
Demigod Of The Underworld

“All heroes will eventually fall. Why not start now?” - Kylar (Currently undergoing editing before continuing.) 6/14

NxtVanilla · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
62 Chs


With all of my self control combined into one, I couldn't.

I didn't want to fulfill Aero's interest. I threw my sword purely made of shadow to the wall as it only slowed down once it hit the wall.

As I panted heavily I got up in a mess from my position, staring at Aero with a suppressed sense of anger and absolute hate. I was tricked.

In his own plan, everything was staged.

And only now did i realize it, i noticed a peek of the same familiar blonde hair in the corner, it was Summer.

She never really teleported away, it was only the power of the hallucination ability, I could feel a sense of resentment growing from her.

"This.. was all planned.. Wasn't it?"I stared at Summer looking for an answer, no wonder Summer looked so familiar.. The similar blonde hair Aero and Summer resembled, as well as their terms of eye shape and facial features.

I gritted my teeth at not being given an answer, the whole journey i spent with her must've meant nothing from the start, besides it was all acting, a growing understanding but also resentment of her silence, wandered through me.

Her lies, her 'kind' heart, her hardworking nature, those were all lies created just for her facade.

I am no person to be simply pushed over by betrayal, but I unfortunately am not resistant to emotional pain.

I am weak.

But it didn't mean that the situation for me was hopeless.

I can both take away death and give it, raising my hand high, a sudden rumble strung out of the cave, skeletons, zombies, monsters that I once killed, they all came back to the dead.

Soft grunts left the zombies as they crawled out of the dirt, monsters trickled as they sprawled across the floor, I even noticed a few demigods squeaking in fright.

"I guess the heir of the underworld isn't just a goner.."A smirk jumped back onto Aero's face as he finally took out his bow and arrows ready.

An objective and proud woman made her way to the front, "Get out of my way.."She said pushing over the others, her brooding and pale skin didn't set well with her affectingly scary smile, it looks like she was just waiting for this.

Just from a flick of her finger, the ground was instantly frozen, it seemed to have put my skeletons and zombies into a pause.

But it didn't take long until they broke out once again, "The dead know no boundaries.. Kora.."I looked at her flushed embarrassed expression as she averted her gaze, failing her revenge, but she knew how to control her temper when she needed to.

Aero expertly put the arrow carefully on the bow as if he was taking his time, afraid of nothing, well, who could blame him? He's protected by powerful Gods and even demigods.

Legally God's shouldn't be obeying a demigod, especially from Zeus's rule of not interfering in mortal affairs, but they must've found a loophole to the rule.

Which i don't care about since I'm overthrowing the stupid olympus anyways, an arrow dashed past my ear, my bare eyes couldn't even notice it.

Bits of blood dripped from the edges of my ear,"ugh.. I'm getting rusty.."Aero spoke before loading the arrow once again, not even examining my wounds or my shocked expression.

This demigod was on another level.

It was exhilarating.

I raised my hand once again, as the bodies moved swiftly, the skeletons became even more vigilant, and even summoned a few spiders for good luck with Athena's demigods.

A few of the smarter looking demigods freaked out, frightened as they sprawled more and more away from the spiders, as the other demigods tried to kill their way to the zombies but it wasn't budging.

The Gods would send waves of energy and mana to one area sending attacks from everywhere, no matter how much mana they used, I had an unlimited army of the undead.

Or what counts up as 384,943,789,932, and the fact that they can come back from the dead whenever I like them to.

Even I could feel a slightly unnerved Aero, as I examined his movements, it had become a little less refined, spiders crawled up its skin but he would have cared less.

For some reason, somehow, my hand just moved, just catching the golden arrow centimeters from my eyes, his intent was clear. Get yourself killed</b> or kill someone else.

And that was the drive he was always working with, Aero was now finally taken aback by my response, to even catch his arrows, I gripped on the arrow tightly as I threw it right back at him.

The same arrow only just ran past his ear, "Are you done now?"I asked while stifling a smile, I loved the feeling of crushing someone's dreams, especially of someone who's constantly deemed as the definition of powerful.

An unpleasant smile grazed the lips of Aero, "You prick."

First time I'd ever seen Aero frowning, then there goes my smirk, which further irritates the demigod and which further exhilarates me.

Bow. Ready to shoot under a release of a finger.

Monsters. Ready to attack under a raise of a signal.

Season 2 finally slowly and surely coming into a close in a few weeks, wooooo. My creativity juice is near sucked out.

NxtVanillacreators' thoughts