
Death Note : A New Story

What if the 'Death Note' was given to someone other than Light? How would the incidents progress? Would there be havoc and chaos or peace and prosperity? Find out in an alternate story of the franchise 'Death Note'. (Will be on break for quite some time. I'll work on this once I complete a few series first.) -------------------------------------------------- Schedule: On Hiatus Chapter Length: 300-800 words -------------------------------------------------- Join discord: https://discord.gg/PjmBUn2 (I'll be putting up announcements here. If you have any ideas, or opinions regarding the novel, feel free to share them.) -------------------------------------------------- Support the Author: XXX (Not available atm)

APOPHIS · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs

A Billion, Part 2

The day passed by, and overnight, the news had spread. Kisaya Tatsu was dead.

I woke up early that morning due to anxiety, and switched on the television. While drifting across the news channels, I noticed that only one incident was being talked about endlessly; Kisaya Tatsu's death.

Kisaya Tatsu had recorded himself moments before his death, explaining how he managed to destroy slums, and how he managed to bribe the judge during legal cases. Other than that, he followed up by mentioning his other crimes. He went on and on about embezzlement, extortion, etc. The list just didn't end. The recording was brought in by the police, and somehow, it had leaked to the news channels.

While this news spread, the stocks decreased exponentially. The public was outraged with his statement. His company shut down in hours. Money was reimbursed to all he had embezzled from, and the employees of the company ended up jobless. Kisaya Tatsu's company had provided over 20% of Japan with jobs, and now that the company no longer existed, the rate of people unemployed increased.

However, this wasn't the end of it. The investigations said that he had jumped off of his 30 storey building because of depression, however, his family didn't comply to this statement. His family was suspected for the murder due to their inconsiderate attitude. While writing his name, what I failed to realise was the fact that it would have taken him a considerable amount of time to jump to his death. He must have uttered the words killer 5 times while falling.

This billionaire was my golden ticket to fame, and I messed it up. The series of statements however, led to the arrests of several employees, several alliances, and in the end, it even brought VIPs to their knees. Legal cases piled up on each and everyone of Kisaya Tatsu's friends.

Nonetheless, this information was useless. The only thing I was truly concerned about was the fact that the death note could alter people's wills. Through a simple sentences, I could psychologically control anyone I wanted. But to what extent?

Next chapter: 4th April, 2020

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