
Demigod Of The Underworld

“All heroes will eventually fall. Why not start now?” - Kylar (Currently undergoing editing before continuing.) 6/14

NxtVanilla · Fantasy
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62 Chs

Flaws of a child of Demeter.

"What's wrong Kylar?.."Eric asked with a serious stare…. Dang it, this demigod almost always knows when somethings off.

"like I said, I just changed my mind.."I spoke with a stern but awkward tone.

Eric definitely didn't look convinced, but sigh giving up for right now, "Alright… 30 seconds until class, see you there."The blonde demigod responded as effects of electricity covered him and he eventually disappeared.

Could've taken me with you, well we don't have the same classes anyways.

I held out my hand as a dark misty fog came and right away my environment changed to my classroom.

Just when I teleported the bell, my teacher noticed, "Just in time Kylar!.. now take a seat, we'll be learning about Calculus!."Mrs.Erina exclaimed to the class as they tiredly sighed.

"Why are we learning subjects we are supposed to learn in college.."A demigod groaned beside me.

Actually, that demigod was Ray, "Demigods are seen as the future hopes of this world, despite never being credited publicly, Meria high is made to develop the best demigod soldiers, quite ironic huh?"I answered.

"You're only fine with this because you already understand calculus.."Ray pouted a bit, despite how mature this demigod acted to his twin.

I don't think he recognizes that he acts the same, either way he isn't wrong, it's far easier studying something you already learned.

"You may be right."I answered with a bit of a grin, the class eventually came to an end.

"Can't we just have a tutor night instead of a plan night?.."The demigod groaned lowly, "We won't have any school if we finish the plan up.. but I doubt that we'll ever get it till after we graduate."I answered quietly to his ear.

I felt like something was missing, a certain gray haired demigod, I knew that she came to school.

Despite the fact that she was clumsy and a bit of an introvert, she wasn't the type to miss class.

"Do you know where Urei is by the way?"I asked with a confused tone, it was possible that she got confused with the school map.

"Urei?.. I really don't know, when you pulled me, I lost track of the two."Ray asked with the same confused tone.

Something told me it wasn't just a simple 'getting lost' type of situation, "I'll go look for her."I sat with my mind as I stood up from my chair.

"It's two minutes before the next class though.."Ray reminded me, I already knew what we were supposed to learn in the next class anyway, it's not like it's going to have much of an effect.

"Just go to your class, I'll go look for her."I said simply leaving Ray in the classroom.

Walking down the hallway, I could hear a cry, a girl crying.

Everything else was quiet, it seemed like no one noticed the sobbing besides me.

I walked closer to the crying, until I was right in front of the nurse room.

Before I entered it, I stood there listening to the cries, I could've sworn I heard another voice.

"It'll be fine Urei…how about me and you just leave early for school okay?."A soft voice comforted the crying girl.

"Okay…"Urei sniffed as she stopped crying, the door opened but fortunately they didn't notice me.

It was Maria? Right? The daughter of Aphrodite, I remembered seeing her the other day.

She is close to Urei, and wondered what she was crying about.

I took out the square electronic object out of my pocket, "On."I spoke as my Utheria opens into this hologram Home Screen.

It displayed the time, "I'll just skip this period.."I said to myself, I really needed a break.

It felt horrible living off of peanut granola bars all day, and it sure doesn't digest well in your stomach.

The breakfast and dinner Eric and his mom made was good, it even freshened me up a little.

Clearly not enough to get rid of the peanut granola bars taste in my mouth, I made my way to the school's garden.

Sitting comfortably on the chair, the smooth wind slowly passed my soft pink locks of hair.

My fingers stroked a bit of it, I always knew I resembled a lot like my mother.

She was truly a beautiful and wonderful woman, is what Persephone told me at least.

I just enjoyed the peaceful moment I could have before the next period.