
DC: I'm a Mothman

Having decided that the lawbreakers of Gotham City needed a costumed protector just as honest citizens had Batman, Our 'hero' Drury Walker took up the mantle of Killer Moth to emulated the Dark Knight in every way, copying his paraphernalia and building on his legend to create his own super villain identity. He would eventually came to resemble a dark mirror image of Batman, even adopting the alter ego of a wealthy philanthropist similar to Bruce Wayne. Killer Moth was motivated by greed rather than justice, and only served the criminal underworld for a price. Or rather that is how it would have gone..... After a rather sad death due to Moths and a lamp, A DC comic fan is reborn into the infamous Moth-man at the start of his crime journey......

Muiyuki_Snowfall · Anime & Comics
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Prologue#1: A human's nightmare

My death could truly be titled a nightmare.

I'll back track a little for context. My name was Drury Sprang, and I was an avid batman DC comic fan. But I also worked as a part-time Electrician to help pay off my school loan while studying.

One day I had called out to 'Lighting Plus' store to help with a service on one of the roof lights that had been flicking. It was dark once I arrived so making the most of a nearby shelf full of lamps, I turned them on to assist me while I climb the ladder.

However, as fate would have it be, while I had been fixing the worn-out roof lightbulb I must have disturbed a Moth nest in the ceiling causing a dark swarm to fly at the lamps around my ladder. With the insects blocking my eyes and flying all around me obscuring my lights source, I slipped from my ladder and onto the shelf that held the Lamps.

I'm felt a sharp pain as I fell on the glass lamps before continuing my fall to the floor next to the shelfs. My blood seemed to pool around me as many of the other lamps of the shelf fell off the shelf to join me.

With the flicking light above me being turned off so I could work on it, I could only rely on the feeling as my entire body went into shook. I could only just hear the faint buzzing in the air as the moth swarm investigated my cold body. With no one there to help me and the swarm of moths making small bites before flying off I knew I was not long for this world.

I'm felt cold....I hadn't notice earlier but my body had started to shiver. It hadn't been that cold here before, though I guess that doesn't matter. As darkness crept in around me, I thought back to how much I had hated shadows. It had been the reason I chose to work part-time as an electrician, to help others and keep the lights on. It was a personal matter, but I always felt afraid of the dark and believed that people should be able to live in the light.

It felt Ironic that I'll die due to Moths, the one other creature that loved lights as I do.

Now as I close my eyes, hoping to embrace death to prevent any more pain, I felt a strange sensation. As if I was falling....

I know this is a prettry dark opening, but I promise that my story will get lighter later.....

Please also note that this is just my first draft and that I may re-write it at any time...

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