
Dear In-Laws I know you love me

~~THIS NOVEL IS THE SECOND TIER WINNER OF WRITING FORMULA PRACTICE #35 FEMALE LEAD-IN LAWS ~~ ********************************** Betrayed by her Fiance just a month before their marriage Yoona was devastated. However she didn't cry, she gave a cold smile instead. It really felt good hitting him yesterday. 'Hah! Dare to cheat on me, I don't need a scumbag like you. Watch me cancel the marriage' She yelled at the night sky above her atop a small hill overlooking the city while being completely drunk. 'Well then why not marry me?' a voice said behind her. 'Awwww my dear handsome boss wants to marry me how sweet' Yoona giggled A drunk promise made at that fateful night turned into reality. **************************************** 'Ugh, I thought those cliche plot of the In-Laws hating on their Daughter-in-law happened only in Manhuas. I definitely didn't sign up for this while signing the marriage certificate. Well then let's see how long will you dislike me, I'm going to win you over with my excellent cooking skills and filial actions. Besides who dare hate on a beautiful daughter in law such as me. My dear In-Laws I know you'll love me. .................................................................. You can join my discord and connect with me here: https://discord.gg/dHY3s4mw Winter#5454 I'm on instagram too (xo_xo_winter)

Winter_Lee_ · Urban
Not enough ratings
13 Chs


The next day Yoona went to Aiden's office, but surprisingly he wasn't there.

'Is he ill or just late for work. He isn't the type of person to simply take a day off too' Yoona pondered. 'Maybe he'll come afterwards' she thought and left his office.

On the other hand Aiden was being pressured by his parents to go on a blind date with one of the daughters of their business partner, however Aiden was adamant on not going for it.

'Aiden you have to understand that having a heir to the company is really important, besides your age is the right time to marry too' Mr Park spoke up.

'Yes, your dad is right. Also Mr Jung's daughter is a good match for you both in wealth and looks. Their business is not as huge as ours but it's good and promising. Hyejin is also a really good and a pretty girl, you cannot let someone like her slip by' Mrs Park chimed in.

Aiden was annoyed to no ends after listening to his parents blabbering about marriage since morning. 'Why can't they consider my feelings and opinion for once' Aiden thought. Since young he was always expected by his parents to be a Straight A student and well disciplined, he had to be a model child for the others to see. He had always been told what to do, how to behave, whom to make friends with and what not. Everything was under his parents control and now even his marriage was being decided by his parents, of course his parents did love him but Aiden was now sick of this.

'This time I'm going to make my own decision' Aiden spoke up 'I have always been obedient and listened to every single thing you have been telling me since my childhood, but not this time. I'll make my own choice'

after saying so he left the house, while his parents were shocked.

Never had he turned against their requirements.

'Do you think he has someone in his mind. Is that why he refused?' asked Mr Park.

'It may be the case but I never heard of his girlfriend neither had he mentioned her even once' Mrs Park answered 'Or maybe he isn't interested in girls at all' she quickly added at the end.

Mr Park stared at his wife with an unexplainable expression.

'You see he has never dated anyone, also he refuses all the blind dates we set up for him, it's highly possible that our son may come out as a Gay' Mrs Park continued.

Mr Park shook his head at his wife's nonsense and got up to leave the room leaving Mrs Park alone with her crazy thoughts.

'You better not dissapoint me with your bride Aiden' he thought.

'Yoona what are you still waiting for, if you don't make up your mind soon, I'm afraid I can't keep on waiting for you' Aiden thought to himself as he drove his car towards the company.

Aiden had been in love with Yoona since their high school days, though he doubted Yoona knowing about him during those days as she had shown no signs of recognition when they met. She had always been popular and bright in school just as she was this days. Yoona came from a wealthy family too, infact both of her parents were well known doctors. However Yoona had her own way of doing things and thinking. She was also interested in trying out all sorts of things, which perfectly explains why she was working as a secretary in his company. She was never proud and had that carefree nature in her and was courageous, that's what made her stand out in his eyes.

On the contrary Aiden was like a shadow at the school. Sure he was a top student but he preferred being in the shadows, so not many people knew of him. He was also kind of chubby in his highschool days.

He still remembered that one time when she shared her umbrella with him in the rain and accompanied him for an hour and with her being talkative she bombarded him with questions and managed to squeeze out many things from him including his birthday. Aiden's birthday happened to be that day itself however he was by himself as no one knew of his birthday and his parents were also on a business trip.

He still remembered the soft and sad expression Yoona made when she heard what Aiden had to say. Soon after Yoona had grabbed his hand and dragged him to a cake shop nearby and celebrated his birthday with just the two of them.

Aiden smiled as he remembered those fond memories. That was the only day he had been able to talk with Yoona and also their last meeting since soon after that the had their summer holiday and Aiden too transferred to another school. He had finally got in touch with her a year back when she joined the company, words couldn't express how happy he was that time. His trail of thoughts came to an end as he reached the company.

'Ah... I was really glad when I saw you again and tried to win your heart but no matter what I did you never noticed. You didn't even know my feelings for you. Now my parents wants me to marry of soon I guess we're not meant to be' Aiden sighed as he stepped out of the car.

Meanwhile Yoona was talking with Jisoo about random things.

'Anyway have you got any plans for the future' Jisoo asked her.

'Um.... yeah I've got some few but really important plans which I'm definitely not telling you' Yoona laughed

Jisoo started pouting at her and they both laughed at that.

'Oh! Mr Park has come I'd better get going' Jisoo stated and scurried away.

Yoona giggled at her behavior and walked towards Aiden to greet him.

'Good morning Mr Park. I have set all the documents to be signed in your office and sorted out the important ones too' Yoona informed him and stayed at his side.

Aiden nodded as he looked at her.

'Yoona do you have anything more to say' Aiden asked noticing her tense expression.

'Argh.... am I that easy to read' Yoona thought to herself.

'Ah... yes I did have something to tell you' she smiled and shrugged her shoulders.

By now they were alone and near Aiden's office so they dropped the formalities since there were only both of them.

As they entered the office Aiden motioned for her to sit in the couch.

'So what were you going to tell me' Aiden asked and since he also wanted to tease her he added 'Or is that you've finally changed your mind and you want to marry me' Aiden chuckled.

Yoona was flustered as she heard Aiden's words but she was thankful that he had brought it up as she had no idea how to start the topic.

'Yes that was exactly what I wanted to talk to you about' Yoona smiled

Now it was Aiden's turn to be flustered. He stared at Yoona in shock.

'You're not joking with me right. If that's a joke it's too harsh' Aiden said seriously

'No, I'm not joking with you Aiden. I really mean it. I was here to talk about the marriage' Yoona said while blushing shades of red and avoiding his eyes.

'What made you change your mind' Aiden asked softly.

Yoona took a deep breath and explained everything to him not hiding anything from first till the last.

'You see, I was ready to give a try for our relationship, I actually wanted us to get closer before deciding on taking a step further but this things happened. It feels like I'm making use of you too and I feel guilty but I really was ready to accept you. I don't know, I can't explain it' Yoona sighed and burried her face in her hands.

'Don't be sorry or feel guilty about it. It's fine, I understand what you're going through. In fact I'm happy, I know I'm behaving in a selfish manner just for my sake too but..... I'll never let you down. I love you, I'll won't give a chance for you to regret choosing me' Aiden smiled

Yoona was touched by his words, tears formed in her eyes but she was quick to wipe it off.

'So then that's it, let's go to my apartment at the evening and meet that trash and his parents' Yoona cheerfully said and clapped her hands.

Aiden laughed seeing her childish behavior, however he was worried deep down.

'I wonder whether her parents will approve of me or not' he thought.

'Aiden, I'll leave now. Will catch up to you later' Yoona said and left his office.

'Whatever maybe, let it be. I don't think her parents will disapprove of me, however I can't say anything about my parents'

Aiden pondered, however no matter what he had made up his mind to marry Yoona and he won't back down from that.

'Besides my parents are not that cold blooded to keep on disliking their daughter in Law, they'll open up someday or the other though it'll take time'

Aiden leaned back at his chair

'Sigh today is going to be a long day'


Here's today's thought :)

'Every student deserves an Oscar for acting like they can understand everything the teacher says in class'