
Dear In-Laws I know you love me

~~THIS NOVEL IS THE SECOND TIER WINNER OF WRITING FORMULA PRACTICE #35 FEMALE LEAD-IN LAWS ~~ ********************************** Betrayed by her Fiance just a month before their marriage Yoona was devastated. However she didn't cry, she gave a cold smile instead. It really felt good hitting him yesterday. 'Hah! Dare to cheat on me, I don't need a scumbag like you. Watch me cancel the marriage' She yelled at the night sky above her atop a small hill overlooking the city while being completely drunk. 'Well then why not marry me?' a voice said behind her. 'Awwww my dear handsome boss wants to marry me how sweet' Yoona giggled A drunk promise made at that fateful night turned into reality. **************************************** 'Ugh, I thought those cliche plot of the In-Laws hating on their Daughter-in-law happened only in Manhuas. I definitely didn't sign up for this while signing the marriage certificate. Well then let's see how long will you dislike me, I'm going to win you over with my excellent cooking skills and filial actions. Besides who dare hate on a beautiful daughter in law such as me. My dear In-Laws I know you'll love me. .................................................................. You can join my discord and connect with me here: https://discord.gg/dHY3s4mw Winter#5454 I'm on instagram too (xo_xo_winter)

Winter_Lee_ · Urban
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

Meeting parents 1

'Work is finally done, now time to go home' Yoona smiled 'I'll go over to Aiden and check on him' she thought as she stood up and went towards the door.

However she didn't need to, as she saw Aiden coming towards her as soon as she stepped out of her office.

'Oh! This saves me some trouble' she thought to herself.

'Aiden is your work done, can we go now' Yoona asked.

'Yes, I'm done with my work so I came down to check up on you' Aiden said and smiled at her.

'Great, now we can go home' Yoona clapped her hands and said excitedly.

Aiden chuckled at her behavior

'Grab your things and come down, I'll be waiting for you' he said and started walking towards the elevator.

'Yeah, gimme a moment ' Yoona said and went in to her office.

Yoona was smiling ear to ear as she headed in. She was excited to get Aiden to meet her parents and also thinking of how Jinho and his parents face will fall. It will be fun today she started giggling and hurried down.

Aiden was waiting for her in his car, Yoona got in to the car and turned towards Aiden. Surprisingly he looked tense and nervous so she held his hands,

'Don't worry, my parents are really good. They'll love you' she said.

Aiden was taken aback, 'Do I really look nervous, I tried my best not to show it' he facepalmed out of embarrassment.

'Anyway what shall I buy for aunt and uncle, I want to gift them something' he continued.

'You can call them mom and dad, I don't think there's any need for gifts though' she pouted and pointed out.

'Oh.. okay but still then I do really want to gift them something' Aiden stated.

'Well let's see bout that' Yoona said unsure about it.

At the end they ended up buying a luxury necklace for her mom and a luxury watch for her dad.

And oh boy they were costly, Yoona felt gawky looking at the price. She facepalmed herself, 'I won't understand the world of millionaires' she thought. Yoona was from a rich family too, but not as rich as Aiden's to spent lots of zero figures on some watch or necklaces. As they stepped out of the shop they noticed a cake shop nearby and ended up buying a cheesecake and now here they were standing in front of her apartment.

'I'm here with you nothing to feel nervous, I kinda understand how you're feeling right now too. I'd have been the same if I were to meet your parents' Yoona was trying to calm him down.

'Yeah, don't worry I'm all good to go' Aiden smiled as he held her hand firmly.

As they entered her apartment, they saw Mr and Mrs Lee waiting for them at the living room. Aiden felt his legs go jelly again, 'Argh, stupid legs' he thought to himself.

'Ahh... you're finally here. We had been so excited to meet you hahah' Mr Lee spoke up.

On the other hand Mrs Lee was looking at him intensely.

'Mom.....' Yoona trailed off

'Oh... I spaced out' she smiled 'I see that Yoona has really found herself such a handsome guy and good boyfriend' Mrs Lee commented while looking at Aiden again.

Aiden could feel his cheeks heating up from embarrassment, getting complimented from his soon to be Mother In-Law felt really different.

'However..... ' Mrs Lee trailed off while looking at him intensely again.

Aiden was nervous,

'Does she not like me' he thought.

'You really look familiar, but I can't point it out' Mrs Lee continued.

'I thought I was the only one who thought you looked familiar' Mr Lee added

'Oh, so that's the case' Aiden thought and breathed a sigh of relief.

'Yes you may have seen me somewhere in the magazines or news' Aiden smiled 'I'm Aiden Park, CEO of Formonix Enterprises'

Only then Mr and Mrs Lee understood why he felt familiar. Never had they thought that the person Yoona talked about would be him. This was really a pleasant surprise.

'Now I'll see what that Kim family has too say against such a good boyfriend Yoona has gotten' both of them thought.

'Wow, such a pleasant surprise. I never thought Yoona will get such a good guy as you' Mrs Lee laughed.

'Yes, what a pleasant surprise. I'm really happy that Yoona got someone like you'

Mr Lee added and smiled at him warmly.

'Thank you Mr and Mrs Lee' Aiden said politely while bowing down.

'Ah, you're really polite too, and you can call us Mom and Dad' Mrs Lee told him.

'Okay mom' Aiden stuttered out.

'Um...also I have something for mom and dad, I don't know whether you'll like it or not ' Aiden said fumbling over the packages.

'There was no need for that Son. Why bother buying gifts' Mr Lee stated

'Yes, there wasn't any need for that' Mrs Lee spoke up too. However after much persuasion from Aiden, they finally accepted it. After that they started talking and we're having a good time.

Soon after Jinho and his parents came, they were so sure that Yoona was lying about having a boyfriend or it would either be a case where she'd have paid someone to pretend as her boyfriend. They proudly went in as soon as Mr and Mrs Lee received them.

What they saw shocked them to no ends, there was Aiden and Yoona chatting happily. How could they not recognize Aiden, he was the CEO of Formonix Enterprises and was the young master of one of the richest family in the country. His younger brother was a famous idol and actor, he was also handsome and many of the girls in the upper class of the society wanted to be with him and there was Yoona who got lucky and was together with Aiden. They couldn't help but show their darkened expressions, they had come fully prepared to make fun of Yoona but what they hadn't expected laid before them.

Yoona and her parents couldn't help but let out a smile noticing the expression of the Kim family, even Aiden looked at them amused.

'So this is the guy who cheated on my dear, he's nothing special. I'm obviously better than him' he thought and smiled.

Yoona on the other hand wanted to laugh out loud right in front of them but she maintained her composure.

'Mr and Mrs Kim and Jinho too, do take a seat. Also meet my boyfriend Aiden' as she said this she couldn't help but smirk at them.

The Kim family smiled at her and sat down with them.

'Tch... They don't need to give a fake smile when they don't want to smile at all'

Yoona thought.

'Hello I'm Aiden nice to meet you. I heard that you were really pressing on Yoona to meet me, I'm glad you care so much about her' Aiden said with irony.

'Ah... yes we just wanted to see how her soon to be husband is like. Nothing else' Mrs Kim quickly spoke up.

'Oh, so that's the case' Aiden give them a halfhearted smile.

'I see that Yoona has gotten herself such a good boyfriend. Has she also met your parents, I suppose they like her very much' Mrs Kim said, knowing that the Parks were a very rich family invested only in their business and so she had a hunch that Aiden being with Yoona was without his parents approval.

Yoona was annoyed to no ends after hearing her, but the words spoken by Mrs Kim was also true, she couldn't deny the fact that Aiden was acting up on his own and she wasn't also sure whether her In-Laws would like her or not.

'Mrs Kim what goes on within our family has nothing to do with outsiders' Aiden spoke up with a hint of irritation in his tone.

'Ah... don't take me wrong, I just wanted to know about it. Afterall we need to have the agreement from both sides of the family' Mrs Kim added.

By now she was sure that her hunch was correct and she smiled.

'Yes I'd be too bad if both of you get married without the proper approval of both families' Mr Kim spoke up too. On the other hand Jinho sat there smiling as he noticed where things were heading.

Aiden and Yoona shock their heads at how shameless this Kim family were. At this point Mr and Mrs Lee couldn't stand it anymore.

'You Kim family really have no sense of shame. I already told you before, you are no one to us, don't meddle in our family affairs. We ourselves being Yoona's parents haven't questioned their relationship and you being outsiders who do you think you are. How dare you' Mrs Lee spoke up shaking in anger.

'Get out of our house right now at instant'

Mr Lee spoke up angrily.

'We were just stating the facts, why are you all reacting so much or are you embarrassed about it' Jinho smiled and looked at Yoona.

Aiden spoke up at this point,

'No one here wants to see your family. Get lost before I call up my guards'

All of them could sense his anger at the moment.

Aiden was really angry. How did Yoona and her parents handle them for so long, he thought.

'Yes, we're leaving we don't want to be here too' Mr Kim huffed and turned to leave, Jinho and Mrs Kim following him.

'We obviously chased you out, why pretend that you're leaving on your own' Yoona laughed at them.

The Kim family turned and glared daggers at her however she pretended not to see them and shut the door.

There was a brief silence in the room after that. Aiden decided to break the silence,

'About what they said, please don't take it to heart. I'm pretty sure my parents will love Yoona very much too' he said.

'It's fine son, don't worry about it. We're also very sorry you had to see what unfolded today' Mrs Lee said softly in a comforting voice.

Aiden nodded and turned towards Yoona as she stood in a trance. There were obviously many things going through her head at the moment.

'Yoona.... ' Aiden called out, Yoona turned to look at him and smiled.

'Both of you continue talking, we'll be leaving for our night shift at the hospital now' Mr Lee said and went outside of the room along with Mrs Lee.

'Aiden will your parents really love me' Yoona asked him soon after her parents left 'It's fine you can tell me the truth, I just want to know' she held his hand.

'Truth to be told I don't know too' Aiden said.

'Oh.... ' Yoona sounded disappointed.

'My mom won't be of much trouble, she'll really love you once she figures your personality out also my brother will really like you too' Aiden smiled at Her 'The problem here is my dad, he wants me to marry the daughter of the Jung family Hyejin to expand our business. However my dad is also not cold blooded' he chuckled 'He'll warm up to you too. You're really sweet how can he not like you after knowing how you are' Aiden assured Yoona.

Yoona smiled as she heard his words.

'Yeah, I'll try my best to please them too' she smiled.

After that both of them ended up baking and playing games for an hour or so and chatting. They had fun together,

'It's like a home date' they both said and giggled.

Soon it became dark, Aiden got ready to go back home too.

'Good night Yoona, I'll send you tomorrow. Also maybe within a day or two I'll have you meet my family too' he smiled at her.

'Okay, sure' Yoona smiled back at Aiden 'Good night see you tomorrow too' Yoona waved at him as she started his car and drove off.

She kept her eye on the car till it was hidden from her side and turned around to go back to her apartment.

She stopped after some steps and looked at the stars above ,

'I wish over all my lucky stars that it won't be hard winning my soon to be In-Laws over and more importantly I hope my In-laws won't be like those vicious In-Laws commonly depicted in the Manhuas. I only wish to have a good and sweet married life with Aiden'

Right after saying so she heard some footsteps, she ran back home hoping that whoever that person was didn't recognize her. Her words were straight up embarrassing she thought.
