

A young lad, who had a dream of becoming a super hero and a writer, falls into a deep mystery when he open his eyes, lying on his bed. The world was different outside as he stepped out. Considering himself free of problems, he roam around until he comes to know there is a apocalypse. Unknown of the further situation and hurdles, he aims to save the people around him, which lends him making new friends. Will he be able to overcome the situations and save his friends like a super hero, or ends up messing around?

Asuka_56 · Action
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8 Chs


" Thanks for your support, guys. It really means a lot! "

In this all matter, they totally forget to check on the woman who brings Kenji to them but somehow Jae Hyun remembered it.

" Listen, we totally forgot about that young woman who carried your brother here. At least, you should say thanks to her. "

" Oh yeah, We all forgot about her. She must be thinking bad about us. "

" Don't worry, Hiroshi. Me and Hatsuko will check upon her. "

Both of them went to that young woman, who had a scar on her left cheek. She looked so malnourished and her face was swallowed. She looked familiar to Hatsuko. Hayami checked on her whether she had any bites or wounds on her. Hatsuko took Hayami to another room with her and closed the door which makes the other members suspicious.

" Hayami, I feel like I've seen this girl somewhere. "

" Really? But where have you seen her? Do you remember it? "

" Not really, but she is familiar to me. "

" Okay, if you know her, then try recalling your memory. "

" Okay, I'll try this. "

" Did you remember something? "

" I seems to remember something. "

They both were talking that suddenly they listened the sounds of breaking of glass. They both rushed to see and Hatsuko was shocked to know that the young woman was just playing an act on them by trying to show herself someone in need of help. Kiyoshi was captured by her and she put an knife on his neck which make all of them petrified. There, Hatsuko remembers that the young woman is no one else, but the most wanted psychopathic serial killer, Akane Tanaka. Hatsuko played a trick with her. She tiptoed and came behind Akane as she was busy in handling others. Hatsuko loaded her gun and put in behind her head. Akane let Kiyoshi go and turned around on the orders of Hatsuko.

" You finally caught me, Officer Hirai. "

" Yes, and it is the reality! "

" I know, Officer Hirai. I never thought that you would have a bunch of loyal dogs around you. "

" Don't you dare to call my friends dogs. You are the one who is barking rubbish here. "

" Seems like Officer Hirai also have temper. "

Both of them were fighting that Saburō and Ichika came in between to solve their matter and stop the fight.

" Okay girls, let's stop fighting. That is not how we have to live as a team. "

" Huh? Did you say team? Me and Officer Hirai in one team? Greatest joke of the year, man. "

" Why can't you be in our team? We would need a god fighter like you, to move further. And this would be fruitful for yourself too, as you won't need to fight for your life by yourself only. "

" Excuse me, beauty queen. This is not a drama or a movie which have a happy ending. Being a journalist, you frame me a lot. I do hate you and your CEO. "

" Watch your tongue, you piece of crap. "

" See, Officer Hirai again losses her temper. "

" Okay, now you all stop arguing! "  exclaimed Akira

" Yes, Arata is right! Stop arguing. If she want to join us then she is welcomed, if not, then don't force her. And, you miss, you have time till tomorrow noon. Tell me your answer, yes or not. "  argued Hiroshi

" I'll reconsider your offer, young man. You look suitable in all of them. Well, I am sleepy, so I am going to sleep. "

Akane, then went upstairs to sleep. As she closed the door, all the members gathered around a table to do a conference.

" What you guys think about Akane? Should we keep her or not? "  asked Hiroshi

" I think she would be useful as she is impressive fighter with pretty good tricking skills. "  claimed Ichika

" Keeping her in the team is kicking me out. I will not work with that crap at all! "  said Hatsuko

" You better stop arguing everyone. Everyone have their own opinion and what's wrong in keeping her in our team? "  inquired Akira

" Didn't you noticed that she was about to kill Kiyoshi? I think you are planning to kill all of us! " 

" What? Are you crazy? Do you even know what are you saying? Why would I do such a thing? " said Akira

" Saburō, what is your opinion about this? "  Hiroshi asked him

" I think Hatsuko is correct, she won't be a good choice. The decision depends upon you. " 

" Hmm, what about you, Hayami, Sana, Bowen and others? "  said Hiroshi

" I will go with Hatsuko's words. "  said Jae Hyun

" Based on what happened moments ago, Hatsuko is correct. I'll support her decision. "  said Bowen

" I can't decide, what do you think Hayami? " said Sana

They keep pointing each other, thus no confirmed decision was seen. Gou was listening to all of them while sitting at a corner. He stood up and come to the table on which the conference was going on.

" As a team member, I advise my leader to add Akane in the team as she might be a life saver in future. Her fighting skills and hearing sense is good. She can feel and listen thing from miles, and I believe she is listening to all of us too. "  said Gou

" Really? Who do you think you are? I am one of the senior of this team and of course, Hiroshi will do what I will say. You better not interfere. "  said Hatsuko, while grabbing his collar

" But as far a I know, no one forbad anyone to give their opinion and I am one of the team members, so I am allowed to share my thoughts. And if you have so much issue with my thoughts then why do you only fight with me, go and grab Ichika and Akira's collar too."

" Take your hands off him! "  Akane shouted from behind

" Here come the damn problem. "

" Officer Hirai, watch your mouth. You better not mess with me. Well, I ain't here to talk to you. Young man, let's talk some business!"

" What business? "

" Your decision about keeping me in your team. "

" I agreed but I have some conditions. "

" What condition? "

" 1) You will not harm any of the members. 2) I am the leader of this team and you have to listen to my orders and decision, but if you have any objection, you may tell me. 3) You will not assault any of the members and promised not to betray us. If you agree then you are welcomed. "

" I agreed! Do you guys have any name for team or you are roaming and collecting members in a nameless group? "

" We have a name ' Anti blackheads '. " said Jae Hyun

" What crap name is this? What about ' Satsujin-sha ' ? "

" But whom will we murder? And we are not here for doing a murder, we simply protect ourselves. "

" Young man, won't we kill those creep ass creatures? "

" We do so? "

" So that's what the name indicates. "

" It is late at night. As we all are tired so we should sleep. "

" You are right, Bowen. Good night, I am going. "  said Jae Hyun

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