
DC: Astrape, the Golden Gale

Have you ever opened your eyes and seen the unexpected? For this story I need you to do something for me, I need you to believe in the impossible. I died, or at least I thought I did, but I was able to open my eyes again right after and what I saw was amazing and impossible.

HangerBaby · TV
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8 Chs

The Storm

In the bright noon light, Central City stood engulfed in flames, a battleground of destruction and chaos.Bombs attached to drifting parachutes slowly fell down, casting sinister shadows as cries of panic and desperation rang. "Where had it all gone wrong?" Was the only thought going through Jonathan's head, as he ran through the streets as Astrape trying to help.


Jonathan, as Astrape, ran into the CCPD in his new suit before showing up in front of a gathering of officers. Standing in front of them, while pointing at a detailed map of Central City, was Capt. Singh going over the plan of the day.

His voice cut through the tension in the briefing room, his words sharp and decisive. "For the transport of Trickster Sr., we will execute a six-vehicle convoy strategy. However, to throw off any potential interference, two of these vehicles will be decoys—a saftey measure against any attempts to intercept the actual transport."

His gaze swept over the assembled team, his expression unwavering. "Snipers will be strategically positioned, two per block along the route.Captain Singh's stern gaze swept through the room, fixing briefly on Astrape before addressing the team. " Their role is crucial—they are not just marksman but an early warning system, ensuring the safety of our convoy and providing vital intelligence on any potential threats."

Detailing the plan further, Capt. Singh continued, "The convoy will take the highway on the edge of the city. It's the most direct route to the interstate, minimizing the risk of any unexpected detours or delays. This route offers the best chances of a swift and secure transport to our destination."

Continuing his tone brooked no room for argument. "Astrape, is going to be scouting for us. If he tells you something is coming, or to move, you listen." Turning to Astrape Capt. Singh emphasized, "Please keep my guys safe out there." Not moving on until Astrape nodded his confirmation.

Astrape finally spoke up. "Captain, I'm going to head out now and start surveying the area. The sooner I can get eyes on the ground, the better chance we have of staying ahead of any potential threats."

Captain Singh nodded in agreement, acknowledging Astrape's proactive approach to safeguarding the convoy's journey.

In a sudden blast of wind, Astrape disappeared from the room, his departure was abrupt. His first goal was clear—to check every bridge in the city, even those outside the designated route. Any one of them could serve as a potential distraction to pull him from the convoy.

Astrape's next stop was the city's hospitals, schools, and any location teeming with a large number of people—potential targets for exploitation. His search encompassing every vulnerable point where the Trickster could strike with devastating effect.

As the hour leading up to the transfer passed without incident, a palpable tension hung in the air. No warnings, no hints, nothing to indicate the Trickster's interference. Hospitals, schools, and other potential targets remained clear of any suspicious devices. It seemed almost too quiet, too peaceful—an unsettling calm that Astrape found difficult to trust.

Despite the apparent lack of activity, a gnawing sense of unease persisted within him. The absence of any overt threats only heightened his suspicion, an instinct telling him that this silence was just a prelude to something more ominous. The Trickster was mad, there was no way he would pass up an attempt at, who Jonathan knew was his mentor and father, the Original Trickster.

In a flash of lightning, Astrape materialized at the prison, his arrival as swift and sudden as a thunderclap. Amidst the final checks and preparations, he located Captain Singh, his expression one of concern. "I searched every reasonable and unreasonable target that could be used as a distraction or a means to slow us down, and I found nothing," he reported, a tinge of annoyance coloring his words. "Something isn't right."

Captain Singh regarded Astrape thoughtfully. "You don't think he just left well enough alone, do you? That he realized this is a trap?" he mused.

Astrape's voice carried a note of grim certainty as he revealed, "I went through all the original Trickster's case files. It was very plain to see that what caught him was obviously a trap. Yet, even knowing that, he still walked right into it." Astrape continued. "So that's the thing. If he's anything like the original Trickster, he's gonna know it's a trap but won't care at all."

Captain Singh's brows furrowed in thought as he turned from Astrape, his expression sour. "Do you think we should we delay the transfer?"

"Ahh, you know, Captain, I don't know. I've been doing this for nine days. That isn't a question I would know the answer to," Astrape admitted while shaking his head.

Captain Singh acknowledged Astrape's lack of experience. "I understand," the captain nodded. With a contemplative gaze, he made the call. "Alright everyone, let's move out."

As the convoy prepared to depart with Trickster Sr. in tow, Captain Singh pulled Astrape aside. "We can't back down now. This may be our best shot at stopping the Trickster. We have to see this through, no matter the risks," he emphasized.

"I understand, Captain. I'll do my best to keep you all safe and to stop the Trickster," Astrape declared before he turned and was gone in a bolt of lightning.

The movement started simple. Six cars moving in line, two of which were filled with black and whites. Ten minutes into the movement is when hell broke loose.

An explosion rocked the city, at least it sounded like one did. Moving inside at high speeds Astrape saw multiple cars every block on fire. Astrape realized with a jolt, the reason there were no bombs in high traffic areas was because Trickster used car bombs. "How did he place this many bombs in teo days." Was the first thought that went through his head, before he moved on. Zipping from one spot to another pulling those he could out.

"I wish I could have learned phasing." Astrape lamented after seeing more than one person trapped in places he couldn't pull them from. Grabbing bystanders when he could, "Call the firefighters, they need the jaws of death for those I can't pull out." He yelled before he was gone in a golden bur.

Things only got worse from there. As he saw the shadows and looked up, he noticed numerous small boxes hanging from parachutes. "Of course, there had to be more," he muttered, realizing the escalating danger.

He knew it was time to do something he hadn't practiced yet, wall running. Theoretically he shouldn't actually be able to, there was no science behind it, but this was the world of super heros and he had the Speed Force.

Seizing a piece of metal, Astrape ran. As his first foot hit the wall he feared he may just push off it, that was until his second foot connected. He was moving up, as fast as he moved horizontally he was vertically, it was impossible but amazing. When he reach the height of one of the boxes he launched himself off the wall and swung like at it like it was a baseball and he was a batter.

Using the concussive force of the bomb to push his body back to the building, Astrape started to bounce from bomb to building turning himself into a human ping pong ball. Once one street was clear he would move on the next, before starting over, pulling people from cars and then removing the fallinging bombs.

Until a police officer called out to him. "Astrape, the convoy needs help. Somethings going down." The officer looked worried.

"I'm on my way." Astrape replied, with a golden streaking marking his path. He wished he could keep helping people but he knew putting the man doing this behind bars would prevent this from happening again, and that it would be much worse if both Tricksters were running around.

Astrape raced down the streets faster and faster, his red lightning growing more orange in color as he pushed his limits. Approaching the convoy, he witnessed two of the decoys left in wrecked, their backs blown open. Ahead, the rest of the convoy moved away from a crazily painted car.

As Astrape closed in, a Tommy gun emerged from the window of the car, spraying bullets towards the police vehicles. In a swift move, he seized the gun from the Trickster's grasp. However, his triumph was short-lived as he noticed a hostage in the back seat, clutching a deadman switch.

"Damn it, what's wrong with you!" Astrape yelled at the Trickster. "You don't like my tricks? Then hand over the old man." The Trickster responded with a manic laugh, tauntingly adding, "What's even better is that the bomb will detonate if it exceeds 120 miles per hour."

Astrape looked at the bomb thinking, 'This guy can't actually think this will work right?' He the grabbed Trickster putting him in zip ties and sprinting him up to Captain Singh's car. "Here's the Trickster Captain, I need the bomb squad here as fast as possible." Astrape called before flashing away.

At the car Astrape sat in the driver's seat and slowing the car. "Don't worry about the bomb sir, the bomb squad is on its way and they will take care of you."

Once the car was stopped Astrape ran back to the city, he had more people to save.


I am honestly unhappy with the end of this chapter. It could be worse, don't get me wrong I am happy with how I had Astrape/Jonathan stop Trickster. I mean come on it's a regular dude, even if a little crazy, and diversions can only work for so long. It's just the way the chapter reads, it feels off. Let me know what you think.