
Demigod Of The Underworld

“All heroes will eventually fall. Why not start now?” - Kylar (Currently undergoing editing before continuing.) 6/14

NxtVanilla · Fantasy
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62 Chs


Ripples. I could feel ripples of mana escaping from behind me, Summer.

I shot my gaze to check on Summer, an odd mana came from the girl, her blonde hair slightly levitated, it had seemed impossible to me.

Mortals don't have mana, much less be able to use an ability so quickly like this, in a matter of three days a mortal had manifested mana just like a demi-god.

Either way, I didn't have time in the moment to even think oddly of it, the golden hue of Summer grew bigger, as her pupils were once again the same golden hue.

I held my shadow embraced sword right in front of me, as I watched the dragon charge up, with frost right in the middle of its mouth ready to be released.

Then charged in, the blade of the sword stuck in tightly onto the ridge of the dragon's nose, right before it could release its power, the dragon so violently and wildly pushed its head down on the floor, taking me to impact while it's at it.

"Summer! Get away from here!"I said so demandingly, as I wiped off the blood that was just dripping from my lips, I stood back up ready, pulling out the sword. I could see the clear blue but pearly blood the dragon had produced.

But i knew it wasn't going to budge, as I expectantly noticed the wound quickly closing in, and healing as if nothing happened at all. "That was not bad you half-godling.. You might even be suited as my vessel."it's once domineering tone had softened, as it's legs rested forming a sitting position.

"Vessel? I made too many servants, don't want to add another one.''I arrogantly replied as I readily revealed my sword once again.

But the resting position of the dragon doesn't disappear, "I am not asking for servitude, for it is simple, in return for my powers, you'll be able to make it out of here, as long as you become my vessel and perceive absolute loyalty to me."

I lift my foot up and put it down with a sudden rumble, "I do not, and will not take orders from anyone. Not even from a dragon. Do you understand?"I was then seething with insane amounts of pure mana, I had purposefully released my seal just for a moment.

The resting face of the dragon quickly swooned away, to a more coward and fitted expression, "A-Ah! Master, I'm sorry!"The dragon exclaimed as he put down his head on the floor, which was a sign of obedience in some dragon language out there.

Now this problem was solved, I felt a cold but familiar touch, looking over to check, it was Summer, her pupils were still gold, and parts of her hair was still quite slightly levitating, it had seemed that my release of mana had put her back into a more stable sense? You could say.

"Summer, are you alright?"I quickly asked as Summer blinked blankly, until the golden hue from her pupils disappered, "What happened?.."She responded as a tired expression quickly seemed to have filled her.

I sighed softly but wasn't as bothered as anymore by her lack of information in this situation, "No worries.. Just rest."I reassured the blonde haired female as i stuck camp inside of this weirdly odd looking dirt-ice hole?


I laid my dark jacket over the sleeping Summer, as I walked over to the camp fire I had created with my mana, the blue scaled dragon sat on the ground waiting peacefully.

My hand touched a soft rock feeling as i sat there, "Now speak."I told the Dragon as it looked a little hesitant before it started speaking, "Before i came here, i lived upon the clouds, not some ice or frozen fantasy, but above the clouds, i was a being that surpasses even the Pantheon Gods-."The dragon attempted to explain his origin just before i cut him off.

"Enough, you'd mind explaining this in 3 sentences or less?.. You see me and Summer are in a time crunch right now."I replied with a semi-death gaze, my tired and purely exhausted eyes were on display.

At this point the dragon looked potentially terrified, but he understood nodding slightly, "I was banished from living in the clouds, now I'm here."The blue scaled dragon summed up his whole story into one sentence.

"I see, now, i heard that you could get us out of here?.. Back to the labyrinth I mean."A heavy gaze stood still in me, the dragon's piercing eyes slightly averted its gaze, avoiding eye contact.

"Yes.. but, i did say only you."The dragon admitted, my hand crushed against the rock, only being able to control 95% of my powers then, i had left the rock in half.

The dragon frightened by my action took a slight step away… well okay, more of an extra 12 feet away.

Before I sighed briefly, I took a breath, I was ultimately feeling a sense of frustration, for the first time in a while.

If I couldn't control myself then, I would've unreleased something inside of me, "Then, what was your plan?"I asked the dragon suppressing my natural instincts to just kill it right then and there.

Seemingly the dragon to my instinct as it tripped over its words, "W-well- You s-see..iwasplanningtogetyououtfromflyingyouonmybackandthenicanruletheworldwithyouasmyservant."

Holding out my hand, a dark shadow formed, to the similar replica of a sword, as my hands grasped it, "Say it again, speak correctly this time."I had demanded from the dragon, as I somehow got close enough to it to put the sword near its neck.

"Y-yes.. master."The dragon responded with a sour expression, as its once confident looking and self esteem had now fully disappeared.