

A young lad, who had a dream of becoming a super hero and a writer, falls into a deep mystery when he open his eyes, lying on his bed. The world was different outside as he stepped out. Considering himself free of problems, he roam around until he comes to know there is a apocalypse. Unknown of the further situation and hurdles, he aims to save the people around him, which lends him making new friends. Will he be able to overcome the situations and save his friends like a super hero, or ends up messing around?

Asuka_56 · Action
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8 Chs


" So continue your story and and answer my question. "

" They aren't my friends but the bullies of our school! They were seven but now only one is left. "

" How in the world, they save you if they were bullies? " Akira exclaimed 

" They didn't save me but, they took me and my friend to a deserted building infront of our school's building. They forcefully agreed us to go and explore the Hoshida Park on Thursday evening. According to the plan, we all meet at the same building and went to the park, as soon we went inside, many ugly looking people came running towards us. Due to which, 4 of them were killed by them at the moment. Rest of us run to save our lives. My friend went lost and I have no idea of him, thus considering him dead, is the only way to console myself. But after that, somehow I woke up here with Kiyoshi. I thought we might had slept somewhere. "

" Well, my story is something similar to yours."

" Really, Akira? Come on, now, I also want to listen yours too. "

" So, I was at the office, doing my part-time job. It was 11 at night. I was about to leave for home. When I was driving my car, it suddenly got punctured, but fortunately, I found a car which had keys in it too. Without thinking a lot , I sit in the car and started driving it, that out of nowhere, these damn creatures come infront of my car and started attacking on my car in order to break the windows. As it was my dream to become racer and I've taken a little bit of training, so I raised my car's speed to full and drive which cause death of many blackheads and I survived. But I think I slept in the car only and when I woke up, I found Hayami was checking whether I am alive or not. "

" The last part was funny. Well, I- "

" I don't think so that anything was funny in it. "  Hatsuko interrupted, standing at the door of the kitchen

" You got me scared. You, literally came out of nowhere. "

" What were you guys talking about? "

" Nothing Suko - chan, we were just discussing our stories. What don't you come and join us as you don't seem sleepy? " claimed Arata

" Why not! I also want to tell my journey to all of you. "

" Now, I am excited to listen your story too! "

" I was in military base with other soldiers that our Sergeant came with my leave approval letter as I have applied for one. I was very happy because after 4 years, I was able to meet my mother and see my niece who was born last year. In my way back home, I saw some boys were mistreating a girl, so I went there to see. As soon as I went near to them, they turned their head in a complete 360 angle and their faces were so terrific that I run back towards my car. I take out my pistol from glove compartment of my car and I shoot near their hearts but as it wasn't of any use so I directly shoot at the center of their head or in the eye socket which lead to their death. I made it till escape that out of nowhere the fog starts and then I might felt unconscious and when I woke up, I found myself in Osaka instead of Tokyo. "

" There is one thing common is all case; the sleeping or getting unconscious and then wake up like nothing happened. Ain't it disturbing? "  asked Akira

" I think the same but it might be some coincidence! Let's not think too much about it. "   said Hiroshi

" Hiroshi- san, I think it's late at night, ain't it better to sleep? "

" I think the same. "

After the conversation, they all went back to sleep and woke up in early morning. Hiroshi made breakfast with the remaining food supplies and packed some for their journey. After having breakfast, they all went to find a way out of the city or any safe place in Osaka. In their way, they encounter many blackheads but they fought with bravery. The night was about to fall but neither they were able to find the way out of Osaka nor any safe place inside Osaka. Now, it was night and they were out of food and their water supplies were also going to end. At a far distance, Ichika saw some light and she informed others about it. They rushed there and found that it's light coming from a house. They all become happy seeing this.

Next, they decided to ask help from the family and then Haruki came forward to knock the door. When he first knocked the door, there wasn't any answer. Then he knocked again but there was no reply, he again knocked the door but the result was the same. Being disheartened, they were about to go back that a lady opened the door for them. The ray of hope was shining brightly again and the shine was visible with the happiness of their faces. They came inside and the lady closed the door. Except the lady, there was a fine, young gentleman and a teenage boy inside the house. Kiyoshi and Arata immediately recognized him as he was none else then their classmate and friend, Fukumoto Gou. Hiroshi asked the others to introduce themselves.

" My name is Liu Bowen, and she is my teacher, Miss Minato Sana. I am a Chinese student who is studying electrical engineering in Osaka University. "

" Yes, sir. Liu is right. We came here after going through many difficulties. If it wasn't Bowen, we would have died. "

They were talking that suddenly someone knocked on the door. Arata and Hayami went forward to open the door. When they opened the door, they found a young woman carrying a teenager on her back. The teenager was very injured and his blood wasn't stopping. Seeing this, Hayami let them in. They all make the teenager boy lie down on the sofa. After seeing the face of that boy, Hiroshi become shocked and emotional because it was no one but his brother, Kenji. Seeing this, everyone there become emotional and after examining Kenji, Hayami said :

" Hiroshi, it is no simple wound but he is infected by that virus. There is no chance for him to survive. He will soon change into blackhead. "

They were talking about this matter that strange changes started materializing. He stand up and turned his head in a 360 direction, then he started moving towards Sakura and Haruki. Haruki pushed Sakura aside and stand firmly with a baseball bat in his hand. Bowen moved to save Haruki but Hiroshi held his hand, in order to stop him. Meanwhile, Haruki was attacked by Kenji but he also attack him with his baseball bat, which was of no use as Kenji was powerful than him. Hatsuko and Hiroshi were just watching the scenario but none of them moved forward. Now, Haruki was at low confidence as no help was in reach so he decided to give up and struggle no more. Haruki was now nearly to be get bitten by Kenji but at a right time Hiroshi shoot his brother will Hatsuko's gun on his head which cause his death. 

Hiroshi collapsed near his brother's corpse, lying on the floor. He started shedding tears which makes everyone sad. He mourned over the dead body of his brother. Hatsuko come to console Hiroshi while Sakura and Akira went to Haruki, as the poor child was petrified.

" Don't be upset, Hiroshi. I know it is tough for you to move on but you have to move on for yourself. "

" B- bu- but he was the o-only family I've in this whole world. Now, I'm all alone in this world. I've just one best friend, about whom I've no idea. "

" Why are you sad when we all are here with you. Don't you consider us as your friends? "

" Yes, leader. I won't forget that you saved my life and now if it even cost my life, I will make sure to protect yours. "

" Hatsuko is right. We are all standing here by your side and now, we all are your loyal friends, who won't betray our leader. "

" Saburō, I must appreciate your words. We both are new in team but we also promised to your loyal friends. "


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