
Death Gods Wish

He didn’t mean to. He lost control. He wants to go back, but he can’t. He must now learn to live again in a new Reality; he will become the protector once more. TheStoryHungryDemon's profile on Fanfiction. Check out this website about it! https://www.fanfiction.net/~thestoryhungrydemon Go check out my Patreon at patreon.com/TheStoryHungryDemon

TeStoryHungryDemon · Anime & Comics
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DGW Ch. 18

(One week later.)

Ichigo had gathered his young apprentices in a quiet and secluded part of the Soul Society's training field to discuss the next phase of their training. As their spiritual powers were advancing rapidly, he knew it was time to expand their skills. The group, standing in a semi-circle around him, listened intently as he explained the next step, eager to learn.

"The next phase of your training is simple," Ichigo began. "I want you to practice controlling your spiritual energy."

Ichigo instructed them to find an isolated area and practice summoning their spiritual energy. "Focus on your spiritual pressure and channel it into your palm," he said, demonstrating with his own hand. "It will take some time, but with enough practice, you'll be able to do it without even thinking about it."

Chersis and the Olympians nodded in agreement, determined to succeed in this new task. Ichigo gave them a reassuring smile. "Don't worry if it takes a while. Remember, it took me years to perfect my control."

The group dispersed, each going their separate ways to find a place to practice. Chersis and the Olympians walked around the Soul Society, searching for a suitable place to practice. After a while, Chersis came across a secluded clearing in the forest and decided to try his luck there. He took a deep breath and focused on summoning his spiritual energy. Slowly but surely, he managed to form a small ball of energy in his palm. A smile of satisfaction appeared on his face.

However, as Chersis continued to practice, he found himself struggling to maintain his concentration. His spiritual energy was constantly fluctuating, sometimes increasing and other times decreasing. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't seem to keep his spiritual energy consistent. He gritted his teeth in frustration. He had been practicing for hours, and yet he still couldn't get his spiritual energy under control. What was he doing wrong?

"Is this really the limit of my abilities?" he wondered.

Just then, a familiar voice called out to him. "It seems you're having some trouble."

Chersis turned to see the source of the voice, and his eyes widened in surprise. Standing before him was none other than Ichigo, his master. "I'm not surprised," Ichigo continued. "You've only just started, and already you're trying to take on more than you can handle."

"But, Master, I..." Chersis stammered, trying to defend himself.

"There's no need to justify yourself," Ichigo said calmly. "We all struggle when we first begin our journey."

Chersis sighed, defeated. "So, what should I do, Master?" he asked.

Ichigo smiled, placing a hand on Chersis's shoulder. "The first step is to accept that you can't control everything," he replied. "It's important to learn to accept the things beyond your control and focus on what you can control."

Chersis thought about this for a moment before nodding in agreement. "You're right, Master. I'll try to focus on what I can control."

"That's the spirit," Ichigo said, giving Chersis a pat on the back. "Remember, it's not about the results, but the effort."

Ichigo bid his apprentice farewell and left him to his training. As Chersis watched his master walk away, he couldn't help but feel inspired by Ichigo's words. He was determined to continue his training and not give up, even if it took him years to master.


Hera was in the Soul Society, practicing her spiritual energy control, but she was facing difficulty maintaining her focus. Her energy levels were fluctuating wildly, and she felt like something was interfering with her concentration, making it impossible for her to control her spiritual pressure.

She clenched her fists in frustration, muttering under her breath, and tried to regain her composure. However, the more she tried, the harder it became. Suddenly, she felt a presence behind her, causing her to jump in surprise. Turning around, she saw Ichigo standing before her with a calm smile on his face.

"It's alright," Ichigo said in a soothing tone. "I'm here to help you."

Hera gasped and addressed him as "Master."

Ichigo took a seat beside her and asked her what was troubling her.

"I don't know what's wrong," Hera sighed. "I've been trying to control my spiritual energy, but it's like something is interfering with my concentration. No matter how hard I try, I can't seem to focus."

Ichigo gave a moment's thought and realized that Hera was a goddess, and her powers were different from that of a human. "It's likely the interference of your divine energy," Ichigo mused.

Hera was surprised and repeated, "My divine energy?"

"I believe that's what it's called. I'm not sure because I'm not a god myself, but it's likely what's preventing you from focusing," Ichigo explained.

Hera understood and asked, "But how do I deal with this? How do I control my divine energy?"

"Well, for starters, I think you need to relax," Ichigo suggested. "The more stressed out you are, the more difficult it will be to focus."

Hera let out a sigh, closed her eyes, and took a few deep breaths. After a moment, she opened her eyes, and her expression was calmer and more relaxed.

"There, that's better," Ichigo said. "Now, close your eyes and focus on your spiritual energy. Imagine it as a river flowing through your body. Don't try to stop or control it; just let it flow."

As Ichigo spoke to Hera, he used an ability only available in the Soul Society. He could see the divine energy inside her and could see what he had said was true; the divine energy was interfering with her ability to control her spiritual pressure. While talking to Hera, he closed his eyes, reached out, and grabbed a handful of her divine energy. It was warm and tingling, like electricity, but with a strange, ethereal quality to it.

"Now, I want you to visualize a dam," Ichigo said, guiding the flow of the divine energy through his hand. "Picture a wall, strong and sturdy, that can withstand the pressure of a mountain."

Hera did as instructed, imagining a huge, solid wall blocking the flow of her divine energy. Ichigo continued to guide the divine energy, directing it through the imaginary dam and letting it flow freely.

"There, that should do it," Ichigo said, opening his eyes and releasing his hold on the divine energy.

Hera opened her eyes, looking down at her hands. They were glowing blue with a hint of gold, and she could now feel both her spiritual energy and divine energy.

"How did you do that?" Hera asked, awed.

"I simply helped you gain control over your divine energy," Ichigo explained. "As long as you maintain the dam, you should be able to control both your divine and spiritual energy."

Hera nodded, determination shining in her eyes. She was determined to master her newfound control over her powers, no matter how difficult it might be.

"Thank you, Master," she said as she jumped and hugged Ichigo.

Ichigo chuckled, hugging Hera back. "You're welcome," he said. "Remember, if you ever have any questions or problems, you can always come to me."

"I will," Hera promised before bowing and heading off to resume her training.


Meanwhile, in another part of the Soul Society, Hades and Poseidon were engaged in an epic battle. The sound of their clashing weapons echoed through the air as they exchanged swift and precise blows aimed at delivering a fatal strike.

Poseidon's odachi clashed against Hades's bident, and the two weapons locked together in a fierce struggle. The two gods stared each other down, their faces just inches apart, their eyes filled with fury and determination.

Above them, Ichigo, with his ability to see all, watched from high in the sky. He could sense the divine and spiritual energies within Poseidon and Hades becoming more refined as they battled, just like his own abilities.

Suddenly, Poseidon's face twisted into a mischievous smirk, and with lightning speed, he kicked Hades's legs out from under him, sending him sprawling onto the ground. With his odachi held at Hades's throat, Poseidon asked, "Do you yield?"

But Hades, the proud and fierce God of the Underworld, growled in defiance, refusing to give up. "Never!" he declared, ready to continue the battle with all his might.

Satisfied he approached Hestia and Demeter, utilizing his 'omniscience' ability. The two goddesses were standing side by side, practicing their spiritual energy control. Both of them had their eyes closed, their hands raised in front of them, and focused on channeling their spiritual pressure. Despite their different methods, they appeared to be struggling to maintain their concentration.

Hestia's spiritual energy was erratic and chaotic, while Demeter's was sluggish and lethargic. Neither could keep a steady flow consistently. Ichigo sensed that their divine energies were interfering with their spiritual energy control, just like Hera. He could feel their frustrations as their control faltered once again.

As Ichigo descended and approached them, Hestia and Demeter opened their eyes and bowed their heads in greeting. "What brings you here, Ichigo?" Hestia asked.

"I've come to help you with your training," Ichigo replied. Hestia and Demeter looked at each other, puzzled. "How are you going to assist us?" Hestia asked.

"I can see the divine energy inside you, and I can tell that it's interfering with your ability to control your spiritual pressure," Ichigo explained.

Hestia gasped and nodded in agreement. "Of course! It all makes sense now," she said.

Demeter, who was still confused, asked, "Wait, are you saying that the reason we're having trouble controlling our spiritual pressure is because of our divinity?"

"That's precisely what I'm saying," Hestia replied.

"Then, how do we fix it?" Demeter asked.

"The same way we fix anything else, by practice," Hestia said, grinning. Ichigo sensed their excitement as they renewed their focus on controlling their spiritual pressure.

Ichigo couldn't help but be amazed by Hestia's ingenuity. Without his aid, she had found a different way to use the two energies within her. Initially, they were separate and clashing with one another. Then, her divine energy split into millions of microscopic threads that connected to the strands of her spiritual energy. This created an intricate network that allowed the two energies to flow freely, allowing her to wield both her divine and spiritual powers effortlessly.

Ichigo could feel her spiritual energy becoming more refined as she continued to practice, and soon, she was able to channel it with ease. However, Demeter was still struggling, and Ichigo could feel her frustration. Her divine energy was constantly disrupting her spiritual energy, preventing her from attaining a consistent level of control. Ichigo decided to help her.

"Demeter, let me give you a hand," Ichigo said, moving closer.

Demeter was surprised, and her eyes widened as Ichigo's hand touched hers. "W-What are you doing?" she stammered, blushing.

"Don't worry. I'm just going to help you control your divine energy," Ichigo reassured her.

Demeter's eyes widened even more, and her face turned a golden hue. She wasn't used to being so close to someone, especially a man other than her brothers and Chersis, who was just a boy. Suddenly, he let go and said, "Now close your eyes and try again."

"O-Okay," Demeter replied, closing her eyes and trying to concentrate on her spiritual pressure.

Ichigo repeated the same process he had done with Hera, guiding Demeter's divine energy and connecting it to her spiritual energy through a dam. As the divine and spiritual energies flowed through the imaginary dam, they merged into a single, cohesive network. Demeter was surprised when she suddenly felt a surge of power, and her spiritual pressure immediately stabilized, becoming stronger and more stable.

"This...this is amazing!" Demeter exclaimed, opening her eyes.

"It's all thanks to you, Ichigo," Hestia said, smiling gratefully.

"Don't mention it," Ichigo replied. "I'm just glad I could help."

Hestia and Demeter smiled at him and thanked him once again for his assistance. Ichigo returned their smiles, feeling a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment. He had helped these two goddesses gain control over their divine and spiritual energies, and he was confident that they would be able to use their powers to their full potential.

As Ichigo bid farewell to his friends, his mind became overwhelmed with thoughts, causing his expression to turn cold and distant. His eyes filled with a foreboding darkness as if he was carrying a heavy burden. Although he couldn't quite understand why, he felt a strong urge to return to the world of the living. Every step he took felt heavy and uncertain as if he was moving towards something that he couldn't quite grasp.



Okay, so here I will explain how the six of Ichigo's students are different and similar to each other. First, Chersis simply has so much spiritual energy that he just has no control, like Ichigo.

There is also the fact that how come they all have the same pattern on their zanpakuto? How odd. There can't possibly be something that would happen if you were to, Ohh, I don't know, be forging your essence and soul with five others at the same time at the SAME FORGE!... anyway Ichigo could have never possibly made such oppsie right?

Now, unlike Chersis, who is Only "Human," right? The Olympians and any other divine being who wishes to use Spiritual Energy with their Divine Energy would have some trouble doing that because, in this universe, Spiritual energy and Divine Energy are two completely different things, and they would need to find a way to balance it like Ichigo had helped with Hera with building a dam that blocks her Divine Energy from touching her Spiritual Energy, the dam would slowly pour the Divine Energy into her Spiritual energy unlike before where the two would clash.

Speaking of clashing, that's where Hades and Poseidon come in. In the first place, Hades is already more attuned to Spiritual Energy due to his very existence, and this also applies to those similar to Hades; now into the main topic, Hades and Poseidon had tried the way Ichigo told them, but after failing, they got into an argument which led to a little fight, and this led them to the fact that the more they battled, the more there two energy clashed and mixed. The more stable they became with each other. Now, this only explains how four of the Olympians had achieved balance, not balance.

Hestia, well, she is quite literally built differently. Can you imagine the fact that she can manipulate her Divine Energy like that speaks for itself of her control. Now that I have explained that, I'll let in on a little secret... If the Soul Society and all the Spiritual energy were practically none nonexistent before the arrival of Ichigo, and in the original Story, there, of course, was never an Ichigo or a Soul Society, the reason all the gods were fading when humanity no longer believed in them was because they weren't complete... I'll leave this here.

What about demigods? Huh, what an odd combo.

ANYWAYS. As always, thanks for reading!

To read two chapters ahead, check out my P t r & on . c 0 m / TheStoryHungryDemon

To read two chapters ahead, check out my P t r & on . c 0 m / TheStoryHungryDemon

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