
DC: reborn as Walter Todd Wick

this fanfic will have grammatical errors, I warn you in advance I will try to correct them with time,the story is about a person in DC with some powers I will try not to make him op from the beginning and give him a growth to his powers as to his mind since when he is reborn he has to go through mood swings due to his body age so no matter how old he has been,I hope you like it.

White_Liger · Others
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6 Chs

Chapter 2

Time passed and as I said at that time in 2 years I joined the special forces and in 3 years I was already the leader of the best special forces unit, 5 years after joining I was already a legend, until they told me they had a mission for which I died, it was one in which I had to infiltrate a terrorist group, it was like a movie if I can say it. But I was proud of the way I died since the information they gave me was false and the terrorists had many numbers of corrupt politicians and military from all over the world with which they wanted to blackmail them and organize a massive attack, that's why they wanted to get rid of them and the list I found. The first thing I did was to look for the name of the guy who gave me the mission and you can see he was on the list. I was in the room of the terrorist leader who was lying dead at my feet with a couple of his men. But this was not without any price I was already bleeding, I had taken 2 bullets in the shoulder and one in the leg, I was not getting out of this and I knew it. I did something I can say I was proud of, I copied the list and sent it to all the newspapers in the world and sent it all to judges and people who would not let this go, I accessed the terrorists' fund which had a lot of money in it and donated it all to charity. I was already in my last moments when terrorists entered the room when I said goodbye and dropped the bomb belt I had in my hand and left with a big explosion or as one person would say "ART IS EXPLOSION".

In a blank space I was sitting in a chair watching all my memories on a screen and in front of me was Morgan freaking Freeman, this may be very cliché but according to him he is god.

"Ahem not according to me, I am god. Oh yeah, what were we talking about"-God.

"you said something about my last actions"-Lion.

"or if your last actions, because of what you did all the people in the archive were locked up which brought the world to a peak period of peace which saved your world from a future nuclear catastrophe. That wouldn't be much, but the money you donated was used to save some kids who invented a device to renew resources and garbage. With which you saved the planet, that gave you as you say very good karma so you could not enter the cycle of reincarnation of your world which happens almost never in any case your soul had to go to another plane "-God".

"then my soul will go somewhere else but what does that have to do with me if I may ask?"-Lion.

I said a little shy, don't blame me it's the damn G, those idiots in fanfictions who insult him are idiots because if they bother him they will turn them into a duck or reincarnate them into a louse or something.

"What happens is that you are going to be reincarnated with your memories since your karma ara that your memories cannot be erased but it would still leave an excess of karma, that's why I wanted to propose a deal."-God.

While I was chatting, a roulette wheel appeared in front of us.

"this is called the roulette of destiny, if you accept spin this roulette which will decide your future world in which you will live and according to your karma you will be able to spin it 3 times to obtain some power depending on which world you go to"-God.

When I heard what God said, my inner otaku was dancing; don't blame me, after my mother passed away I stayed at home for 5 months and the only thing I did was watch anime, comics, movies and play games, so I acquired a taste for it and I didn't stop doing it.

"I accept"-Lion

I said immediately with which he smiled and made me a gesture to turn the wheel to turn the wheel went through many worlds.

Matrix, Looney toons, Hellsing etc..

Until I saw it was stopping at Marvel which it passed and was about to stop at Berserker at that point I was about to cry as I would prefer marvel a thousand times over berserker, shit even "looney toons" would be better than berserker luckily it passed it by milliseconds and stopped at DC.

"i don't know what to think but it's a hell of a lot better than berserker"-Lion.

"I think so too, now turn it 3 times to see what powers you get"-God.

This time I turned it a little worried because if I get some weak power I won't be able to survive whatever DC sends me unless I'm born rich and with a butler, which I don't think will happen.

When I spun the roulette this time I didn't want to see until he was still god when he saw me he laughed a little.

"You can open your eyes and it stopped"-God.

When I opened my eyes what I saw was "the modified Chaos Walking noise".

"Hi god I just watched the movie and spoiler me from the books a little"-Lion

As I thought about what it was and meant to have the noise.

"It is what you think and even more there are many uses for it and you have to figure them out, now you have 2 more turns left"-God.

As I listened to him I realized that it was a powerful power which I would need to develop, now I spun the roulette once more closing my eyes.

When I opened them I saw that it said intellectual intelligence and knowledge of Tony Stark.

"oh shit yeah jackpot"-Lion

When I saw what it said I jumped with joy because this was one of the most intelligent people in the Marvel universe and it was not only his intellectual capacity but also his knowledge.

"Your luck is pretty good, although this knowledge will not be given to you immediately because it is the knowledge of one of the smartest people, so until you turn at least 20 years old you will not be able to access all knowledge but when you grow up you can access the knowledge"-God.

Listening to what God said I realized that what he said was right because that was the knowledge of hundreds of armors, weapons and devices that he created throughout his life and within this was a new element and even a time machine.

Now I was missing the last shot of roulette although it was time to turn it when I turned it this time I saw what it said in a moment landed on what it said "Obito Uchiha's sharingan". Seeing this I knew I would have a way to defend myself even though the world of dc was one of the most dangerous.

"I think you are a lucky person and at the same time not by getting those eyes as those eyes serve only to people who have love in their life and LOSE OR ARE ABOUT TO LOSE SOMEONE IMPORTANT."

Hearing god say that I realized what it implied to have those eyes despite being one of the most powerful eyes implied loss.

"god i have one last question "Lion

I look at god

"I know you want to ask but ask the question"-God.

"My mother is she okay? Why did she die? I just don't understand"-Lion

"My son even though I am god I can't interfere in every person's life but what they would be is simple dolls for me to play with, I might interfere in little things but every person goes through a challenge that they have to go through, some lose their lives young others don't. Some deaths serve to guide other people to a better path, some deaths serve to guide other people to a better path Lio, an example of this would be you, you wouldn't be talking to me if your mother hadn't gotten sick and passed away, I'm not saying you couldn't do what you did but you are who you are today because of the words of encouragement your mother gave you. It's like when spider-man hears uncle Ben say his last words "With great power comes great responsibility" he said those words he made the world a better place and what your mother did was her equivalent, you don't have to worry about her as she saw what you became and is proud of the man you transformed into and she has already started the cycle of reincarnation."

"thank you god"-Lion

When he heard god say that he realized that in spite of everything he was right and that his mother accompanied him until the end of his life and she watched him and saw happily who he became.

"I think it's time for you to leave and enjoy your new life isn't it Lion"-God.

She smiled at the sight of him

"thank you again god for the opportunity you gave me"-Lion

He bowed respectfully to god

Seeing him bow even though all the wishes were already fulfilled god smiled. For he knew what he had been through and that his life, even though it was not rosy, he was able to get back on his feet and continue living, helping others along his life's journey.

Although Lion did not realize it, as he grew older and changed his profession, he helped many people in one way or another.

He opened a tattoo center so that people could learn to tattoo and a workshop for young people to learn a trade and be able to work, a martial arts center, so that children who were alone could go and not have to be on the street or with bad company, and always approached the hospitals to make donations or help in the part of oncology and because he earns a lot of money this was invested in these projects that when he died many more were made, Although not all over the world this changed the lives of many people, this is like the flapping of a butterfly causing a tornado on the other side of the world, as his small good deeds caused many more good deeds, it is like the last words of his mother to him, he did the same only without realizing it .

You could say that Lion represented one of the things he loved about mankind, despite all his shortcomings he would bounce back and in special cases could do many good things in his life.

Thus Lion felt that he was absorbed and lost consciousness.

"O true there is no chakra in DC, mmm I think I will send him a modification and a gift to apologize"-God.

I think he will like it, smiling he sent a light to his body as he left.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

White_Ligercreators' thoughts