
Death Gods Wish

He didn’t mean to. He lost control. He wants to go back, but he can’t. He must now learn to live again in a new Reality; he will become the protector once more. TheStoryHungryDemon's profile on Fanfiction. Check out this website about it! https://www.fanfiction.net/~thestoryhungrydemon Go check out my Patreon at patreon.com/TheStoryHungryDemon

TeStoryHungryDemon · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 7

(The Change)

As Ichigo focused intently on his current task, his heightened senses were suddenly drawn to a soft rustling sound. Acting on instinct, he quickly pivoted around, seeking to identify the origin of the noise. What he saw was a single piece of paper, drifting down from above with grace and elegance. Though puzzled, he was captivated and carefully picked up the paper from the ground. With great fervor, he began to read its contents, eager to discover its purpose.

Dear Ichigo,

The impact of your actions has forever altered the course of events. You have taken on the role of a catalyst, igniting a new era of change and progress. Your future lies solely in your hands, free from the influence of others. The Soul Society, your beloved home, awaits your leadership. It is time to establish your kingdom and make it the greatest of them all. Your power is immense, and the responsibility that comes with it is great. Never forget that hope is never lost, and that you are never alone. With faithful companions by your side, you will rise to become a legend, a god-like figure among mortals, an inspiration for the faithful, and a king among kings. It is your duty to protect serve and change the world for the better. When the time is right, we shall meet again.


Ichigo was standing there, frozen in place, his eyes fixated on the sky as a sudden stillness overtook the world around him. Everything had come to a complete halt as if time itself had stopped. The eerie silence was soon shattered by a deafening crack that emanated from above, as the sky shattered like a pane of glass. In its place, a swirling vortex of iridescent colors emerged, dancing and spinning like a kaleidoscope.

Amidst the chaos, Ichigo could see tendrils of energy stretching across the sky, emanating from the ground below. He recognized the power instantly; it was reiatsu, a familiar energy he had encountered before. The tendrils reached out towards multiple portals, each revealing a different landscape, where hundreds of people were visible on the other side, their weapons drawn and ready for a fight.

But then, something inexplicable occurred. As the tendrils of energy approached the portals, they froze, and the portals themselves began to merge, forming a colossal circle. The circle began to spin at an alarming rate, until it finally came to a sudden stop with a sharp 'ping', reverberating throughout the dimension. All the tendrils of energy were absorbed back into the portals, leaving nothing behind, not even the portals themselves. In a blink of an eye, the sky returned to its original state, and the dimension fell into an eerie silence as if the world was holding its breath in anticipation.

For a brief moment, everything seemed to be in a state of suspended animation, as if the universe was waiting for something to happen. But then, all at once, the tension was released, and the world returned to its usual state, as a massive wave of energy passed through everything around Ichigo. Despite the world returning to normal, he couldn't help but feel that something profound had just occurred. The quiet that followed was almost too much to bear as if the whole dimension was waiting for something to happen. But then, the tension was suddenly released, and the world resumed its usual state.



The world beyond the soul society was in the midst of a transformative phase of unparalleled proportions. The fundamental laws that governed the universe were undergoing a seismic shift, and every dimension in existence was being impacted by it. Even so, many mortals remained blissfully ignorant of the magnitude and significance of these changes, going about their daily routines unaware of the cosmic upheaval taking place around them. Only divine beings and those with heightened awareness were able to perceive the shift in reality and the implications that came with it.

The changes were not restricted to the physical realm alone. They extended beyond, encompassing the afterlife and everything that lay beyond it. Even souls that had arrived in the afterlife of other pantheons were not immune to the transformations that were taking place. Every soul, whether living or dead, was now firmly bound to a chain known as the Chain of Fate. This chain linked the soul to its physical body, and, when severed, prevented the soul from returning to life.

While it was true that the soul could still move around freely if the chain was broken, the process caused the chain to gradually corrode. In the past, the breaking of the chain would have resulted in the soul becoming a Hollow, but the existence of multiple pantheons and their respective afterlife realms made such an outcome unlikely.

However, these times of change would not endure forever. With the passage of time, the influence of the various pantheons and religions would weaken, leaving many souls adrift. The question that remained unanswered was where these souls would go.


(Soul Society)

In the vast, serene plains of Ichigo's dimension, the gentle rustling of the grass beneath his feet was the only sound to be heard. He had been standing there for several minutes, lost in thought, as he contemplated the strange phenomenon that had recently occurred. A mysterious wave of energy had washed over him and his dimension, leaving its effects unknown to him. Despite feeling no negativity from it, he couldn't help but worry about what this event could mean for the universe as a whole.

With a deep sense of responsibility to ensure that the wave had not caused any issues for the other pantheons, Ichigo decided to continue building his dimension. He knew that the recent event had changed the universe in some way, but he felt confident that it was for the better. Nevertheless, he remained concerned about how the other pantheons may have been affected by this change, and he prayed that it would not lead to any conflict between them.

As he focused his attention on creating a kingdom for himself in his dimension, Ichigo knew that he needed to make it habitable for the spirits that resided there. He was determined to provide a peaceful and comfortable resting place for the souls that needed it after passing, and he began constructing buildings for them. Among these was a grand palace for himself at the center of his dimension.

Ichigo also created several districts for the souls to live in, each forming a circle around his palace. These districts included residential areas, markets, shops, parks, lakes, rivers, forests, hills, mountains, valleys, plains, cliffs, deserts, swamps, and more. In addition, he created districts for education and training, in case he ever decided to build his own squad.

To ensure that each district had enough resources for the souls to live comfortably, Ichigo created roads and paths for the souls to travel along. He also made sure that each district had a train station that was capable of transporting souls throughout the soul society. The trains he created were capable of traveling at the speed of light, ensuring efficient transportation for all.

Ichigo also ensured that each district had ample resources available to them, including farms for food, mines for minerals, refineries for raw materials, and warehouses for storage. However, as he continued creating these districts, he realized that he had no knowledge of the souls entering the Soul Society. He was uncertain of their moral nature, their process of rebirth, and whether he needed to retrieve souls himself. In this vast realm, only Ichigo existed, making these uncertainties even more apparent.



In a distant dimension, an important assembly was taking place, featuring several influential deities hailing from different pantheons. The purpose of their gathering was to discuss recent occurrences and the consequential changes that had befallen their respective pantheons. The convocation was held in a neutral zone, a place of tranquility and safety, where gods could congregate without the fear of any interference from other pantheons. This sanctified refuge was protected by robust wards that had been placed by each pantheon, ensuring that only those invited by the host were granted access to the premises.

The eminent Odin, who was the leader of Asgard and one of the oldest living deities, was presiding over the meeting. Having observed numerous significant events throughout his life, he was genuinely concerned about the unprecedented alterations that had taken place recently and was eager to find answers. Odin gazed at the solemn countenances of the gods seated around the table, who had all witnessed the changes that had taken place and shared his apprehension. He could feel the weight of the situation bearing down on him as he cleared his throat and initiated the meeting with a formal address, "We are gathered here today to discuss the recent events that have taken place in our respective pantheons. These changes have affected us all, and we need to understand the cause and the implications. I have called upon you to assemble here, to deliberate, and to find answers."

The gods looked at each other, their expressions reflecting the gravity of the situation. Odin continued, "Undoubtedly, you have all seen or felt the beam of energy that was fired from the center of our universe, Gaea. The beam of energy destroyed many solar systems in its path. I have commissioned Heimdall to investigate the cause of this beam of energy. Heimdall reports that the beam of energy originated from Gaea's 'body' itself, indicating that a battle occurred on Gaea, and external forces acting upon her body caused her to redirect the energy beam."

As Odin finished speaking, the gods looked at each other in shock, realizing the magnitude of the situation. Odin continued, "I am also aware that some of you may have felt another wave of energy that swept through your pantheons recently. This wave of energy seemed to have affected all pantheons equally, and the effects of this wave of energy are currently unknown. I am hoping that sharing experiences with each other will help us figure out what caused this second wave of energy."

As Odin was about to speak about the portals appearing within their pantheons, a paper fell onto the table, causing everyone to stare in confusion. Odin picked up the paper and began reading it aloud, "To the pantheons of the universe, it is I, Khaos. I am writing this letter to inform you of recent events that have taken place within your pantheons. I wish to inform you that the beam of energy that was fired from Gaea's body was a result of a battle that took place on her body. This battle was fought between two powerful entities; the first entity is known as Ichigo Kurosaki; he is the champion of the universe."

Khaos' letter provided crucial information on the recent changes within their universe, including the portals that had appeared within their pantheons and what they did. It also revealed that Ichigo Kurosaki was responsible for recent events and explained how he had changed all souls into chains of fate, affecting their pantheons' future. Odin finished reading Khaos' letter and looked at the other gods, who all had shocked expressions on their faces.

Odin spoke again, "It seems that Ichigo Kurosaki is responsible for recent events. I suggest we send emissaries to greet him and offer our support." The gods nodded in agreement, and Odin asked if anyone wished to go among them. However, all he got was his son Thor shaking his head no. Odin waited for a response, but Thor remained silent.

Odin sighed and spoke up again, "Very well then, I shall go myself. Does anyone have any objections?" But again, all he got was his son Thor shaking his head no. Then, suddenly, Thor spoke up, "Father, you old fool! We don't even know where he is! How the h*ll are you supposed to find him!?".

All the gods that lead their respective pantheons merely stared at Odin, waiting for his response. Odin sighed and replied, "I...I suppose you're right, Thor. I'll have Heimdall keep an eye out for Ichigo Kurosaki. We cannot let him go unchecked and alter the fate of our pantheons any further."

Odin looked at the other gods and spoke again, "Is there anything else anyone wishes to bring up?" Odin waited for a response, but none came.

"Now that that's settled, let us adjourn this meeting," Odin stated with a tinge of weariness in his voice. The gods all nodded in agreement, and Odin spoke again, "Very well then, this meeting is adjourned. We shall reconvene once Heimdall has located Ichigo Kurosaki."

"Now we wait..." murmured Odin, feeling the weight of responsibility bearing down on him. He knew that they were facing an unknown and formidable foe, and the fate of their pantheons hung in the balance. Odin could only hope that Heimdall would find Ichigo Kurosaki soon and that they would be able to offer their support before it was too late. The gods dispersed, each returning to their respective pantheons, hoping that they would be able to weather the storm that was to come.