
DC: New Krypton (Omniverse)

First and Main World: DC UNIVERSE Second World: Pacific Rim Third World: Tranformers Fourth World: Three Body Problem Fifth World: The Flash Series Sixth World: Bleach === A man, who had been reincarnated on Krypton as H'el, finally managed to leave it before its destruction. Unfortunately, he was exiled into the depths of space by his own foster father, Jor-El. "Amidst the vast, lifeless, cold, and desolate void of deep space, where darkness persisted, even so, I have emerged victorious, Jor-El." I will find you, find your son, my foolish brother who holds the entire Kryptonian Legacy within him. I will rebuild Krypton, unparalleled in history, the mightiest Krypton among all universes. ---- This is slowpace. The mc has the cheat of being able to travel universes, and he will use it to travel to different universes like Pacific Rim, etc. Of course there's a reason why he would do so. And the reason is for you to know. So read it and enjoy. And also, you can expect an op mc, so there's that. The updates will be just the same as the other two, I'll update everyday. === Link: Påtreon.com/BaphometFiction I post 10 advanced chapters of this fanfic there. === I literally don't own anything here, all rights goes to their respective owners.

Baph0met · Anime & Comics
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285 Chs

Chapter 128: Justice League Attack

The ruins of the Justice League Tower, with the ground within a radius of nearly a kilometer cracked and collapsed.

In the center, H'el, with bulging veins around his eyes, wore a grim expression and emitted a chilling aura that kept people at a distance.

In the sky, the members of the Justice League—Cyborg, Batman, Green Lantern, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, and the Flash—gathered, their gazes focused on H'el.

The atmosphere was heavy and cold, as if a battle was about to erupt.

"Sir, it seems that the newcomer is not friendly. I must remind you that he crushed Superman's chest with a single stomp, exerting a force that caused the ribs to pierce through the skin and muscle. Also, please take a look at his chest."

Alfred's voice came through the communication device in Batman's ear as the Batwing hovered in the air.

"Hope, Superman's emblem." Batman's eyes grew heavy as he looked at the screen displaying the black 'S' symbol. He immediately gave the order, "Alfred, activate the anti-Superman armor at the fastest speed. He is Superman's kinsman!"

"Understood, Master. It's already activated," Alfred replied.

"Oh my god... Have I arrived too late?" The Flash's eyes flickered with guilt and discomfort.

He stood a kilometer away, like a yellow-red lightning bolt, rushing over. But even with such speed, he was still too late.

The humans present had already suffered irreversible injuries, and the first wave of casualties included cries and screams. The second shockwave, more powerful than the first, directly silenced all severely injured individuals.

The only survivor was Steve Trevor, who was on the outskirts. Even he was spitting blood, with his internal organs severely damaged and steel bars piercing through his abdomen, looking as if he was on the verge of death.

The Flash quickly used his vibrating hand to cut off the steel bars penetrating Steve Trevor, and he carried him along with the steel bars to the nearest hospital in Washington, D.C.

When he returned, the Flash's eyes flickered with arcs of yellow electrical energy, his gaze filled with deep anger as he looked at H'el.

H'el, who had stomped on Superman and caused harm to so many innocent people, infuriated him.

"Thank you, Flash," Wonder Woman said, slightly relieved.

Steve Trevor was the first human she met when she left Themyscira, serving as her liaison with the human world and her acknowledged friend.

Now that someone had harmed her friend, she would never forgive the perpetrator.

In the sky, Wonder Woman saw Superman beneath H'el's feet, her noble and angry expression taking form, her flowing hair dancing. She removed her divine shield from her back, holding it with her left hand in front of her, while her right hand grasped the Sword of Hephaestus, her gaze resolute and filled with anger as she assumed an attacking stance.

"Although I am reluctant to admit that Superman is the leader of the Justice League, friend, causing trouble in my territory is going too far. Haven't you heard of the famous Green Lantern?" Hal, the Green Lantern, looked at Superman beneath H'el's feet.

Although he wasn't thrilled about Superman being considered the leader of the Justice League, he still acknowledged Superman's power and considered him a worthy opponent.

To so easily trample Superman underfoot, Hal's habitual provocation and heightened vigilance were evident. He wouldn't underestimate someone who could step on Superman.

"Now that they have already begun to harm our teammates, why are we still watching?" Aquaman, Arthur, curled his lips into a cold smile as he stared at H'el.

The condition of Superman under H'el's feet alarms Aquaman.

A year ago, he fought side by side with Superman, and the immense power and invincibility left a deep impression on him.

But at this moment, the once mighty Superman is being trampled upon by a person with an "S" on their chest, and his fate is uncertain.

This power is perhaps exceptionally terrifying.

"No need for your reminder, anyone who dares to cause trouble in my sector should not be spared."

Green Lantern Hal starts manipulating his power ring, forming a massive green cannon.

However, it is not Hal, the Green Lantern, who launches the first attack, but Cyborg.

The moment Cyborg sees you, he detects something abnormal.

"Hostile energy index detected to be excessively high. Annihilate."

In Cyborg's panicked gaze, his right hand automatically arranges into a cannon, and he fires a blast of white noise towards H'el.

In just two or three seconds, the members of the Justice League arrive at the scene. After exchanging a few words and witnessing Superman's state, they are already prepared for battle. Starting with Cyborg's blast of white noise, they all launch attacks at H'el simultaneously.

Wonder Woman, valiantly leading the charge, holds her shield and wields her sword as she charges towards H'el, shouting, "You shouldn't have harmed my friend and teammate!"

H'el merely observe the appearance of the members of the Justice League and meet their attacks head-on.


With a backhand slap, he shatter Cyborg's white noise blast, followed by Batman's Batwing missiles and Green Lantern's green projectiles.

After launching the missiles, Batman quickly maneuvers the Batwing to retreat and notifies his teammates, "You guys hold on for a moment."

The teammates are all preparing for combat, not taking him seriously.

H'el spread his five fingers, and a biological magnetic field spreads before the missiles and projectiles. With a clenched fist, he crushed the Batwing missile, causing it to explode, and the Green Lantern's projectile shatters into green energy fragments, disappearing into thin air.

Wonder Woman, with her divine shield, charges forward at the forefront. H'el strike her divine shield with the back of his fist, unleashing tremendous force, resulting in a massive explosion and shockwave. The divine shield directly caves in at the center.

Wonder Woman feels her hand bones behind the shield almost shattering, as if struck by the force of a colliding planet. The power converges on the divine shield, and she feels a tingling sensation in her throat, her vision darkens, and she bursts into a massive shockwave cloud. Moving at supersonic speed along her trajectory, she flies back into the sky and disappears beyond the horizon.

Aquaman controls the waterspout beneath his feet, forming a high-intensity water column that strikes in front of H'el the moment Wonder Woman is sent flying.


H'el raises his eyebrows as the water column approaching him bears traces of magic, making his body uncomfortable. H'el's instincts naturally dislike magic.

But this level of magical intensity is still not enough to harm him.

With his cheeks tucked in, H'el exhale a freezing breath towards the magical water column, instantly freezing the entire water column and spreading in the direction of Aquaman.

Arthur's eyes sharpen, and he quickly jumps off the waterspout, rolling on the ground, and then stands up. He sees the towering waterspout, frozen in mid-air like a dragon, emanating intense coldness.

"Get your feet off!"

Green Lantern Hal approaches you from behind, manipulating the green energy ring to form a massive hammer. At the hammer's tail, he infuses an incredibly powerful rocket propulsion and roars as he strikes H'el's back.

The hammer impacts H'el's cape, and it shatters like glass hitting a stone, turning into countless green energy fragments that vanish before Hal.

Hal's heart freezes.

H'el pause slightly as his back moves forward, remaining motionless on the spot, still trampling over Superman. His fierce gaze turns to the resolute Hal.


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