
Death Gods Wish

He didn’t mean to. He lost control. He wants to go back, but he can’t. He must now learn to live again in a new Reality; he will become the protector once more. TheStoryHungryDemon's profile on Fanfiction. Check out this website about it! https://www.fanfiction.net/~thestoryhungrydemon Go check out my Patreon at patreon.com/TheStoryHungryDemon

TeStoryHungryDemon · Anime & Comics
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It's been two days, and Ichigo has been racking his brain for answers. He has no clue as to what he should do next.

He's gone through all the knowledge he has on the history and mythology that he was taught in school...it wasn't much, all he remembered was the key members of Greek mythology which he was in the middle of reading before he got pulled into the world of shinigami.

He knew that Kronos was the father of Zeus, Hades, Hestia, Demeter, Hera, and Poseidon.

He also knew that Hestia was the goddess of the hearth, Demeter the goddess of harvest, Artemis the goddess of the moon, Athena the goddess of wisdom, Apollo the god of the sun, and Ares the god of war.

He doesn't believe they exist yet because if what he remembers is true, then Kronos is still alive, which means they just don't exist or have not been born yet… only time will tell.

Hopefully Kronos doesn't make any rash decisions since Ichigo said he would be back.

Ichigo sat on a hill, gazing at the world around him—his Soul Society, his home.

It had taken him two days to come to terms with where he was, where he belonged, and his feelings about his own actions.

Now what does he do with his life?

Is it right to make a difference here?

Will his actions here make any difference at all?

Ichigo was lost in thought, having been racking his brain over what he should do.

Suddenly, he heard his name being called from above.

"Ichigo Kurosaki."

Ichigo stood with his Zanpakuto and, looking down at it, he turned and looked up at the sky; there, a galaxy-like face had appeared.

The face spoke out with his deep yet ethereal voice. "I am Khaos Ichigo Kurosaki your presence has awakened me from my slumber, I would ask you to pledge your loyalty to me. And in return I would make you the primordial of death.

In the place you hail from Ichigo you and your companions were dubbed death gods and preserved the cycle of life and death but in the end, it was just that a title, albeit you do possess the power of a Death God, now I offer you to become True death and preserve the cycle of life and death."

Ichigo looked up at Khaos, and for the first time in his life he knew he could say no, but this was an opportunity, a great one that had come from the creator of the universe himself. But could he say yes, could he become Death?

It was an opportunity that came once in a millennium, but that was the problem; it came so suddenly and without warning that Ichigo wasn't sure if he was worthy.

He knew that there was no other choice but to make a choice; this was his chance to become Death and end all wars forever, and maybe even help the mortals of this new world.


But Ichigo just couldn't bring himself to accept, for the opportunity that stood before him was too great. Too much power would be his. Too much responsibility. Too much fear.

What would his family, friends, or sisters have said about this offer? He was so scared of the power, so scared that he might lose himself and use it for evil purposes.

Even though it came from the big guy himself, Ichigo couldn't help but doubt his own abilities, doubting whether he would ever be able to become the Death.

"Kurosaki Ichigo."

The face spoke again.

"What will you do?"

It was a good question, and Ichigo had his answer; he was just worried about how the gods would react to what he was about to say.

But Ichigo did not hesitate.

He smiled.

With a bold voice and a bright smile, he answered the Creator of the universe with confidence.


Then Ichigo used a Flash Step to appear right next to the face.

The face looked down at him in confusion and surprise. "You refuse to become death?"

Ichigo's smile never left his face; he said, "That is correct."

Khaos spoke again. "Why do you deny my offer?"

Ichigo chuckled.

With a smile still on his face he answered the creator with pride.

Because that's what makes me who I am.

He spoke to the creator with conviction.

I am merely a substitute Soul Reaper. Not a god. Not the God of Death, or a Primordial, or anything else. I am just Ichigo Kurosaki, the Substitute Soul Reaper.

Kaos looked down at the Soul Reaper before him in astonishment.

Then Khaos asked his next question.

"What is a god to you Ichigo Kurosaki? What is it that defines a god then Ichigo Kurosaki? Is it the power that they hold? The abilities they possess. Is it the power of their faith? Or is it their wisdom? Tell me what defines a god then. Or what is a god? If you can answer that then I will accept your refusal."

Kurosaki Ichigo looked up at Khaos in disbelief, and for a moment, he didn't know how to respond.


He didn't know what a god was.

He didn't know what defined a god.

He didn't know.

But there was one thing that was certain to him.

It was the one thing he had in his own dimension; he had faith in his friends, family, and the people around him, as well as in himself.

"Gods are just people."

With that said Ichigo smiled at Khaos, with pride in himself and the choices that he'd made in the past.

Khaos nodded.

Khaos looked down on Ichigo, who spoke with pride and a voice that carried wisdom.

Then Ichigo looked up at the face with a smile.

"I don't know what really defines a god. All I know is that I am not a god, and that is what I believe."

Khaos looked down at Ichigo, who spoke with conviction.

"I am simply...

"A Substitute Soul Reaper"

The creator of the universe smiled.

"I see."

With that Ichigo vanished into the dark void, the dark void that was a primordial realm of the creator of the universe.

Then a voice spoke to him from the darkness.

"You have done well Ichigo Kurosaki You have made the right choice. Your faith and conviction in yourself, friends and family has molded you into what your today, even though you have come to terms that you will never see any of them you have held strong in what you believe.

I give you a gift - the gift of faith and hope.

This is a small gift. But it is one that you can use to guide and protect, it is a tool that you will be able to use to make a difference in this world, Now go."

Then Ichigo reappeared in the Soul Society and found himself on a grassy hilltop overlooking a vast plain below.

Just as he was about to take a break, he felt through his connection with the soul society that this place is meant to be an afterlife for all the souls of the living, and his presence brought it back from the dead and now he has to make it act like one.

And so, he began reconstructing his dimension.