
Death in the Multiverse Re-Write

Jackson Pryde was an ordinary ten-year old boy from an extraordinary world (MCU/Marvel), but during an alien invasion in New York City, he fell into a void and was sent to another world by the One-Above-All, with three of his classmates getting dragged along for the ride. With his system that the One-Above-All gave to him, Jackson retains himself while transforming into Death, while his classmates become War, Fury, and Strife, and are all sent to a world called Remnant. The first step of Death's epic adventure begins. Volume 1 : Death in Remnant Volume 2 : Darksider in Star Wars Volume 3 : Nephilim in the Pokémon World (Kanto)

Splendora_Gaming · Anime & Comics
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Two Weddings then Johto Journey begins

A month and a half had passed, and during that time Death had married Diantha and Serena at Lyonesse, and had started planning weddings for Valerie, Leaf, and Rui.

Ash had, during this time, traveled to the Orange Isles and actually won the tournament there, and returned to Kanto, where he was to set out on his Johto adventure in the next few days, but that was the least of Death's concerns at the moment, as instead he was carrying Serena into a specially prepared bedroom, decorated red with phoenixes and dragons, owed to his mastery of nothingness.

He had tried to make it look nice while replicating the bridal chamber in another series he had once read about, and that he now had video of provided by his system called Against the Gods. He received the information, video and world details when Diantha fell in love with him. Of course, Serena herself was still wearing a more traditional white wedding gown, blushing and looking embarrassed, and was not wearing a clothing style based on that world.

Serena, of course, knew where things were heading from here, but that didn't make it any less embarrassing for her. All she had done with Death so far was a little kissing and above-the-clothes stuff, but now that he had followed through with his promise and properly married her, that meant they were supposed to become lovers, which meant he would see her naked. Of course that would be embarrassing to Serena, who had never let a boy see her naked before, but she was trying hard to remain firm and endure the embarrassment, so that she could be a proper wife.

Serena leaned in and kissed Death on the cheek as he brought her to the bed in a bridal carry "I...I will do my best."

"I know that you are feeling embarrassed, and a bit overwhelmed right now, Serena, but you have nothing to be ashamed or embarrassed about." Death reassured her while carefully laying her down upon the bed "You are a breathtakingly beautiful woman, and I married you because I mad a commitment to love you for all eternity. You, Serena Gābena, will be treated like a queen, and will never have to worry about needing anything in this world, or any other world, at all." He touched her shoulder and removed her wedding dress to his storage while moving in to passionately kiss her.

Finding herself suddenly wearing only her white bra and panties, Serena blushed like a tomato, but still managed to reciprocate his kiss while wrapping her arms around his shoulders. Death was thrilled as her arms wrapped around him and started climbing in between her legs. Serena did not resist when he pulled her legs apart to climb between them, but she was glad that he was kissing her to distract her a bit because she feared she might faint from embarrassment without that.

Death's hands started tenderly caressing Serena's smooth flesh while piece by piece of his own clothes were being stored in his inventory, and he soon was down to only his boxers. As more and more of him was exposed, Serena kissed him more and more enthusiastically, trying hard not to faint as she got a bit of a nosebleed.

Death was quite amused as he noted Serena's arousal, both from the damp spot in her panties and from the nosebleed, the latter of which reminded him that Pokémon was technically an anime world, so it did make sense,

As his fingers came upon Serena';s bra, finally, and began fondling her breasts, he stored away her bra into his inventory as well, fully releasing her breasts to be skillfully manipulated by his experienced hands.

Serena moaned loudly into the kiss and arched her back and physically shuddered as she was overcome by an orgasm, which was like nothing she had ever experienced before. If her panties were a bit wet before, then now that she had an orgasm they were soaked. She felt so self-conscience and embarrassed, but somehow she managed to remain awake.

While Serena was still writhing, Death's hands slipped down from her mounds and grabbed hold of her slender waist, and in that moment her soaked panties and his boxers disappeared.

Feeling the disappearance of her panties followed by the head of Death's erection lining up with her vaginal entrance, Serena's eyes opened wide like a deer caught in the headlights. She knew is was finally coming, and felt fear creeping up in the pit of her stomach, but she had already gathered her resolve and was determined not to back down.

At that moment, there was a break in their kissing and her eyes met his "Make me your woman, Death. Put it inside me." she ordered, though her tone contradicted her words of resolve and made her fear obvious.

Death understood that Serena's fear was related to shyness, and that she meant her words, so he was not going to taint her resolve by backing down now. Death started slowly pushing his shaft into Serena's cave of wonders and she shuddered and instinctively wrapped her legs around his waist "Oh Arceus!" she called out

Death started off gently moving himself in and out of her, not wanting to hurt her more then necessary. Having broken through her hymen, there was a bit of bleeding coming from inside of her, but gratefully the pain was not as overwhelming for her as the pleasure she was feeling. It might have been a different matter if he decided to be a bit more intense with her, but as things were, Serena was looking rather blissful.

She had expected her first time to be more painful, so this level of pain came as a pleasant surprise to her "Oh Arceus, it's amazing." Serena called out, her cheeks still flushed a bit, but not like before. She had overcome the part that she was most worried about, so now it was far easier for her to cope "I...I...l...love...you" Serena spoke slowly since the pleasure she was feeling made it hard for her to speak.


The next morning, or rather the next afternoon, when Serena awakened, she thought about the previous evening that she had been kept up late into the night and blushed. She slowly turned towards Death and fould him awake and watching her of course.

"Good morning" Death greeted her and grabbed her by the waist suddenly and pulled her up and placed her on top of him.

Serena yelped in surprise when that happened, but any complaints were silenced when he started passionately kissing her. Though the covers greatly obscured their lower bodies, they were still both naked, so of course she felt the thing that had impaled her the previous evening over several hours in close proximity to her most intimate place. It was flaccid at the moment, but Serena had interpreted Death pulling her on top of himself as him wanting more sex.

Death actually hadn't planned on that, and was just trying to have a minimal amount of intimacy to show that he wanted a proper relationship rather then just sex. Serena's misunderstanding, though, led her to reach down and begin stroking his shaft while they were kissing.

Death was surprised, but did not dislike it, so he did not stop her and his little brother was soon rising to attention. Their eyes met as they parted from the kiss and Serena rose up by her knees, causing the covers to fall away from them and expose her beautiful body, and then she carefully positioned Death's erection at the entrance to her sacred ground and started lowering herself onto it, eventually stopping once his full length was buried inside of her "I love you, Death. As terrifying as last night was, I am glad that I endured, so that I can be your woman properly now." after saying this she started to gently ride him, setting her own pace and thoroughly enjoyed a morning after (sorta) round of sex with her now husband.

Death was willing to let her set the pace while his hands took hold of her breasts and started to skillfully fondle them. Serena might have been quite embarrassed if she realized her misunderstanding, but since she did not know it, she was able to properly enjoy riding her husband and eventually taking another of his warm releases into her womb.


The last few days passed in relative peace before finally it was time for Ash to begin his journey in Johto, which meant that Death would do the same. With Esdeath training hard for what may trainspire when they reached the Hoenn region, she was remaining at Lyonesse.

Mukuro Ikusaba, however, who had already mastered her aura guardian training thanks to her top-tier skill with mastering any weapon or martial art, which apparently also applied to Aura Guardian training, could now travel with him in Johto.

Additionally Valerie and Serena were accompanying him, while Leaf, along with one of Death's Avatars, and was planning to take on the rest of the Kanto League gyms and challenge the Kanto Pokémon League a second time.

Leaf could have challenged the Johto League with Death, but figured that if she did then the result would be the same, with Death beating her in the tournament again. Since she actually wanted to win, she had decided to set her goal on the Kanto League. She did not fear losing to Death, but she also wanted to win sometimes, so this was the conclusion she reached, and Death was of course supportive of her.

Death gained nothing by challenging the same League multiple times, but if Leaf could win it then he would still he proud of her, and realistically her chances were very good, with how strong her Pokémon were and with Tsunami on her team as well. Tsunami, after all, was a fully realized legendary Pokémon.

Frankly, Death thought that if Leaf followed through with her plan that she had a good chance of becoming the Kanto Pokémon League Champion.


Goldenrod City - POV ????????

Having safely arrived in Goldenrod City, she booked a hotel room and only when she was securely behind closed doors did she relax. Before, she never would have come here because the power and influence of Team Rocket was just too great, but with someone having wiped out Team Rocket, she now found herself here.

Her instructions were quite clear, though the risk that they posed was great, so she couldn't just charge in like a rampaging Steelix, as she certainly didn't want to end up locked up like those Rocket losers.

Her boss had never led her astray before, but she couldn't help but be concerned about his orders this time. There was so much that they did not know about the people that took down Team Rocket, and were they really immune from the same thing happening to them? She was not so sure.

Well, she couldn't just defy Maxie, though, so she could only cross her fingers and hope for the best as she began recruiting new members into Team Magma from the Johto region. There should certainly be plenty of former Team Rocket members that would be easily drawn in, right? She decided she had to hold on to that hope.

'I'll prove my worth' Courtney mentally encouraged herself.


As Death waited for Mukuro Ikusaba to arrive, to join him, Serena and Valerie to be teleported to near New Bark Town in Johto,, he looked over the surprise reward he'd gotten when he defeated Lorelei.

In addition to the Articuno Egg that was neatly tucked away in an incubator in his backpack, he'd also received two Premium Over World Roulette Tokens. with which he's gained a new skill tree called 'Immortal Man : Zhang Wei' and an ability called 'Bonfire Ignition/Extinguish' that did not give a proper explanation at all beyond a single sentence.

This skill tree had four abilities that made him an extremely overpowered healer, beginning with 'Unwavering resistance' which granted immunity to all negative states to himself, regardless of whether they were physical or mental in nature.

The second unlocked ability was 'Recovery assistant' which allowed him to remove any negative state from other people, as well as healing heinous injuries, even to the point of regenerating lost limbs and appendages.

The third ability was 'Muscle enhancement' which continually allowed him to break down his own muscles and regrow them, continuously making them stronger each time.

Technically he could do the same things with his 'Divine Regeneration' Semblance but it was the final ability that made the skill tree worth spending 4 skill points on to receive. The final ability was 'The one who rejects death.'

Where he had to be relatively close to a person to use 'Divine Regeneration' (or have a strong spiritual connection with them in the case of his lovers), there was no such restriction of this ability. Anyone within his line of sight that he considered a friend or ally just would not die no matter what as long as he lived, and 'Recovery assistant' would continually apply to them, even allowing them to recover from complete disintegration.

As someone that possessed the ability to create avatars and that shared perception between each of them, though, he could technically use 'The one who rejects death' over a much larger area then if he only had this one skill tree alone. Frankly, combining this skill tree with his body double/avatar skill tree just seemed a bit earth-shattering. He was certainly not going to complain about the power up though.

While this power was not likely to be useful in this particular world, it was likely to be useful in other worlds. After all, it was a bit like having an army full of Rory Mercury's, and if he had multiple avatars they could also cover each other with this effect Essentially, this skill tree suited him very well, regardless of a bit of redundancy between it and his original semblance.

Regarding 'Bonfire Ignition/Extinguish', the said 'Ignites or extinguishes a magical forever burning bonfire.', but what good did that do? Well, at least it was a straight up ability and did not require any skill points to unlock, so he could experiment with it later.

Muruko Ikusaba finally entered the waiting room where Death was with Valerie and Serena, and Death was a bit shocked by what he saw. "Muruko, you look gorgeous"

Mukuro, who typically modestly dressed and didn't flaunt her considerable assets and did not dress in bright colors or in a blatantly 'feminine' manner, but today she wore a form-fitting pink blouse with yellow trimming and a a bunch of images of Pikachu's playing on it. that had a V-shaped cutout that showed off considerable cleavage, considering her breasts were 35F-cups.

She also wore yellow sexy tight shorts and Pikachu-themed sneakers, which was a bit ironic considering that the only Pokémon she had as a partner was a Lucario, which had been instrumental in her mastering her use of aura.

"Weiss insisted that I needed to look more presentable while traveling with you, and that my usual style might be bad in this world" Mukuro admitted with a slight blush,

"Well, I'd never complain about how you normally dress myself, but this is a nice change of pace. You don't have to go to this much effort if it makes you uncomfortable. I don't care if people are bothered by how you dress." Death insisted to her cheerfully and casually grasped her hand "You can just be the person that you want to be."

"I want to be someone that you will love" Wearing these clothes may have made her embarrassed, but when it came to declaring her intent to become his lover she had no shame at all. "Even if I have to wear these kinds of clothes to appeal to you, I don't mind."

Death chuckled in amusement and gave her a hug "Okay. Johto awaits, ladies. Lets go."

Next World has already been voted on, and of course it is Sword Art online, and once the Harem for that world is sorted out I will begin a poll for the world after that. Presently, the options that are going to be included in that poll are as follows.



Legend of Dragoon

Final Fantasy 7

Final Fantasy 8

Final Fantasy 12

Final Fantasy 13

The Rising of the Shield Hero





Against the Gods


If anyone wants to add other suggested worlds to add to the poll, comment here as well.

Splendora_Gamingcreators' thoughts