
Demigod Of The Underworld

“All heroes will eventually fall. Why not start now?” - Kylar (Currently undergoing editing before continuing.) 6/14

NxtVanilla · Fantasy
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62 Chs


The unconscious pale body of Summer laid in front of me, her blonde hair spread out, I was deliberately betrayed but why do I want to keep helping her?

This was when I began to think that electrocuting is doing more than I thought, so I took off my worn out jacket and laid it on her body. As I looked around searching for some clues, I've fallen into many underground caves lately.

With the dirty texture and all, it just seemed normal to me now. Before I went inside the labyrinth it was bright outside, it was the morning, and from how much time had passed, I can estimate that it's night now and I had 5 days left.

I couldn't waste anymore time, and I was in a secluded place with no way out. I rubbed my hand together creating some sort of power nucleus, it had stayed risking in between my hands.

If I were to let go of it right now or if I was a complete immature, me and Summer would've died right here and now.

Possessing the power I aimed and shot it at the rough wall in front of me, dust piled up creating a small storm of it, as I watched a huge hole replace the wall in front of me.

Putting the girl's arm over my shoulder, I used my hand to support her back, as I moved with her unconscious body, making my way to the cave-like hole.

It was clear to anyone that I was in my weakest state, already using half of my daily mana, and on display with a weak mortal.

Crackling noises reached my ear, as I could sense the presence of something extremely unusual, it wasn't any God or Demigod fortunately, but it was something much worse.

"Who there goes here.."A rumbling and loud menacing voice yelled out, instantly waking up Summer who was in my grasp. I put a finger to my mouth signaling to not talk as Summer slowly regained consciousness.

Summer who usually understood my signals right away, this time didn't, she started groaning, out of pain? The necklace should've protected her from the fall, because of Summer's groaning the presence grew larger noticing that there was a being that invaded its place.

The monster had blue scales all over its body, most of its features were hidden under the cave of shadows, a tail with the same scales was noticed, it was as tall as those buildings back in New york, maybe even taller. trouble after another is the only thing we have accomplished so far.

"A dragon.."I softly muttered under my breath, well if Greek gods were real, don't you expect other once legends to be true? Dragons. Light blue wings jumped ot of the Dragons back.

I could hear the cracking of the floor from every step he took, if it wasn't for the scales he had, i would've mistook him from a hydra.

But just from my observations, this dragon wasn't any normal dragon, "I said.. Who goes there!"He exclaimed in his menacing voice, it was clear now of what apperances he had, frosty blue scales with an icey azul gaze.

It had reminded me of a specific snow goddess, his mouth opened up revealing a blue orb as insane power holds over it, the technique it used was similar to mine.

No skills, planning, but just pure continous power, the dragon released its power as i could just see the winter wonderland of freezing cold from that one blow.

I gripped tightly on Summer's waist as i dodged almost right away expectant to the dragons pride, yes, it was similer to Kora, powerful beings usually have bigger pride.

And as expectant of one, it attacked right away, "Summer. Hurry up and get ready." I said strictly to the blonde girl, her eyes dimmed but she knew what she was told to do, "Look, i don't know what you were doing back there, but fix it, life and death is all we will be met with for a while."

My words didn't seem to have get through the girl, fine, i'll just fine on my own then, i looked over to the place the frost dragon had shot its insane power to, snow, snow piled up as everything on that side was completely frozen.

The clear embrace of frozen ice filled my skin, i had stood no chance, but why give up now when i could go much further? The dragon was charging it's next move at it stood still with a domineering pose.

"Summer, be or be killed, this is the world, whether you accept it or not, it's not my decision."I spoke with a blunt but sure tone, a dark smoky matter outline of a sword as my hand grasped it. Taking my stance, and locking onto my target.

"Just hurry up and don't waste time, you petty mortal."