
DC Hero The Paladin

Leon Hardins is just your average boy. when he died he was sent to the void and was given a power. and be a Hero of the DV universe. Join him in his adventures. This is my first novel, So ho easy on me ok.

James_Raynor · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

New Gear.

Later that evening, everyone seated themselves in the dining hall. everyone told their back story to me and how they got here.

Garfield was experimented upon, Jamie found an aliens device that was stuck in his back and Rachel, she has been running away from her father's influence for a long time.

I Nodded, everyone has a past, then everyone looked at me waiting for me to tell my story as well. I sighed, their is no avoiding it seems.

"I lived in the orphanage my whole life, I was happy their, but I kept something from them. I have this power, it is called the light. other than helping my allies, I can banish demons from this world."

then I casted Blessings of might into Dick who was taken a back.

"This is called Blessings of might I can cast it into someone and the will have increased strength for one minute."

then I proceeded to cast Devotion aura and made everyone in the room my ally, nobody felt the change except Raven, who clutched her head in pain.

as I saw this I was concerned as proceeded to deactivate Devotion Aura. I Slowly approached her and was about to touch her head, but she just swatted it away.

She looked at me with anger in her eyes. Apparently the power of the light is hurting her quite a bit.

"Get away from me, your power is hurting me, I don't want to be with you." Then she stormed out of the place.

I Sighed. I knew what was causing my powers to hurt her. Her father Trigon is actively fighting the influence of the light inside her daughter, as a side effects of this battle between him and the light it caused Raven pain in the process.

With the mood now in rock bottom, everybody just said their goodnight and proceeded to go in their respective rooms.


Raven Pov

What was that back there. his power only enveloped me of a second and I was in pain all of a sudden.

From what he said his power is called the light. and it seems that it. counteracts my power. but why though? then a voice came into my head, I knew this voice very well. It was my father.

"Daughter Stay away from him, bieng near him will only cause you pain."

I was confused for a second then I smiled. from what he said earlier, he can banish demons from this world maybe he can help me.

"I know what your thinking Daughter, but it won't work. I have the power to overwhelm whatever power he has, so don't think that this mortal can help you in any way."

I smirked, then I said. "Then why are you afraid Father? if this mortal is as weak as you say why did you not help me ease the pain that I was suffering earlier."

Trigon became silent, but he knew in his mind that this mortal Leon Hardins. is going to be a pain in the future. His only choice it keep his daughter away from him.


Leon Pov.

While laying down on my bed, more of Uther's memories came into my head. in this memory. His hammer suddenly glowed. and the poor orc that was unfortunately in front of him was

hit by the glowing hammer.

I opened my eyes and I then I learned a new skill.

Crusader Strike.

With the power of the light, the hammer of the paladin will begin to glow. and will give a boost of power in the process. The more control the paladin has with the power of the light. the more damage it will cause.

I smiled inwardly, with Blessings of Might paired up with. crusader Strike he can basically destroy a Tank in one swing.

"I need to train this skill. this is my mane source of damage."

as he was about to close his eyes. a knock at the door was heard.

"Who is it? I asked.

"Leon it's me Rachel can we talk."

I was started. but still proceeded to open the door nonetheless. as I opened the door. Raven wearing a black nightgown, came into view.

I stared at her for a few moments, and she snapped me back into reality.

"Stop staring at me like that." as she proceeded to cover her modest breast.

"I'm sorry about that." I chuckled.

Then she sighed. the she proceeded to came inside. to other people it may be considered rude to enter another person's room without consent.

But for me it was fine. And The more I looked at her the more intrigued I was. I don't know what is it exactly but I was attracted to this person even more.

well I will have to think about that in the future. I Closed the door behind me, and when I looked back I saw Raven sitting in my bed.

"Leon I'm Sorry for what happened earlier, the pain was just unbearable, and I know why it happened. My father Trigon is a demon, and because of your power it makes him uneasy and tried resisting it."

Raven looked at me with a little tear in her eyes and said.

"Help me Leon I want him gone inside of me. you are my only hope, please."

I sighed, I can't help her now, but but in the future maybe I can, I need to get stronger.

I approached her and hugged her. it was a friendly hug nothing more.

"I can't help you now, but in the future I will, I swear it."

And suddenly the power of the light coats my entire body, and I knew I became a little stronger.

Trigon who noticed this tried to resist the influence, and in turn cause Raven to be in pain again. but unlike earlier. she endured it.


Bruce Wayne POV.

In the bat cave I was currently arranging, a set of equipment for our new recruit. when I saw the video for the first time, I couldn't help but pity the kid.

He may have powers but he doesn't have the equipment to help him reach his true potential. after a quick deliberation, I built him an armor made of tampered Steel.

But the hammer in my hand is the best one on earth. The Hammer is made of intertron metal. (Adamantium of DC universe).

with everything ready, I called Dick on the comms and said.

"Dick our little warrior's equipment is ready bring it to him Asap."


author's notes.

Thanks for the support, truth be told i was expecting criticism,. it surprisingly it was mostly positive, thank you very much.

one of the question in the comment said said that now could the mc have beaten Damian.

In my defence he can't beat him fair and square. Damian is a little arrogant and was not fighting seriously. to the mc and Damian it was just a fluke.

PS. English is not my first Language so, their will be grammar issues here and there. please bear with me ok.