
Demigod Of The Underworld

“All heroes will eventually fall. Why not start now?” - Kylar (Currently undergoing editing before continuing.) 6/14

NxtVanilla · Fantasy
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62 Chs

Deaths. (EDITED 6/15)

I sneakily pulled Ray to my side quickly as the others past not being aware,

"Did you really forget the plan?.."I asked to an awkwardly posed demigod.

"Oh!.. right. I know."Ray claimed, he was well aware that whatever I said was a warning to not get too close to your enemies.. or at least future enemies.

I knew Eric well, he wasn't the type to stand by when people were getting hurt.. and it just so happens that a ton of that was going to happen.

"Alright.. good to know that you know your place, same time after school."I spoke whispering with a strict tone as I walked past the green haired demigod.

I noticed something off about today, dead spirits were getting more and more common, my gaze could see the clear corpses…

It's blood and guts splattered on the concrete floors, this was normal for me, but the fact that it was increasing.

Usually the vision I had was supposed to display the deaths in the future, it was because my plan succeeded, or the Titans succeeded ruling the earth.

Either way, I could've cared less, it's not like I'm willing to sacrifice my life for these apes like Eric.. nor could I magically just destroy the Titans like Ace.

Speaking about Ace, where is he? A blue haired demigod who gave a completely different aura came through the gate.

His sudden change made me feel off, overwhelmed really, but my arrogant stance stood up.

"Good morning Kylar.."Ace said with a faint smile, it seemed like something happened to him.. something change about the demigod. I couldn't put a finger on it..

His blue hair was a little disheveled, dark circles were budding under his eyes, and he just showed this overall concerning look.

"Good morning."I responded back as he just simply passed me without another fuss or any extra comments.. unusual.

That really felt off putting, with my curiosity piqued.. I tried to follow him, until I felt a hand on my shoulder of course.

"Kylar, where are you going? Your class is over here."The blonde haired demigod said in a confused tone, not letting go of my shoulders until I gave him a proper answer.

"I'm going to the bathroom.."I lied.. this time horribly, his confused face then once lit with resolve.

"Ohhhh.. you know the bathroom is still this way right?"Eric responded again, literally stepping down and stomping on my buckets of excuses.

"Yes…"I answered as I awkwardly walked to the bathroom, the blonde demigod following behind me.

Right when I was in front of the bathroom, "You know what, I don't think I need to use it anymore!.."My voice quickly got sore from the high use of it.. it kept cracking.

"Oh really?.. you are also aware that class starts in two minutes…. Right?"Eric commented, knowing what keeps me off track.

Well, it's not like I'm not unaffected from it, it did send shivers down my spine.. he definitely knew what I was doing.

Fine fine, just to act natural, I'll go along with your sucky ways to throw me off my rails.

"Oh.. yes.. class."I awkwardly continued on, my lies seemed to have degraded as well as my already horrible acting.

Eric seemed to have seen through it, I definitely wouldn't be surprised..