
Death Gods Wish

He didn’t mean to. He lost control. He wants to go back, but he can’t. He must now learn to live again in a new Reality; he will become the protector once more. TheStoryHungryDemon's profile on Fanfiction. Check out this website about it! https://www.fanfiction.net/~thestoryhungrydemon Go check out my Patreon at patreon.com/TheStoryHungryDemon

TeStoryHungryDemon · Anime & Comics
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DGW Ch.15

(Soul Society.)

The two subordinates, Aylward and Aurelia, exchanged worried glances as they stood vigil over their unconscious leader, Ichigo. The room was quiet, with only the sound of their own breathing breaking the silence. Aurelia suddenly spoke up, breaking the tense atmosphere, "Wait! Let's just let him rest." Aylward, who was visibly concerned, frowned and asked, "But why? Shouldn't we wake him up and explain the situation?" Aurelia calmly shook her head, "No, there's no need for that. He needs to rest and recharge. He expended a lot of energy giving us our new powers, and it's best if we leave him alone until he wakes up on his own."

Aylward was hesitant, but he knew that Aurelia was right. Ichigo needed time to recover. He had used up a great deal of his energy granting them their new abilities, and he was clearly exhausted. So, the two subordinates decided to leave him alone and carry out their duties.

Aurelia was the first to depart, followed closely by Aylward. As they left the room, the door closed with a soft click, leaving Ichigo alone with his thoughts. The palace he had created for himself was vast, and the silence was both peaceful and eerie. It was a strange feeling to be alone in such a grand space.

Moments later, Ichigo's consciousness started to return. His body jolted as he came back to reality, and he opened his eyes to find himself alone. The tranquility of the palace was both calming and disorienting. Ichigo felt a sense of confusion for a moment as he tried to recall what had happened, but eventually, it all came back to him.

He cursed under his breath as he realized he had collapsed. Sitting up, he noticed that his subordinates were no longer there. The room was empty, and he could hear the sound of his own breathing echoing through the vast space. Ichigo looked around, and it became clear that everyone had gone to carry out his orders.

After a few moments of resting, Ichigo finally managed to get to his feet and stretched his sore limbs. As he stood there, he couldn't help but think about how exhausted he was. The last time he had been this tired was when he had created Aylward and Aurelia, and it was only possible to create them with the help of the Soul Society, his domain.

Ichigo let out a heavy sigh, his thoughts spiraling towards the mysterious five individuals who had entered his realm. But he couldn't afford to dwell on it for long as he remembered the boy he had taken under his care. If the boy was wandering alone in his colossal palace, he could easily get lost.

With a sense of urgency, Ichigo made his way towards the massive door and pushed it open. The hallway that lay beyond was vast, stretching into the distance, shrouded in darkness and silence, with only the sound of his footsteps echoing through the emptiness.

As he stepped out into the hallway, Ichigo's senses were heightened, alert for any sign of danger. The air was thick with an eerie stillness, and the darkness seemed to envelop him. He knew that he had to be cautious, for the Soul Society was a dangerous place, filled with all manner of creatures and beings.

Ichigo's first instinct was to check on the boy. He teleported to the boy's room, only to find it empty. He searched every nook and corner of the Soul Society with his sharp senses until he found the boy wandering outside, exploring the lush greenery.

As he watched the boy from afar, Ichigo couldn't resist smiling. It was a strange sensation, looking after a child, something he had not experienced since his human life. Even then, his memories of raising his younger sisters were distant and hazy. But he knew that he had to keep the boy safe, for he sensed that the boy was special, with an aura that resonated deep within him.

As Ichigo approached the boy, he could see the fear and anxiety in the boy's eyes. He stopped moving, giving the boy some space, not wanting to scare him. The boy looked back at him, his expression cautious and unsure. Ichigo could sense that the boy was on edge, ready to bolt at the slightest hint of danger.

"I'm not going to hurt you. I just want to talk," Ichigo said, his voice gentle and reassuring. He could see the boy's guard slowly beginning to drop.

The boy hesitated for a moment before answering, "Chersis." Ichigo could sense the boy's vulnerability, and he knew that he had to be careful with his words.

"That's a good name," Ichigo replied, "It's nice to meet you, Chersis." The boy's eyes widened with wonder, and Ichigo could sense the boy's curiosity.

"Who are you?" the boy asked, his voice laced with a hint of fear. Ichigo could see the boy's anxiety starting to build again.

"My name is Ichigo Kurosaki, and I'm the Soul King," Ichigo replied, aware of the boy's shock and fear. He could see the boy's small body trembling, and he knew that he had to be careful with his actions.

As the boy began to tremble with fear, Ichigo gently put his hand on the boy's shoulder and said, "I'm not going to hurt you, don't worry." Gradually, the boy's trembling subsided, and he began to calm down. Ichigo thought for a moment, remembering that the boy's mother had been granted access to the Soul Society, and although the boy had witnessed his mother's death, her body may be gone but her soul resides here in the Soul Society.

As Ichigo approached the young boy, he could see the mixture of fear and hope in his eyes. "Chersis, your mother's soul is safe," he said gently, "and she's been assigned a district in the Soul Society." The boy's eyes widened in disbelief, and Ichigo could feel his heart rate quicken with anticipation. "Would you like me to take you to her?" he asked.

Chersis looked up at Ichigo, his eyes filled with hope and longing, and nodded eagerly. Ichigo smiled and extended his hand. As the boy took it, the two disappeared, leaving nothing behind except the memory of their encounter.

Moments later, the two appeared in District 0, the first district in the Soul Society. The air was filled with the scent of cherry blossoms, and the landscape was breathtakingly beautiful. As they approached a grassy field, Ichigo could see the outline of a figure in the distance. It was Chersis's mother, standing with her back to them, gazing at the sky.

As they drew closer, the woman turned around, and Ichigo could see the tears in her eyes as she recognized her son. The boy was running towards her, and her heart leaped with joy as she watched him embrace her. The two held each other close, and Ichigo could feel the love between them radiating through the air.

Ichigo remained in the shadows, content to watch the scene unfold. As the boy and his mother held each other close, the love between them was palpable. It was a beautiful moment, and Ichigo could not help but feel a sense of pride at the reunion. He knew that it was the least he could do for the boy whose life had been so harsh and unfair.

After a while, the two broke apart, and the mother turned her attention to Ichigo. Her eyes shone with gratitude and relief as she said, " Thank you so much. I will never forget this." Ichigo smiled and bowed his head, feeling a sense of satisfaction and fulfillment that he had never experienced before. For in that moment, he had helped to reunite a mother and son, and there was no greater gift than that.

Ichigo's face broke into a warm smile, his eyes crinkling at the corners as he nodded in response. "Of course, Chersis. It was the least I could do," he said, his voice kind and reassuring. "You may remain here with your mother for as long as you like. Now, I must bid you farewell, for I have more duties to attend to. But rest assured, I will be back soon. There is much that we need to discuss."

With a final nod, Ichigo's form flickered and disappeared, leaving the mother and son alone in the peaceful silence of the room. Chersis felt a weight lift from his shoulders as he looked at his mother, tears of joy pricking at his eyes. It was thanks to Ichigo that he was able to be here, with her, in this moment. And for that, he was eternally grateful.


In the midst of the ethereal sky, Ichigo stood tall, his piercing gaze surveying every inch of his vast and mighty kingdom, the Soul Society. The sense of belonging he felt in this tranquil and serene afterlife was unmatched. As he cast his eyes across the infinite expanse, his thoughts wandered back to the young boy he had rescued, grateful for the chance to reunite him with his mother.

But as Ichigo's mind began to drift, he quickly snapped back to reality, focusing on his mission. He had to confront the five supposed apprentices of Aurelia and find out who they were and what they were doing in his dominion. Clenching his fists with determination, he marched forward, his senses heightened as he sought out any signs of their presence.

As he soared through the sky, Ichigo's keen eyes scanned the horizon for any unusual activity. His ears pricked up, listening for any faint sounds that might give him a clue. His heart racing with anticipation, he finally caught sight of a group of figures in the distance. He descended upon them without hesitating, ready to face whatever lay ahead.



After narrowly escaping from their father's stomach, Hades and his siblings were left traumatized and vulnerable. During this time, they stumbled upon Aurelia, a kind and compassionate woman who offered them a safe haven. Initially, Hades was hesitant to trust her, but after spending time with her, the siblings began to feel at ease in her presence.

After a few weeks of recuperating, Hera finally mustered the courage to ask Aurelia about her identity. With a warm smile, Aurelia revealed that the Soul King created her to assist him in his duties. She went on to explain that they were in the Soul Society, which served as the afterlife and home for all souls that had passed on from the living world. Souls had the option to be reincarnated or remain in their current forms, free from the suffering and pain of the physical world.

The siblings were fascinated by Aurelia's explanation, and she went on to describe her role as a guide and assistant for the souls that entered the Soul Society. She explained that it was her duty to ensure that every soul received the appropriate treatment and care that they deserved. The siblings were in awe of the complexity and diversity of the afterlife that they had never imagined before.

Hades was curious to know more about the fate of souls, and Aurelia patiently explained that it was not her duty to decide but that of Aylward. He was responsible for determining the fates of souls based on their past actions. Aurelia added that Aylward was a powerful and wise being who ensured that every soul received a just and fair outcome.

Hades was curious to know how the fate of a soul was decided, and Aurelia explained that it was not her duty but that of Aylward. He was responsible for deciding the fate of souls based on their past actions. Hera and Poseidon were eager to meet him, but Aurelia told them that it was not possible at the moment. However, she hinted that it might be possible someday.


Five years had elapsed since the siblings first met Aurelia; during this time, they had formed a close bond with her. Aurelia had become a prominent figure in their lives, acting as a mentor, a friend, and a mother to them. Hades, in particular, had grown to admire her deeply, looking up to her with great respect and affection.

Together, they spent their days learning from Aurelia and growing physically and emotionally stronger. The siblings were grateful for Aurelia's guidance and support, and they felt more connected to each other than ever before.

As time passed, the siblings' curiosity about the Soul Society grew, and they longed to explore the realm and learn more about its inhabitants. At first, Aurelia was hesitant, knowing that the Soul Society was a dangerous place, but eventually, she relented and agreed to allow them to explore under her watchful eye.

Hades was thrilled, eager to explore the mysterious world that had always fascinated him. Hera, on the other hand, was apprehensive, sensing that there was more to the Soul Society than met the eye and feeling unsure if she was ready to face it.

One day, as Aurelia was about to introduce them to the first mortal soul to enter the Soul Society, she suddenly froze. The siblings looked at her, puzzled, sensing that something was amiss. Aurelia turned to them with a gentle smile and explained that the Soul King had summoned her for some important matters.

The siblings were shocked and dismayed that they couldn't accompany her. They wanted to know more about the Soul King and the reason for Aurelia's sudden departure, but Aurelia assured them that it was a private matter and promised to return soon.

Hades and his siblings waited anxiously for Aurelia's return, but there was no need for all the worry, for she had returned mere hours later.


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