
waking up

Breathing in icy air Lock found himself in a forest clearing, naked. Shivering Lock realized that he was lying in a pile of snow which was melting from his body heat chilling him to the bone, he could see his breath in clouds in front of him.

Panicking he looked around the clearing he saw a black messenger bag sitting in the snow beside him. Lock grabbed it and reached inside, desperately hoping for something to cover himself up, when he put his hand inside the bag his mind connected to a large space filled with an assortment of objects, he only had to think to find something this would have seemed strange but he was distracted by the wet snow melting on his body making him colder by the second

He pulled out several pieces of clothing he didn't look before wrapping himself in a largest one which was a black fur lined cloak, the cloak seemed to be magic as it warmed him up immediately ( author: spoiler it is )and drying his skin. wrapped in a messy bundle he waited for his arms and legs to stop shivering before he looked at the other clothes on the ground, there was a grey tunic lined with silver thread, a pair of black leggings and a pair of linen underwear and some grey woolen socks all of them had tags about the size of teabags for some reason.

Lock grabbed the socks and pulled it into his cloak awkwardly trying to put them on without exposing his body parts to the cold air, he tested the ground with his socked foot, his foot didn't become wet or cold. he stood up and grabbed the rest of his clothes and shook off the snow before putting them on quickly. he was relieved when instead of the snow melting and getting him wet it just seemed to slide off his clothes

After putting on his clothes Lock grabbed the strange bag and examined it, it was a cloth messenger bag with no pockets, although it did have 2 white pom poms attached by a string. he felt his socks were slowly getting colder, it seems that his socks did not have the same resistance as the cloak and was only waterproof. Reaching in the bag he pulled out a pair of black leather boots with a tag attached, the tag read 'rabbit boots, insulated, minor resistance to elements + 15 speed + 5 agility' lock quickly pulled on the boots and stamped a couple of times to break them in, he then began to collect the tags that had fallen off his clothes when he was putting them on.

All of them were about the size of a teabag and had strange names like elves pants and moon beam shirt, as well as a short description which was the same on all of them except the cloak 'minor resistance to elements'

the cloak was named 'rabbit cloak' and its description read 'major resistance to elements, insulated, light armor.'

It was lined with something soft and black, the hood had a cartoon rabbit face embroidered on with two red glass beads for eyes, and two floppy ears, Lock thought it was quite cute.

he checked the lining and found a pocket with a piece of paper in it, it read;

To my dearest lock, when you read this I will no longer exist and you will be presumably in the land of draconis. Today is your birthday! consider the bag and everything in it your present, in it there should be everything needed to live your entire life without working, as well as some things included for comfort, also included is a single wish, use it wisely.

-no one

p.s. don't put living things in the bag

thank you for reading this story, its one of the few things i'm actually serious about. i'm not a professional writer so excuse the poor quality and strange perspective

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