
DcMcu: kaiju system

A fan of monster movies Max is reborn with the a system that allows him the powers of many of fictions greatest monsters and creatures and far more surprises. But what's happenes when a monster trys to be a hero in a world of many wonders and darknesses

wiz161 · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
110 Chs

Chapter 109 Rats

POV Max Draco aka Zilla

It also looked at me but with a mix of confusion and terror as it saw that I didn't even flinch it raised its gigantic tentacle ready to attack.

It didn't even get halfway to finishing raising its tentacles off the ground as a fires a [Atomic Ray] and a focused green beam of energy cut through the octopus Up and down left to right


the Deep Dark Kraken screamed in pain as the green beam of light cut its flesh into neat chunks.

It tried to block the beam with its tentacle but that only caused it more pain as two tentacles were cut cleanly off dropping to the ocean floor.

Suddenly a cloud of black covered the entire area drowning my green glow in a black cloud I looked around when suddenly I was struck by a school bus-sized tentacle then another and soon I was attacked on all sides.

But when the next attack came I saw it coming and bite down on the tentacle and started to burn the tentacle with my atomic breath.

The Kraken screeched in pain once again and wrapped a tentacle around me and pulled me off ripping and I took a chunk of flesh with me.

The tentacle wrapping around me tightened and after a few moments of resisting, I activated [Burning transformation].

I felt the energy inside me instantly reacted I felt the energy intensify the green glow around me became brighter and I roared and released my [Alpha Titan Aura] the dark cold ocean water now glowed in my radioactive green and started to become warm.


The Deep Dark Kraken recoiled releasing me and tried to flee to run and escape but I would not let it as I collected the energy within me and unleashed my [atomic flames] a pillar of burning green energy collided with the Kraken it screeched in pain.

It released another cloud of black inc trying to propel itself into the darkness and cold of the Atlantic it used to but it never had the chance as the green glow suddenly turned a bright blue and the green [atomic flames] became the more powerful [Atomic Blue flame].

The blue flames pierced the Kraken's hide burning through its body and continuing through the other side and a popup from the system appeared.

I stopped the beam and released my [Burning transformation] I felt my body become tired and I wanted to lay on the ocean floor and fall asleep but I shook my head and swam south to my next opponent

As I swam I couldn't help but wonder what my other clones were doing right now.

POV Nightfury (Predator)

Location: New York

"Pathetic...." I growled out as I let the thug drop from my grasp all around the ally were the unconscious and groaning bodies of thugs.

'I don't even get any points from betting up thugs anymore,' I thought as I jumped up and climbed the wall of a building just in time to get on the roof and avoid the police cars and ambulances that just arrived.

As I walked to the middle of the roof I pressed a button on my arm devices and after a moment a soft humming as if appearing out of nowhere a door slid open like an elevator and now an entrance appeared on the roof.

I walked into the entrance and watched as the door slid back into place I felt the small space move and after a few moments the door slid open again and I walked onto the strategic room of my ship.

As I walked into the middle of the room displayed a 3d mode of the entire city that could show real-time information about the entire city but for now, was monitoring police activities and reports.

Pressing a few buttons I felt the ship readjust itself and began lifting back into the air and began circling the city.

'Is there truly nothing worth hunting in this city?' I thought hoping for one of the animal-themed villains of the city to show up.

But then the ship detected a disturbance zooming in I saw a bum in an ally trash diving and scoffed but as I was about to dismiss the image the man turned looking into the darkness of the ally and screamed.

He tried to escape the large bin of trash he was in only for a large clawed appendage to extend from the shadows of the ally and came down on top of the trash can closing the plastic top on the screaming man trading him inside as it was dragged into the shadows of the ally.

"...Well that happened," I said it didn't take long for me to get the ship to hover over the ally and I was soon in the ally looking at where the trash bin was dragged away.

I was transformed into my [Yautja] form and equipped with my Heavy predator armor and I was surprised that the naturally white armor could change its color to fit the environment without my input.


I leaned down and saw the massive heat imprints of paw prints on the concrete and the friction heat from the dragged trash can.

Not hesitating a moment I followed the track and was surprised at how little the heavy armor affected my movements.

It didn't take long for the tracks to lead me to the trash bin now empty and on its side all of its contents including the man gone.

'No blood and there's no sign of any type of mucus or bodily fluids,' I thought my helmet scanning the trash bin but found nothing of interest then I looked around and looking down I saw a manhole cover.

But with a closer look at the concert around it was cracked in such a way that I could imagine with enough strength you could pick up the large slap of the concrete and move it to the side revealing a large hole.

After a moment the earth rumbled and I could hear the sound of metal moving fast on tracks under me.

'Whatever this thing is it's smart,' I thought but then my instincts flared up and I froze as I waited and listened as the sound of claws on brick slowly crept up behind me.

Turning I faced a gigantic rat with grey dirty fur that was the size of a truck that clung to the wall it's eyes glowed gold looking down at me with claws the size of a person's hand and tusks the length of an arm but my shock it wasn't alone.

From the shadows around me and the tops and spaces between buildings, many more giant rats crawled out hissing and caring their wicked teeth saliva dripping from their mouths.

<Monster- Mutant Rat (Scout)>

<Lv- 15>


Str- 50

Dex- 77

Int- 30

Energy- None



I looked around my mask marking all the different rats the number rising to a remarkably high number of number 35 targets.

The twin heavy plasma casters on my shoulders extended out a soft humming coming from each of them the wrist blade on my right hand expanded and in my left, my chainsword hummed.

"So whose first?" I asked and from behind me, a rat jumped off the wall fanged mouth open claws outstretched.

*MMMmmm* *Click*

With a splat, the rat falls to the ground dead a hole in the back of its head and I smile as the 35 becomes 34 with a satisfying ting sound.

One of my heavy plasma casters glowed ever so softly that I turned looking down at the corpses when a notification appeared.

[+200 Credits, +300 Exp]

"Oh this just got interesting," I said and activated the chain sword the teeth becoming a blur "So Who's first?" I called out.


The hoard of rats charge forward and my plasma casters immediately start blasting away blowing large holes in some.

Two get close their mouths open I stab one with my wrist blade into the top of its mouth the other gets cut in two as the chain sword paints me and everything nearby in the rat's blood and guts.

Another bites down on my arm only for it to cry out in pain as bolts of electricity force it back and left it convulsing on the ground.



With wide and rapid swings I cut open and decapitated any rat who came close while the few that got past quickly joined their kin their blood staining my wrist blades.

But after a while, the hoard of rats suddenly stopped and I glanced around to see that the rest of them were backing away and hissing at me I took a glance at my targeting system and it showed that there were still a few rats left.

(17 Targets remaining)

I looked towards the remaining rats and took a step forward they immediately backed away and I felt a flair of savage glee seeing their fear.

I ripped my mask off my face letting it drop to the ground and took a deep breath and...


The classic roar of the predator echoed through the alleyways of New York and the rats all around me scattered as fast as they could.

As I watched the last rat flee with its tail between its legs I looked at my status and smiled at my new strength.

<Monster- Yautja>

<Title- Blooded, Dragonslayer>

<Lv- 35>


Str- 140

Dex- 105

Int- 89

Energy- None

Credit: 103,600


Thermal vision


-Can see heat signatures

"I should get some skills," I said to myself, and only then did I realize the situation I had just stumbled upon.

Giant mutated rats were in the city of New York and I had just let a few escape back into the city to cause who knows how much damage.

But as this thought washed over me I felt nothing as I looked around for the biggest of the rats to add to my collection of skulls.

But then a notification appeared with a new mission interesting my search for a trophy.

[Mission: New Yorks rat problem]

•You knew this city had a rat problem but this is ridiculous time to call an exterminator.

- Hunt and kill the mutant rats hiding in the city.

- Find and destroy the rat's nests


Title: Vermin Slayer



"Not even worth my time," I said dismissing the mission and continuing to look for the most worthy of these rats to add to my collection.

I felt a small part of me question myself but I simply shrugged it off, but I decided I should at least let someone else know about the problem so taking an earpiece out of my inventory I placed it in my ear after a few seconds I heard a familiar voice.

(A few hours later)

I watched as the four black and unmarked SUVs quickly drove into the ally and like clowns getting out of a tiny car the S.H.E.I.L.D agents quickly secured the area.

But some if not all of them had differing reactions to the bloody mess I had left in the ally some looked like they were about to puke others gawked or stood still for a few seconds before moving on.

But I barely paid attention to the grunts as Phil Coulson quickly walked up to me barely glancing at the giant rats stunned around the area and somehow avoiding the deeper puddles of blood.

During the wait, I decided to switch back to my normal Nightfury armor but I kept the chain sword equipped on my hip.

Coulson: "Nightfury I see you weren't exaggerating about the rat problem," he said and I simply nodded holding the cleaned skull of one of the biggest rats.

He glanced at a question on his face but said nothing else as I held out a hand he grasped it.

"Well I wouldn't exaggerate about this problem especially in these circumstances since a group of over 30 of them ambushed me," I said getting a nod from the agent.

Coulson: "What can you tell us about them," he asked and I gave him a quick but thorough description of the rats.

As I did so more vehicles arrives and soon people in lab coats were setting up equipment and began examining the bodies and examining the area.

Coulson: "I'm surprised you decide to call us instead of monarch considering they're the monster wranglers," he said and I shrugged my shoulders.

"I did but they ain't be here for a since everything that happened in Japan so I contacted you guys next to get a hold of the situation before it got out of hand," I said truthfully and Coulson nodded.

Coulson: "So will you be joining us in this extermination job?" he asked and I got another mission pop up in front of me.

[Mission: Rats in the Big Apple]

• knowing this city had a rat problem you reasonably called some exterminators to deal with the problem.

- Help S.H.E.I.L.D hunt and kill the mutant rats hiding in the city.

- Find and destroy 3 rat's nests.

- Capture 3 different rats alive.


• Positive affiliation with S.H.E.I.L.D.

• Positive affiliation with the citizens of New York.




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A/N: Sorry this chapter took so long been dealing with some personal business I'm going to be moving soon so chapters for all my stories will be released a bit late.