
awkward meeting

An interesting fact about humans is that humans need to regularly eat and drink. Another interesting fact is that certain humans get so distracted they forget to do this. (author: i feel that this is a personal attack at me) When lock woke up he felt dry and empty, his tongue was like sandpaper and his lips were stuck together, his head felt cottony from dehydration and his stomach growled menacingly. he didn't know it, but a little less than a day had passed since he had appeared in the forest and he had not eaten or drank anything, coupled with the fact that he had started with an empty stomach certain symptoms began to appear.

Lock scooted out of the caterpillar bag and grabbed the messenger bag, he needed water! he put his hand in the bag and pulled out a full water skin, pulling off the cork he greedily drank the water. It dribbled over and dripped down his bare chest and onto the caterpillar. Lock drank until he could feel his tongue again, when he corked the water skin he noticed it did not seem lighter than before and he read the description on the tag;

spring of life, the endless fountain.

Lock was amazed, every item that came out of the bag was more powerful than the last, excited he reached into the bag for food and pulled out a rock hard lump of meat and what appeared to be a white brick covered in little holes. What the hell? this was food? the meat was hard as a rock and the brick didn't even look like food. he read the tags that were tied onto the brick of meat;

'preserved meat, a highly dense and nutritious meat for emergencies, use sparingly.'

tentatively he bit off a corner, he really had to tear with his teeth to get some off, it was extremely tough to chew it made his jaw hurt, it was extremely bland and fibrous, it felt like chewing a piece of leather. After a chewing for a long time lock swallowed difficultly. lock felt he was no longer hungry, so he put the brick of meat back into the bag and examined the white brick, the tag on it read;

high density hardtack, all of your carbohydrates in one bite (it is recommended you drink water with this)

Lock felt like crying, everything else in the bag was top notch except for this food. It could be only used for energy, not enjoyment. He didn't even try the brick and directly threw it into the bag with resentment. Now that he was sated (barely) lock put on his clothes and packed everything away, except for Mr sleepy who was slightly squished from being slept on so he looked a lot thinner, lock kept him out for company, it didn't compare to a real person to talk to but lock felt less alone when Mr sleepy was out it gave him comfort in this silent forest. lock felt that his hair was messy from sleeping and his teeth felt fuzzy, but he couldn't see his appearance so he wasn't sure.

Wait shouldn't the bag have a mirror or something? lock reached into the bag and pulled out a mirror, turning it towards him lock was pleasantly surprised, he saw delicate doll like face looking back at him, he subconsciously knew he had black hair because he could see it at the edge of his vision, but what was reflected in the mirror was inky black and shiny, curling around his temples, his irises where a dark red around the edge and paler towards the pupil, his eyes were large and watery and his skin was like ivory pale and smooth, his nose was small and curved pleasantly and his lips were soft and pink, but a little pale, in short he looked like a frail toy boy. lock examined the rest of his body, he was frail and slender, with little to no muscle mass.

As pleasing as his appearance was it wasn't very useful in this wilderness, his arms looked like he couldn't even fight a chicken. lock resolved that as soon as he left the wilderness he would work on becoming stronger, currently he was far too weak. he put the mirror away and looked into the sky for smoke or something that signaled civilization, but it was light grey skies all around, lock wasn't even sure he would be able to see the smoke if there was any, so he decided to walk downhill as going uphill would not only be hard but he felt that civilization was more likely to be at the base of a mountain not at the top.

As lock made excuses to himself he didn't notice that a man had approached a few feet away and was looking at him. lock jumped when the man cleared his throat and whirled around facing him.

Standing there was a tall lean man dressed in leather amour with a large broadsword and a small bow in his hand, he had silver grey hair that was cropped short and perched on his head were two silver pointed ears, his eyes were a frozen blue and he had a claw mark stretching from the edge of his eye to beyond his temple, he had a roman nose and thin lips, all in all he was a young looking hunter with a wolfish air around him.

the man looked at lock who was holding a plush rabbit and was just muttering to himself about directions and civilizations to himself with a strange gaze. when he finally spoke it was cautious like he was approaching a wild dear "are you lost?"

remember to eat and drink guys! don't be like me and waste your time writing sh*t nobody care about till 3 in the morning.

MusuCatcreators' thoughts