
He Was Back on That Day Too

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

"Mm." Banxia looked at him as if nothing had happened. She even seemed about to smile. "Why are you back so early? Didn't you have some socializing appointment?"

The man nodded casually. "It ended."

He turned around and walked towards the couch in the living room.

Banxia did not say much. She followed behind him as she heard Aunt Li preparing food in the kitchen.

She sent Ling Nian a message and went on to play a mobile game that had gained popularity recently. Eventually, she decided to put her cell phone aside.

The man who was reading the papers looked up at her.

Banxia looked at the magazines on the coffee table and picked up two of them, browsing them for about 10 minutes each.

Mo Chenyan furrowed his brows. He put his papers aside and looked at her. "Something happened to Ye Hanyan again?"

"Ah?" Banxia was slightly stunned. She quickly shook her head and gave an unnatural laugh. "No, nothing happened."

She seemed to realize that it didn't sound right and went all serious all of a sudden. "Do you know Jin Zhanbei?"

The man nodded and said, "We've had a few business dealings before." He then turned towards his newspapers expressionlessly. "Why?"

Banxia said solemnly, "The other day someone went into Hanyan's room. I think it has something to do with him."

The man's expression did not change. "He's indeed back."

Banxia looked at him in shock. "How did you know?"

She only thought of this man because she seemed to have seen Jin Zhanbei's back view that day. But why would Mo Chenyan keep tabs on this guy for no reason?

"He's back for a business dealing with you?"

The man looked at her like she was a fool.

"Ye Hanyan went after that man for seven years. It's a pretty big deal even in the industry."

Although he wasn't particularly interested in it, this story was known all over Rongcheng City. He wasn't so oblivious to this.

"Since Ye Hanyan doesn't really have any enemies, and he still bothers to look for her at this point…" He paused for a while. "He's naturally a suspect."

The man suddenly thought of something. "Oh, and he happened to return that day as well."

Banxia was taken aback. Was he the clear-minded one, or did he think this way because he didn't know what happened a year ago?

Before today, she actually didn't even think Jin Zhanbei had anything to do with the person entering Ye Hanyan's ward.

That person shouldn't have anything to do with Ye Hanyan…

But now that Mo Chenyan said this, she felt that she might have got it wrong. Jin Zhanbei was really back, which meant that the back view the bodyguards saw that day, and the one she saw today, could have something to do with him.

Banxia nodded, still a little dazed. "Can you help me check it out, and then let me know?"

The doctor said that an appropriate amount of shock could help Hanyan regain consciousness.

But she didn't know if Jin Zhanbei was considered that sort of shock…

She sat there in silence for a while. Mo Chenyan got up after a while and turned the television on.

The entertainment news was on and reporting the return of the megastar Su Ran. Banxia was shocked.

She was about to switch channels when Mo Chenyan returned with a glass of warm water for her.

Banxia took it from him and then shifted her gaze to the elegant lady on the screen. She suddenly asked, "Do you find Su Ran pretty?"

She directed the question at Mo Chenyan without turning to look at him.

"She's alright."

He casually said expressionlessly. It was as if this lady had nothing to do with him, a lady he did not know at all.

But this woman was sitting in his car that very afternoon!

"Just alright?" Banxia glanced at him. "She's obviously pretty."

The man did not look up as he went through the documents he'd taken from the coffee table. "Mm, she's not too bad."

Banxia still wasn't satisfied with that answer. "Mo Chenyan, she's the most popular movie queen now, the dream girl of so many men."

The man finally looked up at her, his eyes full of emotions.

"And you think I'm one of them?"

Banxia was caught off guard, but quickly shook it off and smiled. "I'm just saying. But she really is very pretty…"

The man tried to stifle a smile. "Mrs. Mo, don't you see enough of a pretty girl when you look into the mirror every day?"

She wasn't one to brag, but her twin sister herself was no less good-looking than Su Ran.

Mo Chenyan got a little more serious. "Although Ye Hanyan is still unconscious now, you've looked at her for over 20 years. Surely you wouldn't be shocked at Su Ran's type of beauty?"

But Su Ran sat in his car!

Banxia pouted and crossed her legs on the couch. "Nothing much, I just wanted to worship a celebrity for a bit."


Mo Chenyan's lips curled up as he heard that word. Su Ran had merely sat in his car, and all of a sudden she was so special that Mrs. Mo would "worship" her.

"Su Ran is an artiste that the Mo Firm just took under our wing."

Only then did Banxia notice the endorsement plan in Mo Chenyan's hands. Before she snapped out of her daze, he went on and explained, "Su Ran was at the lunch appointment with Chairman of the Zhang Firm as well, and her car happened to be faulty this afternoon while she was at the company."

Banxia understood what he was saying. They were simply heading for the same destination, so he gave her a ride?

She combed her hair with her fingers and awkwardly smiled. "Why are you telling me this?"

"It's time for dinner." Mo Chenyan glanced at her. "It'd affect your palate if you keep such a question stifled."

She went speechless.

Banxia went red, and she was so close to hitting him with a pillow.

She got up and walked to the kitchen. "I'm going to check on the food!"