
Demigod Of The Underworld

“All heroes will eventually fall. Why not start now?” - Kylar (Currently undergoing editing before continuing.) 6/14

NxtVanilla · Fantasy
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62 Chs

Redemption for Aphrodite’s Treasurerer.

Tapping in, I grazed the crystal with my hand, the gem glowed from my touch, I stared at the sleeping monster. I was in a dark cave, it was hidden in stone, dust and extremely dangerous to a normal human being.

If I was able to destroy its heart straight in, the crystal would've been mine, taking out a hidden knife blade.

No, I don't have a super cool weapon like Kylar nor a unique one like Eric, I was just a child of Aphrodite. What could I do?

A child of aphrodite can do nothing more than just charm, but does that stop them from participating in combat? Plunging the blade straight in the core of the monster.

DIsgusting greenish fluid started to flow out of the wound, I was purely disturbed, but then, the monster awoke.

I underestimated it, the skin of a mythology monster was too thick for a normal blade like this to cut through.

This would be over, i've been looking for a high grade monster, for its crystal, they were right.

A daughter of Aphrodite wouldn't even be able to do a single thing.

Much less kill a high-class monster.

Its steps were loud, it was like each step was an earthquake, my feet slowly took steps back to avoid any type of violence.

But then, my back hit the wall, the monster gazed at me, its red bloodthirsty eyes were stuck on my blade.

The one that had pierced the upper surface of his skin, the blade that has his green blood dripping from it.

But my body posture did not change a bit, it stood bold and did not budge or shake to the monster's presence.

I was about to just run for it, until I heard a faint but sure voice, it had called for me, "Maria!"The faint but familiar voice screamed.

It was surprising for even someone to yell loud enough to get through the walls of this cave, they were Urei, only Urei would have a voice that sounded so eager.

The wall near me was dusty, my hand tried its best to plunge into the wall, I could feel some of my nails breaking on impact, since my hand wasn't used to it, but at this point I could have cared less.

Taking the handful of sand I threw it all over the monster's eyes blinding it, as I ran to find the entrance.

I could hear its loud screaming, it echoed through the cave. All I could see was stones, sand and dirt, I knew I wouldn't have enough time to even spare a glance at the monster to check.

But I could still hear the voice calling for me, my feet dashed through the hallway, I could see the brighter light getting even brighter from every step.

I could hear the voice getting louder, but then I felt it.

A harsh grip was stuck on my feet, I instinctively looked behind me, to see the monster, it looked angry. No beyond angry.

It was furious.

"Urei!"I exclaimed as loud as I could, I was so close to the outside.

The bright light in front of me was so clear.

I quickly placed my grip on the dirt, but it was hopeless to the huge and muscular monster.

Then I saw a person, a person I much less had expected.

He wore a patient's outfit, his feet were covered in dirt, bandages covered the side of his head, and his throat. His pink hair flew along the soft wind.

The last person I ever expected to see saving me right now, Kylar.

"You need a little help?"Kylar said a bit mockingly as he crossed his legs, but I could tell the strain in his voice.

I quickly nodded, I greatly value my life over whatever you call pride.

The demigod right in front of me showed a prideful smirk before possessing the monster gripping my ankle.

I noticed the dark and misty effects that happened when he did that, it was as if he was a whole different person, he seemed extremely focused.

"Hurry up and go. I can't let you get caught up."He yelled, when he had his face a bit scrunched up like that, I could see the weight of the massive power he held.

Feeling the grip of the monster softened, and finally letting go I got up but had refused to run away, Kylar quickly noticed.

"What are you doing?- I can't hold him for too long, Leave!"He exclaimed in a loud voice, i thought it was kind of weird for a patient to protect me, i can't just leave him to it.

"I'll help!"I exclaimed back Kylar's face turned into a expression of consideration, "Fine. Use this."The demigod's voice had given up.

He tossed me a unique weapon, or just a weapon I've never seen before, "It's a whip weaved by Archaine."Noticing my confusion he advised me.

HIs power on the monster began to fade, once it wore off, Kylar fumbled to get his posture and stance correct.

Well, let's see what this baby can do, gripping the handle I aimed for the monster's head first.

"Go for the feet!"Kylar had yelled out, he was barely able to even stand up.

And yet, I was the one being advised, aiming for the feet the whip slashed against the monsters feet, pinkish flesh began to show, the whip was able to get through the thick skin.

Amazing, a weapon that doesn't need the physical power of the demigod.

It wasn't too long for the monster to fall down, banging its head on the ground of the cave, it died.

Kind of anti climatic id have to say.

I turned to Kylar all happy, but then i found him on the floor of the grass, he fainted, probably from power exhaustion, i knew that he wouldn't be able to handle the monster alone.

Picking him up, I held his arm across my neck, oddly he wasn't heavy at all, "Maria!"I heard Urei exclaim in my direction, sure maybe I wasn't able to get the crystal, but I did get a useful weapon.

Ace, Ray, Urei, and Eric was there, "What happened?"Eric quickly asked once he saw Kylar in my arms, personally I didn't like the glare he gave me when he took Kylar.

But then again, I was used to Eric's possessiveness when it comes to Kylar, it was like last time when Kylar ran to class and left me with Eric.

"I'll tell you all later."I sighed, absolutely exhausted. I was not in the mood for a long, glaring session with Eric, nor was I ready with Urei's constant pestering if I was okay.