
Death Gods Wish

He didn’t mean to. He lost control. He wants to go back, but he can’t. He must now learn to live again in a new Reality; he will become the protector once more. TheStoryHungryDemon's profile on Fanfiction. Check out this website about it! https://www.fanfiction.net/~thestoryhungrydemon Go check out my Patreon at patreon.com/TheStoryHungryDemon

TeStoryHungryDemon · Anime & Comics
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25 Chs

Ground, it’s green!



Ichigo opened his eyes to darkness.

"Where am I?" Questions Ichigo puzzled.

In an instant light surrounded him, blinding him. Then slowly fades. Ichigo is thrown back but lands on his feet.


Ichigo looks around. He didn't recognize anything. All he sees is blackness, and emptiness. Ichigo stood still for a moment to try and comprehend what he had just experienced.

"This can't be right," think's Ichigo.

"I wonder where I am."

Then Ichigo hears something. He follows the sound of it and discovers a door. Ichigo walks over to it and opens it. As soon as he does a bright light shined. Ichigo covers his eyes until it fades and then looks around again.

And what he saw was…. Well that he was falling to the ground, mind you a green ground which means he's out! But he is falling fast.

But he thought 'oh well, I'm sure I'll be fine.'

What came next was a deafening boom.

Ichigo quickly gets up and looks around. He see's trees and grass and hmm..sniff…Air, fresh air. So, he figured he must be out of the void, that place had no air.

"This feels strange. I don't feel like I'm floating. Am I outside?" asks Ichigo.

Ichigo stands there shocked for a while, before he realizes he needs to move. He takes a couple steps forward. And then another and another. He takes a couple more steps and realizes he's walking on Earth.

"Woah, this is amazing!"

Ichigo has never been outside of the void, so this is a first for him. Ichigo walks further out into the forest and looks around. He's taken in all the beautiful scenery and is amazed by it all.

Ichigo walks along the path to get a better idea of where he is. Ichigo notices small animals running around freely.

Ichigo turns his head to look behind him and sees a mountain range. Ichigo blinks and thinks. 'Well damn that's one hell of a big mountain'. Ichigo continues to walk and notice more of the same animals.

After a while Ichigo stops and sighs. He closes his eyes and listens.

He hears birds chirping. He smells the fresh air and feels the wind blow through his hair. Ichigo smiles happily and thinks to himself. 'I've never felt so alive.'

Ichigo then looks at the sky and sees many stars in the distance. Ichigo then feels a breeze against his face and smiles even bigger.

'What a wonderful day! What a wonderful life!'

Ichigo then looks at the ground and sees a small flower, and he kneels down to pick it up. Ichigo gently picks it off the ground and places it in his pocket. Ichigo then looks around and spots a small stream.

Ichigo notices the water is moving and walks over to it. Ichigo kneels down and takes some of the water into his mouth, enjoying its taste. Ichigo then smiles happily and drinks some more. Ichigo then stands up to take a few steps away from the stream, only to slip in it.

"Ahhh!" yells Ichigo as he fell face first into the stream.

"Hahaha, what's wrong with me." laughs Ichigo.

Ichigo then gets up and shakes off the water. Ichigo then sits down on a rock and looks up at the sky.

"The sky is very pretty today," says Ichigo.

Ichigo looks around and notices a small animal. Ichigo then gets up and approaches the small animal. Ichigo pats the ground, and the small animal comes towards him.

Ichigo pets the small animal's head.

But eventually he gets bored of being here in one spot and so he stands up and jumps upwards 600 meters in the sky before landing he creates a platform of reishi beneath his feet. He now stands in the air and looks around then looks down and he notices that where he landed was just a massive island.

Ichigo arrives back at the stream he was standing in earlier. He looks around and sees another small animal. Ichigo slowly walks towards the small animal but before he can reach it, he slips in the stream again. Ichigo falls again and lands on his ass. Ichigo then jumps up and tries to land on his feet, but he once again slips in the water. Ichigo starts laughing hysterically until he finally reaches the bottom of the stream and sits down.

Ichigo then looks up at the sky and notices something strange in the distance.

"What is that?" asks Ichigo.

Ichigo stares at the object intently.

"What...is it?" whispers Ichigo.

Ichigo keeps staring at the object. Ichigo then has an idea; he stands up and uses Shunpo to fly towards the object. Once there Ichigo sees a huge city in the distance while standing on a platform made of Reishi, standing there for a few minutes contemplating on whether to go toward what he can now see as a huge castle on a just as big mountain.

making his decision he disappears from his place in the air.


1 week before on top of Mt. Othrys.

Mt. Othrys is the place where the kingdom of Kronos resides. the home of Krono's is a place is made completely from black marble, The palace's glimmering black towers reached the clouds, like greedy fingers, reaching out for the stars. Kronos' throne room was located within the highest tower. As for the interior, the main pavilion is ringed with Greek columns, the floor is polished black marble (which is pure black and shiny, like a mahogany piano), and a cold wind always blows down the hallway. Greek Fire burns all day long in braziers along the walls, which glow against the marble floor. In-between the braziers are black marble statues of the Elder Titans. In the main hall, the huge Black Throne of Kronos is located. the throne was black as if it were cut out of a gigantic piece of pure black obsidian and encrusted with gold and diamonds. On top of the throne sat the king of the Titans, who had no face. His body was covered by a cloak of darkness.

Kronos raised his hand, and all the braziers went dark. Immediately, the torches in the halls were extinguished and the fire in the braziers died away.

"It is almost time," said Kronos.

He turned around to face his wife, Rhea. She looked beautiful even though she had gained weight since childbirth. Her hair a curly dark brown that swept her shoulders, eyes as green as meadows, and her skin pale, and her eyes blue, like the ocean blue, but her eyes also contained sadness.

"Indeed," said Rhea. "Soon I shall bring forth our child."

Rhea sat down in the throne next to her husband.

"When will you give birth?" asked Kronos.

"In a week," replied Rhea.

She stared at the stone floor as she spoke. Kronos reached over to stroke her hair.

"I hope for a daughter this time," he murmured.

Rhea smiled sadly. It hurt her to think about how much Kronos wanted a daughter, especially now that she knew that he killed their other children. but will a daughter even Sait his fear after all what of little...Hestia? she had to save at least one of her children.

"A son," she said. "You know I want a boy."

"Why do you not try again?" he asked.

"Because...because I'm scared," she admitted. "Of losing another."

"Don't worry," said Kronos. "It was for the better." while remembering what his father Ouranos told him. Ouranos predicted that one day Kronos himself would suffer the same fate at the hands of his own child.

A week Later...

Rhea in ecstatic for she had successfully saved at least one her children.

For just three days before she gave birth, was a distraught Rhea who soon heard the voice of Gaea, advising her to give birth to her child on the island of Crete. Claiming that Koios, her clairvoyant brother had advised her to do so, Rhea successfully departed for Crete without any question from Kronos. Rhea gave her newborn son to nine nymphs that attended the birth of her newborn son and returned to Mount Orthys. She had used a huge smooth boulder the same size and shape as a newborn son, (given to her by Gaea) and to completely deceive Kronos, she wrapped it up in swaddling clothes, and pretending that it was her final child. Kronos swallowed it without even looking (which gave him an intense stomachache) and was successfully deceived.

As she was celebrating inside her head over successfully deceiving her brother husband it was put to a halt, she felt Mt. Orthys shake.


As quick as Ichigo disappeared, he soon quickly reappeared near the peak of the big castle-like mountain that housed from what saw below him were giants, now done looking down at what he thought were giants of some kind disappeared with a shunpo and now appeared inside the peak of the castle (thinking giants or otherwise wouldn't see him).

Inside the 'Palace' its interior, there were columns, the floor is polished black marble (which is pure black and shiny), and a cold wind blew down the hallway. Fire burned in braziers along the walls, which glow against the marble floor. In-between the braziers are black marble statues of "Giants."

All was going well as he was exploring palace peak until he heard doors swing open... Mistakes were made, well I guess it was plausible when you haven't spoken to any other living being, besides parts of your own soul for thousands of years...but who am I to say...right doors.

He turned to where he heard the doors open and there, he saw a "Giant" about seven feet tall...and this giant was human.

The man was wearing a black robe, and black sandals on his feet. His eyes golden and seemed to slightly glow, he had black curly hair and an unnerving, long pointy beard. He appeared to be at least 21 feet tall, although now that he looks a bit closer it would seem the "Giant" is also a little fat...

as Ichigo finally got done observing the fat "Giant" he stood still, hoping that he was right, and the "Giants" couldn't see him... sadly it was not to be because the "Giant did in fact see him and well...

"YOU!" a voice boomed out and Ichigo looked up and saw the large figure standing above him and he was correct when he though the "Giant" was fat because the "Giant" was even larger than he first believed, he was at least 25 feet tall, he had a very broad chest and a thick neck.

The "Giant" suddenly grabbed Ichigo by the collar of his jacket, lifting him off the ground and then threw Ichigo through the air and he landed on top of one of the pillars within the "Palace".

while in the dust Ichigo heard it yell out. "How did a mere mortal get in here!" It thinking the "mortal" was dead.

Ichigo having enough, now having realized the error of his ways jumped toward the "giant" at speeds many times faster than sound, catching the "giant" slightly off guard, which surprised Ichigo as the it blocked his punch.

"Impressive! you are definitely no mere mortal, now since you have impressed me, tell me what and who you are for having the gall to trespass into my Kingdom!

It was then Ichigo noticed the "Giant" was holding something...a Scythe?

"What is that thing?" Ichigo asked having sensed something off about it.

"You have no right to question me, but I'll grace you with my name for I am King of the Titans, Kronos!" the now named Kronos yelled.

At the mention of the name Ichigo feels as though he's heard it before, but before he could give it more thought he was interrupted.


"I will most likely not be dying today, but very well my name is Ichigo Kurosaki." Ichigo responded, not taking his eyes off of the giant.

Kronos, who was not satisfied with answer yelled out again.


"Fine!" Yelled Ichigo and flew at Kronos with shunpo, now moving at the speed of light no longer underestimating someone could most likely be the real king of Titans. He unsheathed his big cleaver like sword and swung it at Kronos, striking him across the face sending him flying into the wall behind him.

"That should teach you to underestimate me!" Ichigo yelled out.

Kronos quickly got back on his feet and charged Ichigo with his own sword having made his Scythe disappear. Ichigo ducked under the blow, swung around and sliced open Kronos arm, making the wound bleed heavily. Ichigo pulled his cleaver away and looked down on Kronos. Having quickly gotten up Kronos had his wounds heal almost instantly.

"Ha ha ha, I'm going to kill you yet!" Kronos screamed out and swung his sword at Ichigo. Ichigo dodged by jumping over the blade, landed, but Kronos was prepared threw a punch with his open arm. Ichigo got punched hard really hard that he went flying into space luckly as he just found out, he can breathe in space, so he didn't die. He couldn't be too happy because Kronos appeared Infront of him.

'FAST' Thought Ichigo.

another punch this time sending him into an asteroid. But then another punch came this time sending him toward what Ichigo presumed was earth, but before he could hit the ground, he was thrown up in the air once again, this time hitting a mountain peak, and falling into its base. Ichigo landed on some rocks which broke, and he started bleeding, well this is something.

"Heh, that should teach you to underestimate me!" Kronos laughed as he walked through the mountain.

"And here I thought I stopped underestimating you, guess i was wrong eh" said Ichigo slowly getting up and using hollowfication he heals up practically instantly.

Kronos grinned, knowing that things might get dangerous, but he couldn't care less. Ichigo, who was still getting up, saw the Titan walk through a large crack in the ground and continued walking forward until he reached the edge of the cliff.

"You think your special, do you? You are nothing compared to me!" Kronos shouted loudly, his voice echoing throughout the area.

"Yah, and?" Ichigo replied.

Kronos stared at the boy with disbelief. What kind of creature has the nerve to reply to him with such insolence? His eyes narrowed and he growled menacingly. "This will end now! Prepare yourself for my attack!" having had enough he decided to end this now, entering his Divine Form

Kronos activated his Divine form. This allowed him to use all of his powers, and more than that, gave him immense power. It also increased his size to about fifty meters tall and gave him a very intimidating presence. Ichigo knew that he could not fight such a foe just hollowfication, and not knowing how powerful his foe truly he was activated his bankai, and stood ready to face his enemy.

Kronos brought back out his infamous scythe and readied it. With one swing, he would end this young man's life. He would destroy him completely, ending any chance of survival. He felt no pity for the boy. Not after his insolence and disrespect towards him. He moved quickly, preparing to strike. Ichigo's Bankai activated along with Blut, preparing a Getsuga Tenshō. Both traveling many times faster than light they clashed. A flash of light and a blinding light erupted.

Thank Mother Earth For what remained would be known as The Mariana Trench in the future.