
Demigod Of The Underworld

“All heroes will eventually fall. Why not start now?” - Kylar (Currently undergoing editing before continuing.) 6/14

NxtVanilla · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
62 Chs

Ray. (Backstory 1/Canon)

Bright eyes were locked on the spaceship, "wow..''the demigod said with an astonished tone, he was truly mesmerized.

"Ray, do you want to be an astronaut like your mother?''The young woman said with a proud grin, she held the little boy in her arms playfully.

"Yes!''Ray exclaimed immediately without a second thought as he pretended the spaceship was actually flying.

Cute little sound effects of the space ship escaped his mouth, as the mother looked at her little boy adoringly.

A sudden doorbell rang, the mother carefully dropped the boy,"I'll go get the door."She spoke in a soft tone before getting up towards the door.

They were both completely oblivious about what was going to happen next,

A shot was heard, a gunshot.

It frightened but also worried the little boy, he was far too young to know what that was, but his instincts were telling him to run away. Never come back.

And he did, his feet kept on running, dirt and grass were all over his legs, he didn't even know what direction he was going, what could a seven year old know?

Once the boy came to a stop, he gasped as sweat slowly dripped down the line of his neck, still holding the spaceship, a part of him wanted to throw it away.

But he kept it, it would've been the last thing he received from his own mother.

--- ---

Locking the door, he glanced at it, it felt nostalgic.

All his head was filled with the sounds of gunshots, he ended up looking away just from what it reminded of him.

The demigod looked down the hallway, it was dark, but used to have this kind of homey feel, his feet started to walk as he looked around his old childhood home.

The home where his own mother had died, it was as neat as it was left, the area where blood was first spilled was suspiciously cleaner then the other areas.

How tyrannical is the government that they would make him inherit the same house his own mother died in.

His fingers grazed the box in front of him, dusty slowly fell off as he blew air in to it, opening the box, it revealed a piece of envelop.

No, pieces of envelops, there were many, all with the same addresses, but since he was young he was never informed or found out about them.

Well until now.

The boy opened one, and one after another, they all read the same thing.

Secrets about secret siblings and how he was a twin, the names of the siblings were listed on the paper, a faint bt clear tear drop fell on the lat piece of envlope.

"So.. thats it, you left behind your own wife and manipulated her to only keep me."The voice as sore as it could be had spoke, crumbling up the paper in the hand he threw it harshly on the floor.

It was as if his whole life had been a lie, all this time, the person behind his mothers murder case was his own father.


The same neglectful father that had left him and hid all of this secrets from him, for so many years.

A sudden rage grew in him, a rage that seeked revenge, right now, he had a twin brother, and one sister.

But then, a sudden memory of his mother calmed him down, he couldn't do something like that in the name of revenge, at least follow his Mother's last wishes.

It wasn't completely hopeless right? He can bring the family back together.

Nothing is hopeless, ill trust Mom.