
DC Universe: Supreme Villain

Prologue Pain. That is the only thing that Vincent remembered before darkness filled his vision. He glanced around at the room that he now stood in. There was a desk and a man dressed in all black with a cheshire smile. “Welcome to Purgatory. I am your guide to the Afterlife; you may refer to me as Grimm.” Grimm said smiling weirdly. ‘The fuck?’ The last thing he remembered was falling asleep after a gaming session. He had been in a tournament in a new game called Apex. You created a character from various races and one innate ability chosen at random. He never passed level 100, so he did not get a chance to unlock his inheritance from the Pantheon he served. “Those above would like to extend their apologies for their mistake. You see your death was related to the recent change in rule of the Heavens.” Grimm said nonchalantly. Hearing this Vincent shivered. The thought of his existence being out of his controlled scared him. Grimm watched his change in expression and cleared his throat before standing. “Fear not due to your death being premature we will be giving you another shot at life. Unfortunately, this means we cannot return your soul to your previous body due to the rules dictated by the new reining Hegemon. So, we will be sending you to a random world with a blessing from the God of Reincarnation.” Vincent smiled at the thought of living in a whole new world. He imagined himself doing as he pleased. A giant wheel appeared shocking him from his dreams. Grimm approached the wheel and with an unceasing smile pulled the handle attached to it. The wheel made a clicking sound as it turned. After what felt like ages it stopped revealing a name that shook Vincent to the core. “Oh my, it seems as though you will have quite the adventure.” Grimm said and laughed as Vincent did a dance. Where was once a blank spot now clearly read: DC Universe.

Elyquix · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Chapter 1.2 : Lord Black

The club was busier than expected but Vincent didn't stray away from his goal and approached the bar and sat in the nearest open chair. The bartender came over and asked him for his drink and he got a glass of vodka.

Minutes turned into an hour as Vincent waited patiently until finally the person he wanted to see came in with her friends.

"Harley, we can't keep doing this. The Joker isn't going to ever return your feelings. He is a psychopath and incapable of it." A red haired woman said to a blond woman.

"I agree sweetie, Ivy has a point that monster only cares for Batman and as weird as it seems so does he." A black haired woman said gently rubbing Harley's back.

"Thanks, Ivy, Selena I will think about what you guys said." Harley said and slapped both of her cheeks and smiled. "Alright bitches let's get drunk and feel like shit tomorrow!"

Ivy and Selena smiled at Harley's antics but joined in and they started drinking.

Vincent continued to watch them secretly for another hour before something unexpected happened. Somebody ran inside of the club covered in blood.

"It's Black Mask he is h-." The man never finished his sentence when a gunshot sounded and his figure slumped to the ground. A group of men entered with assault rifles in hand making Vincent chuckle at the irony.

"Okay lady's this club now belongs to me so please exit the place before I need another demonstration." A man with a steel black mask on his face said.

Harley screamed and shattered a champagne bottle across one of the men that got too close to her head. The man fell to the ground his fate unknown and only a angry Harley revealed.

"Get da hell out of here Roman or you will be on the floor next." She said as Ivy and Selena stepped behind her.

"Oh I doubt even your little friends can help you out this one. I came with a meta of my own," Black Mask said and a woman walked out from behind him smiling. Vincent immediately stood when he saw her because he knew everything about the DC comics and this woman was someone he couldn't let go so he began to walk closer.

"Who is this?" Harley asked but Ivy frowned upon seeing her.

The woman wore orange and black tactical outfit resembling one of the most notorious assassins in DC. Her long white hair drifted from her eyes and revealed a eyepatch and a smirk.

"Rose Wilson." Vincent said smiling stepping beside Harley. The woman frowned at him when she heard her name.

"You know me but I'm pretty sure I don't know you." Rose said and reached for the sword hanging from her back. Seeing this situation is getting out of hand Black Mask steps forward.

"Look we can settle this without damaging the place completely so why not a bout between my meta versus yours." He said trying to limit the destruction of his future property.

"No. We don't ev-." Harley began but was interrupted by a smiling Vincent.

"Deal." He said and took off his jacket and tossed it on Harley's head to her dissatisfaction. Vincent unbuttoned his shirt and took it off as well revealing his tattooed body. His body was covered with demonic creatures of mythology.

"Can't damage the only piece of clothing I have tonight." He said and tossed it at Harley who was prepared this time.

"Hey you jerk I'm not a coat rack yah hear." She said throwing the items away and almost hopped on Vincent's back but was subdued by Ivy and Selena.

"How confident are you that you can win." Ivy said looking Vincent in the eyes.

Vincent's eyes turned back red and black as winked at her.

"I stake my life on it."

Rose laughed at the confidence of the man in front of her. She drew her blade and struck out only for her blade to be caught in Vincent's hand or to be exact two of his fingers. The shocked Rose was caught off guard by a upper cut that made her lose her vision for a second as she hit the ground.

Vincent frowned and looked at his hand. He didn't mean to hit her with that much force.

"Seems like I may need to actually get use to this power." He said nonchalantly earning a growl from the downed Rose. He flipped the sword in his hand handle towards Rose.

"You dropped this." He said.

"Bastard! I'll kill you slowly." She said snatching the sword from his hand.

The surrounding people looked in awe as Rose and Vincent danced to a stand still his ever smiling face irritating both Rose and Black Mask.

"Enough playing; kill him now, merc." Black Mask said seething in anger.

Agreeing with her employer Rose drew a gun and fired at Vincent only for the bullets to fall harmlessly onto the ground. Using her shock Vincent grabbed her by her throat and raised her in the air.

"Your talents are wasted as a mere mercenary. Join me and I will give you power beyond anything you can think of." Vincent said his eyes glowing brightly sending shivers down everyone's body.

The struggling Rose finally for the first time since fleeing from her father felt true fear this man's mere presence demanded obedience and anything other than that would result in death. Seeing his effect on her Vincent released Rose and and she fell to floor gasping for air.

"I take that as acceptance then Ravager. Kneel and accept me as your lord." Vincent said smiling. The room was quiet as Rose got on her knees. What Vincent didn't know was that the presence was weighing on Rose the longer she hesitated to kneel. Only when she had her head on the floor did it reside.

Vincent laughed loudly and a power burst forth from him and surged towards Rose and she began screaming in pain raising her in the air.

Black Mask and his people retreated from the club and the customers right behind him. Harley and her friends continued to look on in shock.

Rose after a few minutes of pain fell to ground on her knees again.

"Rise my apostle and greet me." Vincent said with authority. Rose raised her head and red irises reflected Vincent's.

"Rose Wilson greets Lord Black." She said and Vincent nodded before looking at the three woman that were starring on in fear.

"Now ladies, may I introduce myself." Vincent said chuckling.

Bowing he spoke, "I am Lord Black. It is a pleasure to meet the Sirens of Gotham City."