
Death Gods Wish

He didn’t mean to. He lost control. He wants to go back, but he can’t. He must now learn to live again in a new Reality; he will become the protector once more. TheStoryHungryDemon's profile on Fanfiction. Check out this website about it! https://www.fanfiction.net/~thestoryhungrydemon Go check out my Patreon at patreon.com/TheStoryHungryDemon

TeStoryHungryDemon · Anime & Comics
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DGW Ch.14

(Soul Society.)

Once Ichigo returns to the soul society, he carefully carries the unconscious boy to one of the many rooms in his grand palace. The room is spacious and airy, with large windows offering a stunning view of the landscape outside. Ichigo gently lays the boy down on the comfortable bed, making sure that he is not in any discomfort. After that, he meticulously arranges the pillows and covers, ensuring that the boy is cozy and warm.

Ichigo then proceeds to the bedside table and places a shiny tray on it. The tray contains an empty cup and a pitcher so the boy can drink water whenever he is thirsty. Ichigo also puts some snacks on the tray, which the boy can munch on whenever he wakes up. Ichigo makes sure that they are fresh and delicious.

Before leaving the room, Ichigo writes a special note for the boy. He ensures that the note is easily understandable, whether the boy can read it or not. The note contains a heartfelt message, assuring the boy that he is safe and cared for. Ichigo hopes that the note will bring comfort to the boy and help him feel less alone in a new, unfamiliar place.

After ensuring the sleeping child is comfortable, he takes a deep breath and disappears into thin air. He reappears in a vast grassy plain, surrounded by the soothing sounds of rustling grass and chirping crickets. Using his incredible Flash-Step technique, he moves through the lush greenery at lightning speed, passing through a variety of different biomes in the blink of an eye. He witnesses towering mountains, crystal-clear lakes, dense forests, and arid deserts, all within a matter of seconds. The breathtaking scenery leaves him in awe as he continues his journey through the diverse landscapes.

Even though this is all part of his realm, he can't help but get mesmerized by it all, but he can do that later. Right now, he must go to Aylward, Aurelia, to not only change the way he set things to work now that he understands how the afterlife works for those who believe and for those who don't, but most importantly, see what has happened the woman's soul that he sent there.

As Ichigo arrives at his destination, he gazes upon the ever-stretching trench, the entrance to where souls are judged. Standing there is Aylward, the gatekeeper of the soul society and the one responsible for the judgment of newly arriving souls. Aylward is a being of unearthly power, towering over most others with sharp and angular features and piercing golden eyes that seem to see into the very core of your being. His pale ivory skin has a faint bluish hue, and he wears a long, flowing black robe with intricate golden trim adorning the hem and sleeves.

Ichigo approaches Aylward, his stride filled with purpose. Aylward looks down at the young soul reaper, his expression unreadable. "Greetings, Lord Ichigo. It has been a while," he says. Ichigo nods and replies, "Yes, it has been, Aylward. How have you been?" Aylward responds, "I am doing well. Thank you for asking. And how are you?"

Ichigo replies, "I'm fine. Thanks for asking. I hope that the woman I sent to you arrived safely." Aylward's expression turns a bit serious as he replies, "Yes, she did. She was judged as worthy of the Soul Society and assigned to District 0, my lord." Ichigo smiles at hearing this and responds, "That's great news." Aylward nods in agreement, "Indeed it is. I'm glad that the woman's soul has found peace."

Ichigo then asks about Aurelia and requests her presence. Aylward frowns slightly as he replies, "She is busy at the moment. She is currently helping one of her students, and her hands are full."

Ichigo raises an eyebrow. Students? There shouldn't be anyone to teach. If he remembered well, and he did, there were only five people in total, including the boy and his mother.


"Yes, students. Lady Aurelia has recently taken in a few children under her wing to train and educate."

Ichigo's mind is reeling with shock at the revelation. How could he have missed the presence of so many beings in his domain? And why was he not informed of their existence before? His confusion is palpable as he inquires, "What do you mean by children? Where did they come from?"

Aylward appears just as bewildered as Ichigo, his voice tinged with uncertainty as he responds, "I don't know, my lord. I'm afraid I don't have an answer to that. But Lady Aurelia has been taking care of them for quite some time now, and she's an excellent teacher."

Ichigo ponders the situation in silence for a brief moment, his expression unreadable.

"We'll put this matter aside for now. There are more pressing issues to address," he declares.

"Yes, my lord," Aylward responds dutifully, his demeanor serious.

With that, Ichigo sends a ripple of his immense power towards Aurelia, signaling her to approach. There's no need for words between them; she knows her lord's summons well.

Seconds later, Ichigo senses the arrival of his servant, the ethereal being of empathy, Aurelia.

Aurelia is a vision of elegance and grace, her platinum blonde hair cascading down her back like a waterfall of molten silver. Her delicate features are accentuated by her pale blue eyes, which seem to shimmer with an otherworldly intensity. Her skin is smooth and unblemished, like fine porcelain and her lips are the shade of a blooming rose. Her slender frame is curvaceous yet toned and athletic, clad in a long, flowing robe of pure white adorned with intricate silver and gold embroidery.

"You summoned me, my lord?" Aurelia's voice is soft and melodic, her eyes meeting Ichigo's unwaveringly.

Ichigo regards her with a solemn expression, his voice low and measured. "Indeed, it is time for some changes. I have learned much during my time in the world of the living, and I have decided that our ways need to evolve."

"As you wish, my lord," Aurelia replies deferentially, her eyes never leaving Ichigo's. She can sense the gravity of the situation and is ready to do whatever is required of her. Ichigo nods his head, pleased with her response. "Good. Then let us begin."

After he said that, he gestured for his subordinates to take a seat on the ground. He then proceeded to elaborate on his plans to enhance their capabilities. The first order of business was to provide Aurelia with the necessary upgrades to enable her to exit the Soul Society and create exact copies of herself on a previously unattainable scale. This upgrade would enable her to be present for every newly departed soul and provide assistance. Additionally, she would be able to send out her clones to perform Konsō on lost souls in the world of the living, which would significantly reduce the workload for him. he couldn't actually give himself such an ability, and he was glad he had created Aurelia.

Ichigo took a deep breath and began to explain the changes that would take place with Aylward. He spoke slowly, ensuring that everyone understood the gravity of the situation. Aylward's new powers would enable him to do things that had once been thought impossible. He would be able to monitor all souls within the Soul Society, regardless of whether they were aware of it or not. This would allow him to feel their intent and determine whether they were worthy of entering his domain or if they should be sent to the Punishment realms.

In addition to these new powers, Aylward would also gain the ability to create his own copies. These clones would be incredibly helpful in managing the influx of souls and ensuring that his domain ran smoothly. However, there were some limitations to this power. Aylward would only be able to create clones within the confines of the Soul Society. This was unlike Aurelia's abilities, which allowed her to create clones anywhere in the universe.

As Ichigo finished speaking, he allowed his subordinates to ask questions or offer suggestions. The air crackled with anticipation as everyone waited for someone to speak up. However, there were no questions or suggestions, only understanding and acceptance. Ichigo smiled, knowing that his plan had been well-received.

With a sense of purpose, he proceeded to exercise his absolute authority and power within the Soul Society, bestowing new abilities to his trusted subordinates. As the air around the three of them shimmered with energy, their powers were increased exponentially. A wave of spiritual pressure emanating from their overwhelming power filled the area and surged outward in all directions.

Ichigo, the Soul King, watched his subordinates intently, carefully observing their reactions to the changes. Aurelia and Aylward seemed to be handling the situation well as both of their bodies began to emit a soft, radiant glow, showcasing their newfound abilities.

Upon testing her powers, Aurelia's body began to emit a captivating silvery-blue light. The power surged through her veins, filling her with an indescribable feeling of exhilaration. As the air around her crackled with energy, Aurelia created dozens of identical copies of herself, each one with an aura of sheer power.

On the other hand, Aylward's body emitted a brilliant golden light as he also tested his newly acquired abilities. The immense weight of responsibility that came with his powers was palpable, but he knew he could handle it. As his clones appeared, each one a perfect copy of himself, Aylward felt a collective consciousness within his mind, making him a part of something bigger than himself.

The world around them was shaking, the sheer power contained in the three beings in the middle shaking the very foundations of the world.

As everything began to settle down, Ichigo was about to inquire about Aurelia's supposed students when suddenly his body seized up. The next thing he knew, his mind went blank, and he collapsed on the floor, leaving his subordinates bewildered and panicked.

Aurelia frantically looked around, and upon seeing her lord collapsed, her heart skipped a beat. Even with Aylward's enhanced senses, he could not figure out what had happened to their leader.

Ichigo Kurosaki, the Soul King, was sound asleep on the ground, completely exhausted from the immense power he had bestowed upon his subordinates.



Now, to answer some unquestioned questions,

Ichigo can only create Souls within the Soul Society because it's his domain, aka Home Field. In no way would he be able to accomplish such things if he were to go out in the world of the living, and you might be asking, 'then why is he exhausted?'

Simple, he is NOT a god or a primordial, as he refused the offer from Khaos. Ichigo does not have the power to create, but he can alongside his domain, The Soul Society.

I need any ideas you all have on what type of powers the power of Hope and Faith can do because Ichigo does indeed have the power of Hope and Faith given to him by chaos, Although he doesn't realize he has the literal concepts of them. Do leave reviews on your thoughts on the powers I stated above, or should I just let it pass as Khaos saying an Idiom?

I will let you all in on something; keep in mind That as time goes on, the gods will learn of spiritual energy, and when they do, they won't be so weak.

Total time passed in the Soul Society with the absence of Ichigo - 5 years

To read two chapters ahead, check out my P t r & on . c 0 m / TheStoryHungryDemon