
who am I?

lock put the note into the bag and stood up, looking around he realized he had no idea where he was, or who he was it as if his existence had begun when he opened his eyes. it was strange, he knew things but he had no memories of how he got that knowledge the note had mentioned something about this being the land of draconis but he didn't know where that was, he also didn't remember how he had arrived here, all he could see were trees covered in frost and snow. the clearing he was standing in was more of a gap between trees. maybe there were footprints he could trace in the snow.

The snow beneath his feet was trampled from his panicking earlier, but there were no prints leading away from the clearing, as if he had fallen from the sky, looking up he saw the empty sky was slowly darkening turning from light blue to grey, the air was crisp and fresh with no trace of something dropping him off.

He figured that he needed shelter and put his hand into the bag, immediately he found 2 things distinguish themselves, pulling the first one out of the bag it was a block of wood about the size of an apple, the tag on the block of wood read

'portable cabin, complete elemental resistance,heavy armor, insulated. do not open in enclosed space. to use place on empty ground, must be at least 5 square meters, step back at least 3 meters. call out "little house little house". flip for more instructions'

lock looked around the clearing he was in, it did not look big enough for the cabin so he put the block of wood back in the bag and pulled out the second object which was much bulkier. It was a large bundle of sticks and canvas, the tag read

' camping tent, camping tent can expand to fit at least 4 people, insulated, medium elemental resistance, animal repellent. to use place on ground and pull chord. do not light fire inside tent. pull chord to collapse.'

Shrugging he put the bundle of cloth on the ground and pulled the braided chord. the bundle expanded into a large domed structure with a large fwip and it bounced a couple times before settling on the ground. the tent was about 3 feet tall, on one side of the tent there were 2 flaps facing lock, looking inside the tent he saw that the ground was padded and there was a window on the other side of the tent made of a cloth mesh. It looked fine so he crawled into the tent and took his shoes off, he turned around on his knees and placed them by the flaps closing them in the process.

This wasn't bad , the ground wasn't as hard as he thought it would be and he couldn't feel the cold coming through the mesh window, the tent was slowly warming up with his body heat.

not sure what to do next he decided to sleep, reaching into his bag for some bedding he pulled out an enormous squishy purple caterpillar, feeling confused he read the tag

' Caterpillar sleeping bag, one person use only, temperature control added'

he put his hand on the fake caterpillar and it sunk in quite deep, its googly eyes looked at him. Taking off his outer clothes he slipped into the sleeping bag, he felt a bit strange crawling into its mouth but he was getting cold without his clothes and the ground was too hard to sleep on. The caterpillar bulged and looked quite odd, especially with a persons face in its mouth. he sighed, for some reason he felt restless even though he was tired. poking one arm out of the caterpillar's mouth and he grabbed the messenger bag, maybe there was some kind of sleep medicine in the bag?

He pulled out a plush rabbit and a medical kit, the medical kit was an old fashioned leather doctors bag and had an entire booklet attached to it instead of a tag. looking at the half inch thick booklet, he was not in the mood to read it so he put it back into the bag and looked at the plush rabbit, it was dark blue and had red glass eyes and was dressed in a pair striped pajamas with a matching night cap between the ears, the tag simply said ' Mr sleepy, to help lock sleep at night'

strangely enough holding the soft rabbit made lock feel warm and comfortable, and he had the sudden urge to close his eyes and sleep so he pulled Mr sleepy into the caterpillar and dozed off.