
Death Gods Wish

He didn’t mean to. He lost control. He wants to go back, but he can’t. He must now learn to live again in a new Reality; he will become the protector once more. TheStoryHungryDemon's profile on Fanfiction. Check out this website about it! https://www.fanfiction.net/~thestoryhungrydemon Go check out my Patreon at patreon.com/TheStoryHungryDemon

TeStoryHungryDemon · Anime & Comics
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DGW Ch. 21

Cringy Ahh Chapter....


Ichigo had reason to be happy. It had taken him two long years, full of countless meetings with every Sky god from each pantheon, but he had finally come to an agreement. The deal he had brokered meant that he and his companions were now allowed free access to any of the Pantheon's territories.

They could pass on any souls that he had officially named Lost Souls and have them judged within the soul society. As part of the deal, Ichigo had even been allowed to have a small part in the creation of a new law, which stated that no Pantheon or its members should harm a Lost Soul unless the Lost Soul had first harmed the Pantheon or its members. This was a Law that he had made sure was included in the deal.

The Pantheons had been confused by this new law, but Ichigo had seen proof that mortal souls were changing, and he wanted to make sure that any Lost Soul that was found was protected and given a fair chance.

The Pantheons had reluctantly agreed, but he had noticed the looks of concern on their faces, and he could understand why. If the souls of mortals changed and started to become stronger and more powerful, then it would mean that the balance of power between the Pantheons would be affected, and this could potentially lead to conflict.

Despite this growing tension, there was still a sense of hope among the gods. After all, if the Pantheons could learn to work together, then perhaps the war could be avoided, and a new era of peace and prosperity could be ushered in. However, that war would not occur any time soon, as all eyes were on the Titans and, more specifically, Kronos, who had taken a stand against his new alliance with the Pantheons. He had even gone so far as to threaten the Pantheons and the alliance between them openly.

The news had caused an uproar among the gods, and many of them were calling for Kronos's head. The Titans had always been a thorn in the side of the gods, and it seemed that Kronos was unwilling to let bygones be bygones. It was one of the topics Ichigo had discussed during his meetings with the Sky gods. He had told them that they should leave this matter to him, as it was his fault that this entire situation had arisen, and he would deal with it.

The Sky gods had not been pleased with his proposal, but they had reluctantly agreed. However, Ichigo could see that they would not be able to hold their anger and frustration back for much longer. After all, they, too, were insulted. The only god who didn't react was a blond man named Yahweh, the God of the Christian faith. When Ichigo mentioned Kronos and the Titans, Yahweh simply said, "Do not worry about Kronos. Let him stew in his rage. We shall see who has the last laugh."

The other gods had looked at him in surprise, but the blond man had simply smiled and said, "Kronos will get his comeuppance in time." Yahweh's words had reassured the other gods, and they had agreed to let Ichigo handle the situation. Despite the looming threat of war and conflict, Ichigo knew that he could not back down. He had made a promise to protect the Lost Souls, and he intended to keep that promise, no matter what.

As soon as he secured the agreement between the Pantheons, he couldn't wait to return to the Soul Society to check up on his students, who were now under the guidance of Aurelia. Ichigo opened a Garganta and stepped through it, feeling a rush of excitement and anticipation. As he emerged on the other side, he took in the sights and sounds of the Soul Society, marveling at its beauty and tranquility. With a sense of purpose, he closed the portal behind him, ready to embark on his next adventure.

Ichigo's footsteps echoed down the long hallway as he made his way towards Aurelia's room. He knocked on the door, and it opened to reveal a surprised Aurelia. Her deep brown eyes widened in shock as she looked at Ichigo with awe and reverence. She blinked a few times, taking a step back, her mouth slightly open in surprise. Ichigo couldn't help but grin as he noticed her reaction.

"Well, it's good to see you too," he said, chuckling.

Aurelia's cheeks flushed slightly as she composed herself. "My apologies, My lord. I just wasn't expecting you."

Ichigo's grin faded, and he placed his hand on Aurelia's shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze. "There is no need to apologize," he said. "I should have given you some notice, but things have been quite busy."

Aurelia nodded. "Of course, My lord. I understand," she replied. "Please, come in," she said, motioning for Ichigo to enter.

Ichigo stepped inside, taking in the neat and tidy furniture, simple and functional with no decorations or personal touches to be seen. He glanced around her room, noting the few books on her desk and the neatly made bed.

"So, what brings you here, my lord?" Aurelia asked, her voice hesitant.

"I'm here to check on you and the students," Ichigo answered. "It has been a long time since we last spoke, and I wanted to see how everyone is doing."

Aurelia led Ichigo into the main room, and they sat down on the couches. She then began to explain the situation, her voice filled with pride. "Well, first, it was Hestia who achieved Shikai only after entering her inner world, and then..." Ichigo listened with rapt attention as Aurelia explained everything that had happened. He was impressed by the progress that had been made.

"Have they achieved Bankai?" Ichigo asked.

Aurelia looked surprised, but her expression quickly became thoughtful. "Well, there's something I've been wondering. How did you achieve yours so quickly?"

Ichigo thought back to that fateful day. It seemed so long ago now. "I didn't have a choice," he said. "I had to reach Bankai. My friends were in danger, and I needed all the power I could get. Why do you ask?"

Aurelia frowned, then said, "Well, the others have been working towards achieving Bankai, but so far, they've had no luck. They've even entered their inner worlds and explored their inner worlds. They've done everything that I have told them, but it's just not working."

Ichigo could see the frustration etched on Aurelia's face. She clearly cared a lot about her students, and she wanted them to succeed. Ichigo couldn't blame her. She had been through a lot, and she deserved to see her students succeed.

Ichigo sighed, then said, "Maybe it's because they're trying too hard."

"What do you mean?" Aurelia asked, her brow furrowed.

"Maybe they're trying too hard," Ichigo repeated. "Maybe they're so focused on trying to achieve Bankai that they're missing the point. Maybe they need to relax and just let it happen."

Aurelia looked thoughtful. "That could be it," she said. "I'll try talking to them and see if I can get them to relax."

Ichigo gave her a warm smile. "Don't worry; I'll talk to them too. I've been through this, and I know how hard it is. Trust me, the harder you try, the more difficult it becomes. You just have to relax and let it happen."

"Thank you, my lord," Aurelia said, her eyes shining with gratitude.

"No problem," Ichigo replied. "Now, I do want to tell you something very important."

Aurelia's eyes widened with curiosity.

"I have formed an alliance between all the Pantheons, and now we are free to enter any of their territories and konso any lost souls we find. So, from now on, Aurelia, you are free to go into the world of the living whenever you like."

Aurelia gasped. "Are you serious, my lord?"

"Of course I am," Ichigo said. "This will give you a lot more freedom and a lot more opportunities. It also means that you will not need to stay here all the time anymore."

Aurelia's eyes widened.

"Although you still need to do your job, and that's where your clones come into place, and you can send them out to the world of the living to search for lost souls or even just to visit the living world," Ichigo explained.

Aurelia nodded. "I'll do my best, my lord," she said, her expression determined.

Ichigo could see that she was both excited and nervous. This would be a big change for her, but he knew that she would rise to the challenge. He had faith in her.

"I have no doubt, Aurelia," he said, his voice filled with warmth.

He got up from the couch and headed towards the door, Aurelia following behind him. As he opened the door, he turned and said, "Let's go see the brats."

Aurelia nodded, a smile on her lips, and the two disappeared with a flash step, leaving a buzz that resounded through the halls as the two disappeared, and then everything was silent.


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