
Demigod Of The Underworld

“All heroes will eventually fall. Why not start now?” - Kylar (Currently undergoing editing before continuing.) 6/14

NxtVanilla · Fantasy
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62 Chs


Some gooey pale brown substance hung down my pale pink hair, but did no harm or resisted when I rubbed it off with my hand.

We landed in a unique place, it wasn't another cave fortunately, but was further than I could imagine, a giant pyramid was set before us, guards of ancient egyptian clothes.. Well guarded the pyramid as if there was something special.

I looked over to Summer , who was trying her best to wipe off the goo on her, "Oh- right."I spoke out as I quickly shuffled through my pockets, looking for specific jewelry, pulling out the sunflower necklace back.

"Here, and don't lose it this time."I scolded the girl in a caring-ish manner as I handed her the necklace. I hoped that her condition would get better, once she wore the necklace, her composure was a lot calmer, and some of her wounds even healed.

Directing my attention to the environment right now, it was a completely new experience, filled with sand, as far as you can see, you'll see.. Well sand.

Investigating the already known substance, I shoveled up sand with the palm of my hand, as I watched each little tiny sand particle droop down out of my hand like water.

"This is strangely odd.. Summer, can you drain the sand around here? Do it quickly and swiftly, guards are right behind us."I warned her once I asked her for a favor, Summer pouted a bit.

"Why can't you do it?.. Didn't you see what i just went through?!.."The blonde hair female kinda whisper-yelled furrowing her eyebrows, annoyed at the situation.

"Well, who's the one who got caught in the whole mess in the first place? Besides, my mana is already depleted from teleporting and refiling the relic."I half lied, okay i may not have my mana depleted, in fact, i saved up mana since i was 11, though i only use them for emergencies since it can take a real risk to my life.

Summer sighed softly as she complied reluctantly, holding out her hand a light greenish hue was summon surrounding her hands and removing the sand before her.

The sand soon spread out revealing a gray metallic exposure, kneeling down and lightly banged my hand- specifically my knuckles against it.

Wondering how hollow the metal was, it was really hollow just from the noise it had made, so now we have two choices, either explore here or we go to the heavily guarded pyramid.

And who can I ask that will have a better answer than Summer herself? I looked over at Summer who had held a tired gaze from using mana. "Is this what being depleted of mana feels like?.."Summer asked as her voice cracked half-way.

"Heavily guarded pyramid or this right here?.."I asked bluntly as I once again clacked lightly of my knuckle against the hollow metal, Summer, who just processed what I just said freezed a little.

Before replying again she sighed softly, "Erm.. repeat that?..."a questioning gaze pierced clearly from her expression. From the mutual feeling I sighed deeply as well.

Grasping her wrist I just chose the choice for her instead, sand castle here I come.

Heading straight in, I showed complete ignorance to the guards and everyone else, well okay I'm not that MEAN of a person, I knew just in case to set a 30 second protection barrier on me and Summer just in case.

Flashes of yellow and blue colors splashed through my view, luckily for me, the barrier blocked it, making it into the unique entrance, which was placed in front of the pyramid.

Convenient huh, well a little bit too convenient, what was in front of us was something totally different, a row of patterns sat before us, one that was like a boat and a cane, another a familiar looking eye symbol.

Then an Egyptian tablet, right in front of us, I could tell Sumer was still closing her eyes back from the guards attacking, but I took my chances, "Can you read it?"I asked expectantly, as Summer slightly opened her eyes, and again revealed that shocked expression.

I waited for her to direct her attention back to my question, "Egypt dialects?.."She stared a bit confused as her gaze looked up and down on the tablet. The confusion had quickly faded when I noticed the look of realization.

"I'm assuming you understand it then.. What does it say?.."I once again asked as i watched her carefully read it, then she spoke, "I only understand parts of it, when i studied with my father years ago.."Summer said in a timid manner.

I brushed her lie off, "Don't lie, we're in a life or death situation right now."I responded with a negative tone as I looked over to Summer who wouldn't budge.

"What about seeing Chia again?.."I asked as I noticed her expression to soften, "Where's your motivation for that wish?.."

Summer took a deep breath, "Alright, it's saying that you have one chance, and the riddle is, 'How high would the stars be if the sun was in its place?..' or at least how I interpret it to be."

'How high would the stars be if the sun was in its place?'.. I made an inference through the symbols, "Can you read the symbols on the ground as well?"I asked, still thinking of the answer to the riddle.

"Yes.."She replied right in time as i got my answer, it was in fact a trick question, the sun and stars from what i learned in egypt mythology, is weighted unfairly, as Ra the sun God was seen as way more superior than the star gods and goddesses out there.

Looking down, I found my first symbol, "This is 'the' right?"I looked over to Summer who had seemed to be zoning out until I called out her name the third time, "Ah- yes."

I moved onto each symbol, making a sure safe spot, and spelt out 'The height is unfair', getting onto the other safe end of the riddle-puzzle."Now it's your turn!"I called out to Summer who was only standing on the word 'the'.

It had already seemed off to me of how she acted after traveling here, but now, her zoning outs had increased even in a situation like this, could the electrocuting had given her brain damage?-

I could hear cracks appearing on the bare walls, but we never stepped on a wrong- i looked over to Summer immediately, she stepped on the plate of symbols in front of her.

The wrong symbol.

Rumbling appeared resoundingly and loudly inside of the pyramid, here we go again..