to ring as Ray suddenly woke up, clumsily falling on the ground.

Walking over I shut the alarm off, I continued my morning routine of brushing my teeth and showering, wearing a similar school uniform.

Ray, who was still quite sleepy, walked past me brushing his teeth, walking to the kitchen where I found bread, placing two of them in the toaster.

I got the jam from one of the cabinets, spreading the jam on the toast generously.

I saw Ray come out of the bathroom with a uniform similar to mine, and a completely different expression. I handed him a plate of toast with jam.

Eating my toast we just kind of stared at each other, none of us were really morning people anyways.

Once I was finished I simply just put it in the dishwasher too lazy to clean it myself.

Walking to the entrance I waited outside the door of my house for Ray, eventually i saw the green haired demigod.

Noticing a crumb on his face, I picked it off for him, it seemed cliche but my germaphobic mind couldn't help it.

The same flustered expression from Ray showed, "Well, let's get going then?"I finally spoke as I went ahead of him.

"R-Right!.."Ray said a bit flustered as he hurried behind me to catch up.

Today, school was normal, despite the fact that I didn't see Ace, generally it was going okay.

I told Ray that we weren't going to meet up tonight, I started having a horrible headache once I left the school.

I woke up, my body was sweating, it was getting hard to even breathe.

Another nightmare.

This time it was not about my mother, it was more of a future event.

Olympus would be going crazy by the time I start my plan.

By what entity? I didn't know, but I was sure it was an entity way more powerful than me.

Or even the means of any Gods.

I wasn't scared because of the monster, I was scared because of what the monster would do.

They would come to attack someone, I won't say the name, but someone special to me.

My nightmares were never wrong, much to my distaste.