
Death Gods Wish

He didn’t mean to. He lost control. He wants to go back, but he can’t. He must now learn to live again in a new Reality; he will become the protector once more. TheStoryHungryDemon's profile on Fanfiction. Check out this website about it! https://www.fanfiction.net/~thestoryhungrydemon Go check out my Patreon at patreon.com/TheStoryHungryDemon

TeStoryHungryDemon · Anime & Comics
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25 Chs


Ichigo stood in the sky, surrounded by the vastness of the Soul Society sprawling out below him. The gentle breeze caressed his skin as he lost himself in his thoughts, trying to comprehend his instincts pulling him towards the world of the living. The horizon was a beautiful blend of oranges and pinks as the sun began to set, spreading its warm hues across the sky.

As he shifted his gaze, his eyes fell upon his proteges, who were practicing their control and combat techniques with great enthusiasm. They were all at different levels of progress, but Ichigo was proud of the effort and dedication they were putting into their training. He felt a sense of pride swell within him, his heart filling up with warmth as he watched them hone their skills. A faint smile crept across his lips, and he knew it was time to leave.

"Aurelia," Ichigo called out, his voice strong and firm.

Aurelia appeared behind him, her head bowed in respect.

"I must return to the world of the living," Ichigo said, his eyes fixated on his apprentices. "Will you watch over my students?"

Aurelia lifted her head and smiled, "It would be an honor, my lord."

"Good," Ichigo replied, his lips curving into a faint smile. "Make sure they keep up with their training."

"Of course, my lord," Aurelia replied, giving a small bow. "I shall ensure that they train hard."

Ichigo's gaze softened, and he bowed his head in thanks. With a final look at his apprentices, he turned around and raised his right hand. In a swift motion, he slashed the air, opening a Garganta, and with a flash step, disappeared into the portal. The sound of the portal closing echoed through the air, leaving his proteges standing in the silence of the Soul Society.


After leaving the Soul Society, Ichigo arrived in the world of the living, feeling a sense of relief wash over him. However, his peaceful moment was interrupted by an unfamiliar voice that greeted him, causing him to become immediately alert and ready to defend himself.

Welcome, Ichigo Kurosaki," the voice said. "I've been expecting you."

Ichigo turned towards the face so fast that his neck could've snapped, and his voice was laced with suspicion as he demanded, "Who are you? What do you want?" The figure standing before him smiled, seemingly unperturbed by Ichigo's hostility, and took a step forward. As he drew closer, he revealed his identity.

"I am Heimdall," he said, introducing himself with a polite nod, "the gatekeeper of Asgard."

Heimdall was a dark-skinned, tall man with a muscular physique that seemed to exude power and confidence. His neck-length braided golden-blond hair and goatee were neatly styled, and a golden-brown blindfold covered his eyes. He wore a blue robe with a yellow sash that flowed around his waist, and he had a golden staff in his right hand that seemed to glow with what Ichigo now knows as divine energy.

Ichigo felt a shudder run down his spine at the mention of his name. He had no idea how Heimdall knew who he was, but he knew that he needed to tread carefully. "What do you want?" Ichigo repeated his question, his voice firm and unyielding.

Heimdall smiled, unfazed by Ichigo's guarded attitude. "I am here on behalf of Odin, The All-Father, and he has requested your presence," he replied, his tone calm and measured.

Ichigo's eyes widened in surprise. Odin, the ruler of the Norse Gods, had summoned him? He couldn't imagine why, but he knew that he needed to be cautious. "What does Odin want with me?" he asked, his voice tinged with suspicion.

"He wishes to speak with you," Heimdall answered, still smiling. "If you will follow me, I will take you to him."

Ichigo hesitated for a moment, unsure if he should trust him. But something in Heimdall's calm demeanor and confident aura made him feel that he could be trusted. Besides, he had always followed his instincts, and they had never let him down before.

"Fine," Ichigo relented, his tone wary but resigned. "Lead the way."

Heimdall nodded and raised his staff, and the air around them began to shimmer with golden light. Before Ichigo could react, a blinding light engulfed them, and they vanished, traveling to a far-off realm. When the light faded, they found themselves standing in front of a majestic palace made of gold and marble, its towering spires reaching towards the sky.

"This is the entrance to Asgard; Welcome, Ichigo," said Heimdall, his tone formal and courteous.

Ichigo looked around in awe, his eyes taking in the breathtaking sight before him. The palace was more magnificent than anything he had ever seen, with its golden walls and sparkling fountains. The gardens were filled with vibrant flowers and lush greenery, and the air was filled with the sweet scent of blooming plants. Everything seemed peaceful, and the sky was a deep shade of blue, unmarred by clouds or storms.

"So, this is the home of the Norse Gods," Ichigo remarked, his voice filled with wonder.

"Yes," Heimdall replied, his own voice tinged with pride. "But I must warn you, not all of the Gods are welcoming to strangers. You must be careful, Ichigo."

"I'm used to people not liking me," Ichigo replied, his voice firm. "Just lead the way."

"Very well," Heimdall consented, his mouth smiling with amusement.

They walked through the entrance, which led to a long, multi-colored path leading to a golden kingdom. They were surrounded by beautiful gardens and fountains that sparkled with the sunlight. Everything seemed peaceful, and the air was filled with the scent of flowers and fresh grass.

As they entered the main palace, Heimdall turned to Ichigo and said, "Ichigo, please be careful. There are some who will not hesitate to harm you, even if you are Odin's guest."

"Don't worry," Ichigo assured him, his eyes scanning the room for any potential dangers. "I can handle myself."

Heimdall smiled and nodded. "Good. Let us proceed then."

They made their way through the corridors, passing by numerous paintings and tapestries that depicted the exploits of the Norse Gods. The walls were adorned with intricate carvings and intricate patterns, and the floors were made of polished marble that shone like glass. At the end of the hall was a pair of large double doors made of solid gold. They approached the door, and Heimdall placed his hand on it, causing it to open, revealing a massive throne room.

Ichigo's eyes widened in awe as they entered the room, taking in the opulent surroundings. The walls were adorned with intricate gold leaf designs, and the pillars were made of the finest marble. Plush carpets cushioned their footsteps as they walked towards the throne at the far end of the room. The chandeliers hanging from the ceiling sparkled with a thousand lights, and every surface was covered in intricate carvings that seemed to tell a story.

As he approached the throne, Ichigo's eyes met the piercing yellow gaze of a figure he recognized instantly - Odin, the ruler of the Norse Gods. The god's long white hair flowed like a river, and his beard was equally long and white. His one eye was a piercing yellow, with the sclera being black. He wore a black eyepatch covering his left eye and a long, dark robe that seemed to shimmer in the light. Despite his apparent age, Odin had a tall, muscular physique, and his skin was pale and weathered but powerful.

"Ah, Ichigo, so good of you to join us," boomed Odin's powerful voice, echoing across the room.

Ichigo felt a sense of unease as he stood face-to-face with Odin.

"Odin," Ichigo said, his voice Stern.

"Indeed," Odin replied, his deep voice echoing through the vast chamber. "And you must be Ichigo Kurosaki."

Ichigo's eyes narrowed. "What do you want?"

"You don't waste time, do you?" Odin chuckled, amused by Ichigo's directness. "Very well, I'll get straight to the point." With a wave of his hand, a table with two chairs was summoned, and he motioned for Ichigo to sit.

Ichigo hesitated for a moment but eventually sat down, still cautious of the god's intentions.

"I'm sure you're wondering why I called you here," Odin began. "It's because I have a proposal for you."

"A proposal?" Ichigo repeated, his curiosity piqued.

"Yes," Odin confirmed. "You see, Ichigo, we are not the only gods in the world. There are many others from different pantheons and cultures. We have a sort of council of gods, if you will, among the different pantheons."

"A council?" Ichigo questioned, intrigued.

"Yes," Odin confirmed. "We meet regularly and discuss issues and concerns regarding our existence."

"So, what does this have to do with me?" Ichigo asked, eager to know more.

"Well, Ichigo, I would like you to join our council," Odin replied, his eyes locking onto Ichigo's.

"Me?" Ichigo asked, shocked.

"Yes," Odin repeated. "You see, Ichigo, you are a unique being, unlike any other that this universe has seen before. You have powers that are not bound by any god or goddess. You are an anomaly, and yet, you have shown nothing but benevolence and kindness to others. You have helped those who cannot protect themselves. It is because of this that I believe you would make an excellent addition to our council."

Ichigo's eyes widened at the unexpected offer. "You want me to join your council? But why?"

"I told you, Ichigo, you are a unique being, and Khaos has, with his benevolence, granted us knowledge about you and the changes you have caused. We also know you had fought Kronos when you arrived in this Universe, and, as far as we are concerned, that makes you our friend. Besides, if what I have heard is true, there is much you can teach us," Odin replied.

'Khaos? Of course, He did give him knowledge; oh well, nothing isn't so simple. As always.' Ichigo thought, processing the new information.

"But," he added, his tone turning serious, "you must also know that, while the members of our council are allies, there are some who may not see you as such. Some may even seek to use you for their own ends, to further their power and influence. You must be wary of them, Ichigo. Some may not hesitate to act against you, should they feel threatened by you."

"So, what are you saying? I should be paranoid?" Ichigo asked, his mind racing with the implications of Odin's warning.

Odin's voice was firm as he replied, "I am saying that you should be aware of those around you and trust only those who have proven themselves worthy of your trust. There are many gods who would seek to gain from your friendship, and some who would seek to take advantage of you. However, there are also those who would use you as a tool to further their own agenda, without regard for your safety or well-being. Therefore, I urge you to tread carefully, Ichigo, and do not give your trust easily. Nevertheless, if you choose to accept my offer, I believe you will make a fine addition to our council."

Ichigo considered Odin's words in silence. He knew that accepting the offer would come with its own set of dangers and challenges, but at the same time, it would offer him a chance to understand the world he now found himself in and perhaps even make a difference.

"I...don't know what to say," Ichigo replied, still uncertain.

"Say nothing," Odin said. "Just consider my offer and come to a decision. We can talk more after you have had time to think about it."

"Alright," Ichigo said, nodding his head. "I'll do that."

Odin smiled and nodded. "Very good. As you are our guest of honor today, we must have a feast in your name. Heimdall, if you would do the honors," Odin said.

Heimdall waved his staff, and the doors to the throne room opened. A flood of people poured in, each bringing food and drinks. The table was filled with an assortment of delicacies and delicious foods. There were platters of smoked meats, roasted vegetables, and fruits of all kinds. Wine flowed freely, and the music played by the various minstrels was lively and upbeat. Everyone was in a celebratory mood, and the atmosphere was filled with merriment.

"I hope you enjoy the feast, Ichigo," Odin said, grinning.

"Thank you," Ichigo replied, his expression relaxing.

"You're welcome," Odin replied.

Ichigo was surprised, having expected a grumpy, old man. Instead, he found himself in the company of a cheerful and jovial deity. The feast continued for two days, during which time Ichigo became acquainted with the members of the Norse pantheon. He met Thor, the God of Thunder, who was initially reserved but warmed up after a few ales. Thor regaled Ichigo with stories of his adventures and battles.

Ichigo also met Baldr, the God of Light, whose presence filled the room with warmth. Baldr's wife, Nanna, the Goddess of Peace and Joy, accompanied him. Baldr and Nanna shared tales of their travels and experiences.

Odin also introduced his wife, Frigga, who was kind and welcoming. Frigga invited Ichigo to sit with her and share stories about her life as a goddess and as a wife and mother and he shared some stories of his own completely comfortable in her presence.

"I hope you like the food, Ichigo," Frigga said, smiling.

"It's delicious," Ichigo replied, returning her smile.

"I'm glad to hear that," she replied. "It's been a long time since we had a feast this grand."

"Oh? Why's that?" Ichigo asked, curious.

Frigga's smile faded slightly, and she looked down at her plate. "There has been much strife and conflict among the gods in recent years. But with your arrival, it seems that the tides may be turning. Perhaps this feast is a sign of better times to come."

Ichigo listened to Frigga's words and felt a sense of responsibility for the events that had transpired. It was because of his presence that things were out of order, and yet, he could not bring himself to regret his decisions. After all, it was his desire to help and protect others that led him down this path, and that would never change.

"Perhaps," Ichigo replied, his mind lost in thought, but subconsciously continued, "I'm sure things will get better," his tone confident.

Frigga's expression lightened, and she smiled at him.

Lost in thought, Ichigo mulled over Frigga's words and the events of the night. The rest of the night had been filled with merriment and celebration. Music played, and the halls echoed with laughter and song. Ichigo had spent time talking and laughing with the Norse deities, and though his thoughts had been sometimes far away, he had found himself enjoying the company and the festivities.

As the celebrations came to an end, Ichigo was shown to his room, a spacious and luxurious suite overlooking the palace gardens. He lay in bed, gazing out the window at the starry sky, his mind whirling with thoughts of the offer he had been made and the future that awaited him.

The next morning, Ichigo woke up to the sound of birds chirping and the sun's rays filtering through the windows. He stretched and yawned as he got out of bed and dressed in his usual attire. His mind was clear, and his heart was resolute. He knew what he had to do.

"I guess it's time for me to decide my future," Ichigo said, his eyes filled with determination.

With that, Ichigo opened the door and stepped into the hallway, ready to face the day and the decisions that lay ahead.


Ichigo stood before Odin, his heart beating fast with anticipation. He had spent countless hours considering his offer, weighing the risks and rewards, and trying to envision his future. Now, he was ready to give his answer. His expression was serious, his eyes focused, and his body poised with determination.

Odin regarded Ichigo with his lone eye, his face inscrutable and his demeanor regal. He knew that Ichigo had a difficult choice to make, and he respected Ichigo's resolve and boldness. He waited patiently for Ichigo's response, his gaze unwavering and his voice calm.

"Ichigo, you have had time to think about my offer, have you not?" Odin asked, breaking the silence that hung between them.

Ichigo nodded, his voice steady. "Yes, I have."

"Then, have you made your decision?" Odin asked, his tone neutral and his expression unreadable.

Ichigo took a deep breath, his mind clear and his heart resolute. "Yes, I have made my decision," he replied, his voice clear and determined.

Odin leaned forward, his eye fixed on Ichigo. "Very well, what is your answer?" he asked, his voice low and measured, betraying no hint of emotion.




Good morning, Everyone! Anyway, I hope everyone has enjoyed this chapter and has a great day, and guess what? Alongside this chapter will be an alt version. The alt version was what I first wrote, but I decided it was just not it, so I took it and made this version and, in my opinion, the best version.

This is the canon chapter.

As always, Thanks for reading, and have a spectacular day, my Readers!

To read two chapters ahead, check out my P t r & on . c 0 m / TheStoryHungryDemon

To read two chapters ahead, check out my P t r & on . c 0 m / TheStoryHungryDemon

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