
DC Universe: Supreme Villain

Prologue Pain. That is the only thing that Vincent remembered before darkness filled his vision. He glanced around at the room that he now stood in. There was a desk and a man dressed in all black with a cheshire smile. “Welcome to Purgatory. I am your guide to the Afterlife; you may refer to me as Grimm.” Grimm said smiling weirdly. ‘The fuck?’ The last thing he remembered was falling asleep after a gaming session. He had been in a tournament in a new game called Apex. You created a character from various races and one innate ability chosen at random. He never passed level 100, so he did not get a chance to unlock his inheritance from the Pantheon he served. “Those above would like to extend their apologies for their mistake. You see your death was related to the recent change in rule of the Heavens.” Grimm said nonchalantly. Hearing this Vincent shivered. The thought of his existence being out of his controlled scared him. Grimm watched his change in expression and cleared his throat before standing. “Fear not due to your death being premature we will be giving you another shot at life. Unfortunately, this means we cannot return your soul to your previous body due to the rules dictated by the new reining Hegemon. So, we will be sending you to a random world with a blessing from the God of Reincarnation.” Vincent smiled at the thought of living in a whole new world. He imagined himself doing as he pleased. A giant wheel appeared shocking him from his dreams. Grimm approached the wheel and with an unceasing smile pulled the handle attached to it. The wheel made a clicking sound as it turned. After what felt like ages it stopped revealing a name that shook Vincent to the core. “Oh my, it seems as though you will have quite the adventure.” Grimm said and laughed as Vincent did a dance. Where was once a blank spot now clearly read: DC Universe.

Elyquix · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Chapter 1: Hello, Gotham!

Gotham City.

This city is known to be full of the most mentally unstable people in the world. The sin in this place never seems to end and it's people have grown accustomed to its temptations. Never have the people seen justice for the crimes that were committed; that is until he appeared.

Gotham's own Darknight. Batman quickly became the symbol of hope for many and the bane of the criminal society. For ten years the bat protected the city even though some would say otherwise and now a change was about to happen that no one ever saw coming. The Justice league was formed and soon after the Young Justice.

Another three years and throughout the magical community a surge of tremendous power was felt but no matter how much they searched no one would find the source.

In a alley where trash and homeless people resided a mass of crimson gas formed a man of pale skin with red and black eyes dressed as a wealthy gentleman.

His black pants didn't have a single crease neither did his black coat or red dress shirt. His white hair was shoulder length and fell into his eyes hiding his handsome face. The surrounding people looked at him in fear.

"It seems like subtlety is not within the gods dictionary." Vincent joked as he began walking away from the alley. No one attempted to stop him but who would. This man appeared from nowhere and felt dangerous so they stayed away.

"Ahh I should have guessed that I would be here. This power is intoxicating I can feel the chaotic energy this city gives off. Gotham City must be a source of it."

Vincent walked and passed stores until he saw his reflection and stopped.

"These eyes will draw unwanted attention I'd better do something about this for now." He said and concentrated on changing his eyes. After a few tries he succeeded and they turned silver grey.

"Better, now I can get going."

He continued walking until he came to a bank and entered. Grimm didn't mention anything about the blessings being ingrained into Vincent's mind so he knew how to use all of his abilities he just needed to train. Pulling out a wallet Vincent approached the first available teller and sat a black card on the counter.

The woman gasped as she looked at the man in front of her. He was the most handsome man she had ever seen and was unable to recover until Vincent cleared his throat bringing her back.

"I would like to withdraw from my account please, mam." Vincent said smiling knowingly at the disgruntled woman. She recovered from her dissatisfaction and smiled.

"Welcome and of course how much would you like to withdraw." She said receiving the card quickly hiding her shock at the card.

"Twenty thousand dollars please," Vincent said still smiling at the woman. She nodded and ran off to retrieve the amount he asked for.

Not long after she returned with a stack of cash and Vincent's card with a smile.

"Here you are Mr. Black please enjoy the rest of your day." She said as Vincent nodded and picked up his money. He was gifted an identity of a young millionaire so he was not short on cash at all. Suddenly as he turned around loud gunshots sounded and a group of men entered with masks.

"Everyone on the ground now. This is a robbery!" One man screamed and shot the security guard that raised his gun.

All of the customers and employees hurried and lay down but Vincent only smiled at the men as he put away the money in his hand. It was a magical inventory of sort he could use.

Noticing that someone was still standing the men aimed their weapons at Vincent.

"Did you not hear; on the ground, now." The nearest man yelled.

"Oh I heard you I was waiting for a please." Vincent said to the man.

The man stepped closer and attempted to hit Vincent with his assault rifle but was stopped by a concussion grenade to his face.

From the ceiling three people descended one Batman and the other two robin and batgirl. The three easily took down the would be robbers and approached Vincent.

"That was stupid. You should have listened to them; you could have gotten hurt or someone else." Batman said angrily. Vincent shrugged his shoulders laughing.

"Oh I assure you Batman someone was going to get hurt but I wasn't one." Vincent said and walked away but didn't get far before a hand grabbed him and turned him back.

"You have to wait until the police get your statement before leaving." Batman said.

"I'll pass I have something better to do than hanging around with rodents and a bird." Vincent said before swiping away Batman's hand. This time he wasn't stopped as he left.

"Should we stop him?" Robin asked but Batman shook his head.

"He isn't worth the trouble just let him be we have a meeting to attend at watchtower." Batman said and the group left.

Vincent was headed to the one place he wanted to visit since he was a teenager. The building was the most extravagant one in the gutter part of Gotham. Just by the sign Vincent knew he found the right place. The Sirens club where one of his crushes resided and the most famous place in Gotham on par with the Ice lounge.

"My journey will start here; my road to become the Ultimate villain." Vincent said as he began walking inside smiling.