
Dear In-Laws I know you love me

~~THIS NOVEL IS THE SECOND TIER WINNER OF WRITING FORMULA PRACTICE #35 FEMALE LEAD-IN LAWS ~~ ********************************** Betrayed by her Fiance just a month before their marriage Yoona was devastated. However she didn't cry, she gave a cold smile instead. It really felt good hitting him yesterday. 'Hah! Dare to cheat on me, I don't need a scumbag like you. Watch me cancel the marriage' She yelled at the night sky above her atop a small hill overlooking the city while being completely drunk. 'Well then why not marry me?' a voice said behind her. 'Awwww my dear handsome boss wants to marry me how sweet' Yoona giggled A drunk promise made at that fateful night turned into reality. **************************************** 'Ugh, I thought those cliche plot of the In-Laws hating on their Daughter-in-law happened only in Manhuas. I definitely didn't sign up for this while signing the marriage certificate. Well then let's see how long will you dislike me, I'm going to win you over with my excellent cooking skills and filial actions. Besides who dare hate on a beautiful daughter in law such as me. My dear In-Laws I know you'll love me. .................................................................. You can join my discord and connect with me here: https://discord.gg/dHY3s4mw Winter#5454 I'm on instagram too (xo_xo_winter)

Winter_Lee_ · Urban
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

Meeting parents 2

At the same time on the other side, Aiden was driving his car while being in deep thought, he had decided to marry Yoona and nothing can change that. He knew that his parents will be displeased with the marriage as both his parents, especially his father were very business oriented persons. Ofcourse he respected his parents but he wasn't willing to bend down to their will this time....

'I'll tell my parents about Yoona today. People's feelings and opinions change as time changes, they'll accept Yoona at the end' he thought and sighed.

As he reached home, he was greeted by Butler Kim at the door.

'Welcome home young Master. Everyone is home today, Second Young Master is home too' he informed.

Aiden nodded and headed in,

'It's good that everyone is here today, it'll be better to tell all of them at once' he thought as he went towards his room.

Just then he heard some footsteps coming towards him.

'Hello Hyung, did you miss me. I missed you very much' Taeyong grinned at him while placing his hands on Aiden's shoulders.

'No I didn't, I forgot you existed' Aiden smiled playfully and looked at his younger brother.

'Ah... you're so mean' Taeyong let out an exaggerated sigh.

Aiden smirked at him and walked away leaving him alone. Taeyong stood still for sometime and then followed Aiden like a lost puppy whining, while Aiden laughed.

Aiden and his brother were very close to each other since young, both grew up depending on each other. Their parents couldn't exactly give them care and love as the other parents did for their children as most of the time they were absorbed in their work and went in trips.

Given that their sibling bond was very strong.

'However right now he is annoying me really bad' Aiden thought as he felt headache with his brothers constant blabbering. Taeyong had followed him to his room.Aiden couldn't stand him any longer so he kicked him out of his room.

'Hyung you're really mean. You won't get a wife if you behave in such a wild manner' Taeyong commented from the outside and ran away.

Aiden smirked as he turned away from the door.

After sometime he went down for dinner. The atmosphere felt a bit weird to him as he wasn't that used to having dinner together with everyone since his childhood. Family dinner was rare in his family.

Anyhow he went and sat down, it was quite and only the clattering and clink of the cutlery was heard time to time.

After everyone was done with dinner Aiden broke the silence.

'So, I have something important to tell all of you' he said in a serious tone.

'Go ahead' Mr Park approved.

'I'm going to marry my girlfriend by next week'

Aiden said not looking at anyone. He referred to Yoona as his girlfriend because he couldn't tell their story to his parents, they'll be against the marriage more he thought.

Taeyong who was drinking water nearly spat it out in shock, while Mr and Mrs Park stared at him.

'So which family is she from, I hope she can at least contribute something for our company to increase' Mr Park said.

Aiden knew that he'll be asked this question,

'She isn't from any business related family. Her name is Yoona she is Doctor Lee Dohwan and Doctor Lee Miyeon's daughter. She is also working as my personal Secretary, I've known her since my highschool days' he replied.

'Oh, I remember her. Isn't she that pretty, kind and popular senior of mine, woah... you liked her since high school days. I know that, its-'

Taeyong stopped midway as he noticed his parents and brothers glare on him. He gulped

'Heheh.... you can continue'

'Her background isn't messy but I still prefer the other girls I introduced you too. Besides who knows whether she is a gold digger or not ' Mrs Park spoke up.

'Mom she isn't like that' Aiden sternly said 'I'm going to marry her alone, please don't force me to marry someone I don't love and whom I'm not familiar with. I'll get married to Yoona next week, that's all'

'Impetuous, this is truly impetuous' Mr Park banged the table.

'You are the heir of our company you can't marry someone this easily. Consider the company and marry someone else. I won't accept her' Mr Park yelled at Aiden.

Aiden wasn't bothered by that,

'I've already said it, I'll only marry Yoona and no one else. Others aren't worthy of me, whether you accept her or not it's upto you.'

He stood up and left leaving his angry parents and amused brother.

Aiden went to his room and laid on his bed, not so long after there was a knock on the door.

'Go away I want some rest' Aiden said thinking that it was either his mom or Butler Kim.

'Hyung won't you let me in' Taeyong spoke up from the other side.

Aiden sighed and opened the door for him, knowing fully well that he won't stop bothering him unless he opened the door for him.

Taeyong happily entered his room and laid down on his bed,

'Ah.... it's so comfy, much better than in the dorms' he gave a complacent look.

'You have your own room and bed, go sleep there' Aiden scoffed at him.

'I'm not here to sleep, I'm here to talk about my future Sis-in-Law' Taeyong grinned.

'You'll see her next week now get lost, I'm going to take a shower' Aiden said and walked towards the bathroom.

'I won't ever steal my hyungs wife. Why so stingy.....mean fellow' Taeyong complained and left his room sulking.

'So what if he doesn't want to tell me about Sis-in-Law I'll go to the company tomorrow to find out.....hahhaha' Taeyong started laughing after thinking to himself.

Aiden on the other hand hearing his brothers laugh from the hallway smiled and shook his head, his brother was really childish and amusing.

Meanwhile Mr and Mrs Park were also in a heated discussion about Aiden and his decision.

'I can't accept this, how can he marry on his own accord without informing us. She's not from a shabby family but she's not good enough to be part of our family. I'm sure she's a gold digger only after our money and assets. I won't accept her' Mr Park was beyond angry with Aiden for wanting to take Yoona as his bride.

It wasn't bad that she was the daughter of the famous and renowned Lee couple, their reputation will increase but it wasn't enough to raise their company stocks and shares. Mr Park got more and more annoyed at the thought.

Mrs Park was trying to soothe him down. She was also displeased with Aiden's choice of bride, she had actually wanted a daughter from her so called friends from the business circle to be Aiden's wife so as to enlarge their power and influence more, but that wasn't possible now, she sighed.

However she wasn't quick enough to judge Yoona like Mr Park. Afterall getting Aiden's attention since highschool days, wasn't something you hear everyday. Aiden rarely showed interest in girls. Hence, that was what led her to think that her son was Gay. This Lee girl seems interesting she thought.

'I'll go to see her in the office tomorrow. Let me check how impressive she is. Then I'll see whether she is someone worthy to be in our family' she thought.

On the other hand,

Taeyong was also planning to meet Yoona tomorrow.

'I'll have to see that impressive Senior Sister, my future Sis-in-Law tomorrow' he thought and smiled.

Aiden had no idea of what his mother and brother were planning. He was lying down comfortably with a smile on his face after texting Yoona Goodnight. His phone screen lit up after sometime showing a text from Yoona, seeing that he started giggling.

Taeyong who was just passing by his room happened to hear that.

'Tch.... people in love becomes so stupid, love is blind and right now love is in the air.... I never thought my brother would be the same as those persons blind in love' he cringed and left.

As he was walking towards his room he suddenly stopped and sighed,

'Being single is hard. How come my hyung with such low IQ in love and no flirting skills got a girl before me'

He sighed again and entered his room, anticipating for tomorrow to come soon.


Thank you for reading and supporting my book dear readers. I'm really grateful for your support.

I'll be updating more frequently from now on. Have happy reading hours ahead :D
