
Demigod Of The Underworld

“All heroes will eventually fall. Why not start now?” - Kylar (Currently undergoing editing before continuing.) 6/14

NxtVanilla · Fantasy
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62 Chs

Forced Invite.

It was the weekend, the sun was shiny and bright, but my pure instincts told me something bad was going to happen.

So I did what anyone would ever do, go outside.

Walking out of what felt like a suffocating house, it made me feel a lot better.

The nightmare last night really scared me. "Hello."A deep voice appeared right in front of my eyes.

And here that was, the reason why my instincts are telling me that something bad was going to happen.

A dark robe covered the man, making the only clear thing about him is his size.

I'd like to think of him as a grim reaper, "What are you doing here Erebus. I summoned you years ago, but now you came?"I asked with a stern manner.

"Calm your horses Celeste. You know my circumstances.. but I did what I was asked. Now it's your side of the deal to fulfill it."The mysterious figure spoke.

Deeply sighing I understood his words. After all I keep my promises, "And you're aware that this is going against my fathers words?"I made sure to watch him nod.

Erebus is the God of darkness, I might have made a deal with him a long time ago, and now he's here collecting the reward I offered.

"I, Kylar Celeste swear to the river Styx that I will become the next heir of the Underworld."I claimed as thunder bolted.

It was clear to me that someone was mad, whether it was Hades or Mellinoë, wait.

Mellinoë, goddess of nightmares and madness, could be the reason why I had these dreams.

"You may leave Erebus."I commanded God as he left right away, so far today was an interesting day.

I got back inside my house, enough fresh air for today, could it be that my step sister is telling me something?

Me and Mellinoë were never on the best terms, but she was always there when I needed her the most, so I wouldn't doubt it.

Walking to my desk, I pulled out a paper and pencil writing down every little details I remember about my nightmares.

While I was writing I began to hear my doorbell ring, Eric?…

If it's Eric I won't open the door, the doorbell didn't stop, instead it kept on going.

My annoyed mine eventually gave in and opened the door, to find the whole group.

"What are you guys doing here?.."I asked with a confused expression.

Eric with his golden locks of hair, nice blue eyes and then his familiar summer outfit.

Urei tied up her light gray hair with her green bow, and seemed like she was wearing her one piece swimsuit.

Ray tied up his front bangs in a kind of way to see more, he wore a hoodie and shorts with sandals, he even held a floatie in between his left arm.

The Aphrodite girl, honestly never got her name, but she wore a crop top with denim pants and sandals, her blonde hair was tied up in a ponytail with some pearl hair tie, she had sunglasses on her head and an especially annoyed face.

Last but not least, Ace, he wore a Hawaiian shirt but it was open showing a bit of his toned and athletic body, along with that he wore just some swim pants and sandals.

I already know their motive just from seeing their outfits, "I don't have a swimsuit so I can't go-."I got cut off.

"Don't worry~ Me and Maria got one for you."Eric responded with a smirk knowing that I used this excuse last year, he handed me a pair of dark blue swimming shorts along with sandals that were worryingly just my size.

I looked at who I assumed was Maria with a small glare and went back to my house changing into the clothes.

Once I finished changing I looked in the mirror, I never really wore anything so revealing, it made me kind of uncomfortable.

So I took one of my darker jackets and wore it, done, perfect.

I came back to the front door to my own dismay, "Alright fine.. let's get going."I said as I followed their loud cheers and chatting.

When I'm with them, I sometimes feel normal, perhaps that's a good thing.