
DcMcu: kaiju system

A fan of monster movies Max is reborn with the a system that allows him the powers of many of fictions greatest monsters and creatures and far more surprises. But what's happenes when a monster trys to be a hero in a world of many wonders and darknesses

wiz161 · Sci-fi
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110 Chs

Chapter 71 Fire of Battle


I stood holding [Dragonslayer] in my hand as charged Shaggy man, bringing forward his clawed hands but I had the reach over him as he moved with increased speed that cracked the ground I brought down [Dragonslayer] on his head.

But he was fast faster than I expected as he reoriented the body out of the way with a spin. that brought him closer in and dodged my overhead strike, [Dragonslayer] hitting the ground and cracking the cement Shaggy man pushed it his hand claws ready to test my armor.

I smiled I opened my right palm and summoned [Herobrines Blade] and swung upward cutting off the outstretched arm from the elbow, Shaggy Man didn't even register the damage he kicked me away I flew back a good 20 feet almost into the forest surrounding this facility.

Looking up I saw Shaggy Man not chasing after me but picking up his arm off the ground and placing it on his stump, knowing this probably meant he had an ok healing factor fan fucking-tastic.

Using my strength I rushed forward cracking the breaking the ground under me I rushed forward and swung [Dragonslayer] hoping to cut the thing into two pieces, but instead, the blade cut halfway before stopping. then with its now healed arm, it slashed at my head its black claws unable to pierce the

[Valstrax Armor] but that doesn't stop me from being sent flying from the force of the blow.

"What the fuck how is he not cut in two" I got up and saw the thing was already healing from the blow, that was meant to cut it in two [Dragonslayer] being slowly pushed out of the wound before falling to the ground with a *clunk* as he made his way towards me.

[Max I have analyzed your opponent and have come to some conclusions and suggestions]

'Ok hit me' I dodged another flurry of blows each stronger than the last.

[This creature is adapting and getting stronger and so are its abilities]

'If it's adapting then it's a good thing I haven't used any flashy stuff,' I kept dodging one after the other but Shaggy Man showed no sign of stopping.

[I would suggest ending this fight quickly and in before it adapts and counters]

'Well good thing I have a transformation in mind' finally I let Shaggy Man grab me and he pulled me into a bear hug, trying to crush me in my armor knowing he couldn't get past it with his claws. But as he growled and roared trying to kill me he didn't notice the smell of burning fur.

[Kong] to [Pyromite]

I transformed fully my armor and the human body under it now gone, revealing a humanoid whose skin was molten rock and a constant fire burned from my head and shoulders. Shaggy Man looked down and saw the body made of molten rock and fire slowly burning his body.

'How is he not screaming in pain?' even with a good healing factor he should be howling in pain.

[Possible skill pain nullification and I would hurry and kill this thing before his healing factor gets even more powerful or something else.]

I turn up the heat more and don't stop instantly turning Shaggy Man's fur to ash, he tries to let me go but I grab on to him as the fire I created consumed him.

[Skill created]


- release all your energy in a beam or explosion

POV Robin aka Richard "Dick" Grayson

Location: S.H.E.I.L.D base

Out of the darkness of Cloak and into a busy camp full of S.H.E.I.L.D soldiers was a strange parallel of the silent buzzing of a server room in an enemy facility we made our way towards the command tent inside Agent Coulson and his team with the frontal assault team.

I held the data about to hand it to Coulson but it was quickly grabbed by Skye who lived it into her laptop and began typing.

Dagger: "Is something going on shouldn't we be in the facility by now" she was right if everything went as planned the facility should be secured by now, but according to the projector our forces were still in position.

Spiderman: "A.I.M left use a big and hairy surprise" a picture of what I could only describe as 'buff bigfoot' was shown jaws open clawed hands outstretched.

"Great a man-bat one week now Bigfoot this week what's next" I was ignored and Skye lifted her head and multiple files opened on the projector.

Skye: "Ok this is what I've found about our ape man" Fitz and Simmons both looked over the files and their eyes widened Fitz's mouth even dropped open.

Coulson: "Fitz Simmons what are we looking at?" both scientists looked at each other then back to Coulson.

Simmons: "Simply put bioengineered organism." many in the room gave the two a look that said 'what the hell is that' Black Cat nudged the spider who noded his head.

Spiderman: "it's a biological android like A.M.A.Z.O but with flesh but the similarities don't end there," he said as multiple files had Dr. Ivo's name written on them.

Grant: "So did the good doctor give us any way to kill his Monster?"

White Tiger: "Yeah so who did you get for backup?" Grant didn't miss that his question was ignored and looked to Coulson who rubbed his chin trying to think then he got distracted.

Coulson: "What is that?" he walks outside the tent everyone follows to see what he's noticed, there in the distance was a bright yellow light like the sun coming up but in the wrong direction and far too early.

Black Cat: "Hey who turned up the heat" as soon. as she said it I and the others noticed the increase in temperature I started to see some agents start to sweat.

Coulson: "I want everyone moving in on the facility now!"

POV Nightfury

"Man that took everything I had" the once cracked lot was nothing more than molten tar bubbling and burning as I stood in the middle of it as Heatblast not even affected by the tar as I knelt down catching my breath the ash of Shaggy Man blowing into the wind.

[From my calculations you were 2% hotter than the surface of the sun.]

"Holy shit I'm hot!" I looked around at the damage and started to absorb the heat slowly turning the molten tar back into cool and replenishing some of my energy.


"You know I had to do one fire joke" I smiled as the liquid tar became cool, then I heard the marching of steps and the sound of many vehicles, 'It's about time they showed up.'