
Let's Get to Know Each Other Better

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

It was an evening in May, and the warmth had taken over the chill of before. The streets were rather bustling with people.

Li Hanchuan had both his hands in his pockets and a lit cigarette between his lips. His black Lamborghini had long been parked by the roadside somewhere.

He was walking down the streets on his own, his figure casting a faint shadow. His handsome face amongst the crowd added on to his air of loneliness.

Walking subconsciously he ended up at a cafeteria that he and Banxia used to frequent—which happened to also be the cafeteria they broke up at.

The cell phone in his pocket had rung several times. Li Hanchuan furrowed his brows and finally picked it up.

"Youran, what's the matter?"

His cell phone had rung countless times since the afternoon and Li Hanchuan expected it to be some important matter. But the sweet voice on the other end went, "Hanchuan, your phone has been turned off the entire day. Did something happen at work?"


Li Hanchuan rubbed his temple, and in that instant, he really wanted to hang up on her. He wasn't in the mood to settle such trivial nonsense.

He had a shock when he caught himself having that thought.

What did he mean by trivial nonsense?

Youran was his beloved woman and they were to spend their lives together. How could he think of her this way?

Before he snapped out of his train of thoughts, her voice went on, "You left in a hurry after receiving the call at noon, so I called to ask if something went wrong. Although I can't help you with much, I don't wish for you to bear with it on your own. Hanchuan, you have me, okay?"

Li Hanchuan's expression was dark. He felt a mix of frustration and guilt.

This was his woman, what was he thinking?

Ye Banxia was living very well now. That was what he wanted to see so that he could live in peace with Youran, wasn't it?

At this point, he softened his tone. "Youran, don't worry, it's just some urgent contract to sign back at the office. There's nothing serious. I've been having meetings the whole afternoon and didn't see your calls come in. I'm about to go home now, do you want to come out for dinner?"

Ye Youran seemed to heave a sigh of relief as she smiled weakly. "No need, I just wanted to be sure that you're alright. You've been busy the whole day, you should rest early. We can have dinner another day."

"Alright, you rest early too."

Li Hanchuan did not go back to look for his car after he hung up. He flagged down a cab and asked to go to the Li family villa.

Right after he left, Ye Youran slowly walked to where he had been standing. She had a smile on her face, but her eyes were eerily cold.

Urgent contract, an afternoon of meetings, huh…

She had stalked him the entire afternoon, from the time he grabbed Ye Banxia and spoke to her agitatedly, to him walking to the cafeteria that he used to frequent with Ye Banxia… she had been following him.

He simply had not noticed her and went on with a lie.

Li Hanchuan went home and saw his parents in the living room. He greeted them "Dad, Mom" and was ready to head upstairs.

Song Shan suddenly stopped him. "Hanchuan, what have you been busy with?"

Li Hanchuan paused for a while before saying, "Company matters."

Li Yanzheng glanced at him but did not say a word.

Song Shan continued, "Your dad called the office to ask, there wasn't anything urgent today. You can tell Ye Youran that, but why hide it from us?"


Li Hanchuan pursed his lips and looked somber.

"I went to look for Banxia."

Song Shan was stunned, but she smiled after a while. "Mom has noticed that you've been in a bad mood recently. You haven't actually truly put Banxia behind you, right? For those two years, Banxia didn't do anything wrong either. She's sensible and polite…"

She sighed. She was a graceful and elegant girl without any vices. Who knew what got into Hanchuan that he eventually let her go and turned to Ye Youran instead.

She wasn't saying that Ye Youran wasn't good—after all, she was a world-renowned pianist. But she always felt that this girl's kindness wasn't pure enough, and she seemed scheming.

They were both sisters from the same father, why was the difference so stark?

"Hanchuan, if you regret it now, you might still be in time. After all, you were together for two years, Banxia…"

"Mom." Li Hanchuan interrupted her quietly. "I looked for Banxia today to iron things out! Now that I know she's living well, I can be happy with Youran as well. I hope you and Dad won't have any more prejudice against Youran, she'll be your daughter-in-law in time to come."

With that, he headed upstairs without turning back.

Song Shan furrowed her brows as she looked at his back view for a long while.

"Shan'er, leave him be."

Li Yanzheng did not know how to deal with his son either. "For such matters, he has to make the decision himself. Since he's already made his choice, he will have to bear with the consequences that come with it, even if it means regretting it!"

Banxia tossed and turned in bed and couldn't help but ask Mo Chenyan, "How did you know I saw Su Ran in your car?"

"It isn't your style to mention Su Ran over and over again."

Mo Chenyan slowly closed his notebook and left it on the bedside drawer. He glanced at her a little cheekily. "Moreover, I drove past the route you take on your way home. It isn't a difficult puzzle to piece."

Banxia suddenly felt silly.

She gave a soft "hmph" and said, "You sound as if you know my style very well."

The man looked at her slightly threateningly before smiling. "You're right, I don't know your style enough."

Banxia was about to nod and agree when he wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her close.

"Ah, Mo Chenyan…"

He kissed her mouth shut before she could say more.

That split second act caught Banxia completely off guard.

Only when she relaxed did he let go of her. He looked into her pretty eyes closely.

He then whispered by her ear, "So now, let's get to know each other better."

That deep, warm breath brushed against her ear, bringing goosebumps to the surface of her skin.