
Death Gods Wish

He didn’t mean to. He lost control. He wants to go back, but he can’t. He must now learn to live again in a new Reality; he will become the protector once more. TheStoryHungryDemon's profile on Fanfiction. Check out this website about it! https://www.fanfiction.net/~thestoryhungrydemon Go check out my Patreon at patreon.com/TheStoryHungryDemon

TeStoryHungryDemon · Anime & Comics
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25 Chs

DGW Ch. 22

(In the dimension of the Fates.)

The Fates, three women who had always been responsible for weaving the threads of fate that bound the world together, were facing a challenge like never before. They had always been in control of the destiny of the Gods and mankind alike, but today they were perplexed, angry, and afraid. A single orange string had disrupted their work and challenged their authority.

The orange string had a peculiar aura around it, something that the Fates had never experienced before. It was like the string had a life of its own, and it was growing stronger every day. No matter how hard they tried to reform all the strings of fate and create new ones, the orange string appeared out of nowhere, disrupting their progress. It was now a constant presence, flowing through their dimension, making them unable to create a new string.

The orange string was different from all the other strings. It had a unique texture, and it was more resilient than any of the other strings. The Fates had tried to cut it, burn it, freeze it, and even drown it in the waters of the underworld, but nothing worked. The orange string was always there, mocking them, challenging their authority, and disrupting their work.

The Fates were at a loss as to what to do. They were confused as to why this orange string was immune to their powers. They had always been the ones in control, and yet, this orange string was now challenging their authority. It was like an invisible force was protecting the string, making it impossible to remove. They had never encountered anything like this before, and it left them feeling vulnerable and uncertain about the future.

The orange string had become a source of frustration and anxiety for the Fates. They had always been in control, but now they were unable to complete their work because of this single string. It was disrupting their work, making them feel powerless, and leaving them with a sense of uncertainty. They knew that they had to find a solution to this problem as it was now disrupting their work and making them feel vulnerable.

The Fates' curiosity over the mysterious orange string was finally put to rest when they discovered that it belonged to none other than Ichigo Kurosaki. The news of Ichigo's existence and origins had spread throughout the universe, and the Fates knew that they had to take swift action. They saw Ichigo as a formidable threat to their authority and the very balance of the universe, and they were determined to eliminate him and erase his very existence from history.

The Fates were aware that Ichigo's existence posed a grave danger to their rule, and they could not tolerate any challenge to their power. For them, Ichigo was an unknown variable that could potentially upset the delicate balance they had established and threaten their very existence as the ultimate beings in control of the universe. The Fates knew that if they did not act quickly, Ichigo could become an even bigger threat in the future, and they could not allow that to happen.

The Fates saw Ichigo as a challenge to their power and authority, a force that they could not allow to persist. They knew that allowing Ichigo to exist would be a sign of weakness on their part, and it would mean accepting that their time as the ultimate beings in charge of the universe was coming to an end. This was unacceptable to the Fates, and they were determined to maintain their authority at any cost. Thus, they resolved to eliminate Ichigo before he could become a bigger threat to their status quo.

The Fates were not entirely foolish, as they were aware that Ichigo was just one of many who could potentially pose a threat to their authority. They understood that there were other beings out there who could challenge their power and undermine them, but they were few in number. However, Ichigo was far worse than any of the others as his existence alone was a direct challenge to the very concept of fate and the Fates themselves.

They had to find a way to eliminate Ichigo once and for all, but the Fates were well aware that such a task would not be easy. They were not stupid, and they knew that Ichigo was not an easy being to kill. However, they were confident that with the right strategy, they could succeed in eliminating him and restoring the balance of the universe. After all, no being, no matter how powerful, was invincible, and the Fates were certain that they could find a way to defeat Ichigo and remove him from existence.

The Fates were confident in their ability to eliminate Ichigo and restore the balance of the universe. They were certain that they would succeed, and they were willing to do whatever it took to achieve their goal. Luckily for them, the oh-so-foolish titan king had somewhat followed his original fate that was now gone, they may not be able to create and alter the strings of fate because of that blasted Ichigo but they sure as hell manipulate the mad titan and any other foolish war hungry gods to join him and take down Ichigo, thus restoring the balance of the universe.

But the Fates were unaware that they were being manipulated by a greater force, a force far more powerful than themselves. A force that had its sights set on Ichigo, a force that was determined to make him its own. A force that was determined to use him as its tool to bring about a new era, an era of chaos and prosperity. The Fates were merely puppets, pawns in a much larger game, and they were about to play their role in the grand scheme of things.



It had been a full twenty-four hours since he had returned to the Soul Society after meeting with Aurelia, whom he had given the green light to enter the world of the living and perform the tasks he had assigned her. After that, he convened with his students and made the decision that it was time to take them out of the confines of the Soul Society and expose them to the living world. He believed that this would allow them to gain a better understanding of reality and acclimate themselves to the outside world.

His intention was that, as they gained more experience and self-awareness, they would become more receptive to their Zanpakuto, which they had recently learned the names of, and finally achieve their Bankai. To facilitate this process, each of them was given a clone of Aurelia to travel with. He was of the opinion that it was high time that the group was separated so that they wouldn't become overly dependent on each other. It was important that they each developed as individuals. Furthermore, it would be good for them to see more of the world and expand their horizons.

Two hours had passed since they all departed for the world of the living, leaving him alone in the Soul Society. Even the primary Aurelia had left for the living world, having created billions of clones inside the Atonement Realm to assist any new souls that arrived. Since they were still in the Soul Society, they had access to almost limitless spiritual energy, which would undoubtedly come in handy in their mission.

Ichigo was in a deep meditative state, trying to clear his mind and focus on his thoughts. He was sitting cross-legged on a rock in the middle of a vast sea, surrounded by the peaceful sound of waves lapping against the rocks. The water was calm and still, reflecting the clear blue sky above. Ichigo had chosen this location because it was secluded and quiet, and he could focus on his thoughts without being disturbed.

As he meditated, Ichigo felt his body relax and his breathing become steady and calm. His eyes were closed, and his hands rested on his knees. He had been sitting there for some time, letting his thoughts drift and his mind wander. He could feel the tension in his body melting away, and he felt himself becoming more and more attuned to his surroundings.

Suddenly, he felt a click inside him, and everything changed. In a matter of moments, he felt as if he was experiencing the entire cosmos all at once. He could sense the spiritual energies of all living things, not just in the Soul Society but also in the world of the living. It was overwhelming, and he had to make a conscious effort to focus his attention on one area at a time.

He could see the spirits of humans, animals, and plants, and he could feel the souls of gods and goddesses, as well as the souls of mortals. The energy emanating from the earth itself was palpable to him, and it was as if the entire world was a web of spiritual energy, and Ichigo could see it all.

As he gazed upon the universe in wonder, he saw countless stars, planets, and galaxies, all connected in some way that he could sense but couldn't fully comprehend. The sheer magnitude of it all left him dumbfounded.

However, just as quickly as he had accessed this state, he felt himself being hit by a wave of emotions so intense that it felt like a planet had punched him. He experienced fear, hope, anger, love, hate, compassion, greed, jealousy, and a million other feelings all at once. It was overwhelming, and he felt his body shaking uncontrollably as tears streamed down his face. He struggled to maintain his composure and not pass out.

He could hear his heartbeat echoing throughout his ears, and he felt like his heart was about to burst. His vision blurred as he struggled to stay conscious, and his lungs burned as he struggled to breathe. He was drowning in a sea of emotions, and it wasn't just emotions; he saw life and death; he saw children born, children die, all the way to stars being born and dying. He saw the endless cycle of life and death, and he saw it all.

Then, everything faded to black.

Ichigo opened his eyes to find himself in a vast, empty void that seemed to go on forever. The darkness engulfed him, and he couldn't see anything around him. As he tried to make sense of his surroundings, he sensed a strange presence around him.

Suddenly, millions of beings appeared, surrounding him from all sides. They were varied in shape, color, and gender, and all seemed to be looking at him with their consciousness. Ichigo was taken aback by the sheer number of beings that surrounded him, but he remained calm and collected.

Just as Ichigo was about to question who and what they were, the voices began to speak. Each one spoke a single word, creating a symphony of sound that echoed through the void. Some voices were masculine, others feminine, some child-like, and others ancient. Some were even downright creepy.

As the voices continued to speak, they slowly merged into a single voice that was both powerful and soft. It resonated deep within Ichigo's soul, and he felt like every fiber of his being was vibrating in response. The voice spoke of eons past and eons yet to come, and Ichigo was in awe of its power and wisdom.


And, just like that, the blackness turned into white; he found himself back on the rocky shore, staring at the endless expanse of the ocean in front of him. He blinked rapidly, trying to make sense of what had just happened, and muttered incredulously, "What the fuck was that?" Despite his confusion, there was no response to his question. The only sound he could hear was the gentle lapping of the waves against the rocks.



Minus well say it, but remember Ichigo is not a God or an actual primordial, as he wasn't born at the beginning of the universe or likewise, but at the same time, is a primordial. I guess a better word would be Origin; Ichigo has become the origin point of all that he has brought into the Percy Jackson universe, and of course, becoming an origin point comes with some insane perks, as you have seen.

Now, as always, thanks for reading!