
Death Gods Wish

He didn’t mean to. He lost control. He wants to go back, but he can’t. He must now learn to live again in a new Reality; he will become the protector once more. TheStoryHungryDemon's profile on Fanfiction. Check out this website about it! https://www.fanfiction.net/~thestoryhungrydemon Go check out my Patreon at patreon.com/TheStoryHungryDemon

TeStoryHungryDemon · Anime & Comics
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25 Chs

It hasn't even been a day!



(One quectosecond before the clash. Krono's thoughts)

'This is dangerous, this man Ichigo is capable of perceive me even though I have stopped time around him. His eyes are always on me! NO! that is important, except he still lives even though I am in my divine form! if it wasn't obvious from our initial clash on, this confirms it, he has to be a God of another pantheon! Wait, what is he doing? banki? what's banki? oh...I see...He also has a Divine Form...he's even faster now, I don't have enough time (how ironic)

A single blow of my scythe would crush him. No matter what he does, he won't last long. He will fade... just like Father.

Yes, this is it Ichigo Kurosaki, you are strong but just like many others you must die, I will not hold back an ounce of my power feel honored!

For this is my perfect victory!



(Gaea, The Primordial goddess of Earth.)

She had just helped her daughter Rhea save her child (Zues) from her son Kronos and Rhea's Brother-Husband from being eaten by him. After saving Zues and sending him off to his new home on the island of Crete in a cave at the base of a mountain, when only a few hours gone by, she felt her "Body" tremble, and felt pain. She looked down and saw the ground below her shake violently. It seemed as if something was digging through her. No, it wasn't just her "body" although it wasn't direct, her vary existence felt threatened by a wave of power, that had traveled far across her.

When she realized who it could be the cause of this, she was furious and so awoke fully, no longer slumbering and decided to go to him, her son Kronos.

She found herself standing on a field filled with debris and rubble. When she reached the edge of the hill, she looked down and saw a giant crater were stood two figures, one who obviously was her son and the other was small, the size of a human but certainly did not look it.

The man has a horn jutting out of his left temple, one of his eyes glows yellow, and two black stripes run down his face. his hair is orange like that of carrot, he wears what would seem to be a black dress (shihakusho) he has two white shoulder plates crossing his chest in an X shape that what she presumes holds his blade in place. The first plate on his left shoulder has three sections adorned with red scales, the second plate has three sections adorned with red scales on his right waist, and a white cloak with black markings tied around his waist.

It would seem that this man who she realizes is the true cause of pain but ignores it for the moment because it would seem that they about to have their final clash at moment.

Thats fine...

No, it's not! the amount of power the two are building up combined could, no will destroy everything for millions of miles!

I'm going to give it all away!

All that energy... I'm going to redirect upwards!



As I was charging up a Getsuga Tensho to attack Kronos, I decided that it was too dangerous so the moment we were about to clash I redirected Zangetsu swinging upwards and changing the direction of the excess energy up into space.

Man, not even a day out of the void and I'm already in a fight? now I wouldn't even call it that, I mean he didn't hurt me... I just bit my lip when he kicked me into space. with that we clashed and then I felt also redirecting the excess energy up into space I don't know who, but it wasn't Kronos... cool even less damage.

with the blast of light dissipating from my eyes I see that from where I'm standing and onwards is a huge and long... trench that spanned for about 4,000 miles and looking down about 40,000 feet deep, maybe more.

as I look at the end of the trench, I see Krono's laying at on the ground his entire arm up to his shoulder is gone all that's left is a stump bleeding golden liquid which he presumed is his blood.

Krono is still alive! I can his chest rising from where I'm at. using Flash step, I appear instantly above his chest. The moment I appeared he whispered something, but the whisper was still quite loud.

"You should die..." he whispers.

"That's what you are saying," I say back to him. "And yet here we both are."

He looks up at me with anger in his eyes, "How dare you?"

I raise my eyebrows, "Dare? How am I daring anything?"

"What do you mean?" he says angrily.

I point my finger towards him, "You attacked me first!"

He grunts, "But I had the right!"

I roll my eyes, "So you think you're entitled to beat up anyone whenever you want?"

"of course, I can you fool, you are the one who invaded my territory, i have all the right to destroy a threat TO ME! yells out Kronos.

I sigh, "It doesn't work like that."

Kronos turns around, "Then how does it work!?"

I look at him, "You know very well, it works exactly the same way as it always has, I don't get any special privileges, nor do you get any extra rights."

I hear Kronos growl, "You are a disgrace to your race, why you even bother to live!? You have done nothing good in this world!"

I shake my head, "Don't worry about it, but What do mean "your race" are there other Shinigami here? Soul Society!? I ended up screaming the last bit, even though so much time had passed for and I've already come to terms with the destruction of my home, friends this small possibility of this world being an alternate reality to my own, even if it only has the smallest of similarities, it's too good to pass up!

Kronos looks confused, "Soul society? Are you talking about the afterlife!?"

I nod but uncertain, "Yes, it's something like the afterlife, tell me Krono's what do you know of Quincy, Hollow's, and full bringers? and don't lie, I'll know when you try to lie." (Or at least I think I would.)

Kronos scoffs whiles shaking his head, "I never heard of any of those things, or anybody else for that matter."

I sigh, 'Well, that's a shame.' I thought, with that in mind i no longer have a reason to remain here. I turn around and leave. But just as i was about to leave i sensed an attack from behind, it was kronos' blast of energy, he must be trying to stop me from leaving.

But I won't let him, i don't even need to use Zangetsu to deflect this, I simply slap it with my hand extinguishing the attack completely.

Kronos gets up from the ground shocked, "I-impossible!"

he stares at my hand in disbelief, "You expect me to believe you can block every single attack I throw your way! This is impossible!"

I shrug, "That's what they all say, until their eyes open and see the truth."

Kronos' jaw drops, "I can't believe it!"

I smile at him, "Come now Kronos, your arrogance will lead to your demise."

Kronos scowls, "Arrogance? You are arrogant!?"

I laugh, "Not I, you are."

Krono's gets rage filled and charges at Ichigo with an attack, but Ichigo easily evades as he uses a Flash Step to appear high in the air behind Krono's head and punches it hard enough to knock him out, but before he left via Flash Step, I turned back to face Krono's. "Good luck with your life. And Kronos, I hope you realize that you are not the only being out there with power. Be careful and watch your back, for I shall return again." finally having enough Ichigo disappears from the scene with a Flash Step.


Kronos fell unconscious to the ground, and with Krono's now alone and with wounds that are barely healing. someone appeared taking him away back to, it was Gaea and she simply placed him in his bedroom where she found Rhea.

"Good your here Daughter, we Need to Speak." Said Gaea rather serious.