
DC: Astrape, the Golden Gale

Have you ever opened your eyes and seen the unexpected? For this story I need you to do something for me, I need you to believe in the impossible. I died, or at least I thought I did, but I was able to open my eyes again right after and what I saw was amazing and impossible.

HangerBaby · TV
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Golden Gale

**Central City's Newest Hero Emerges: The Golden Gale: Astrape**

By *Central City Picture News*

In a city known for its bustling streets and vibrant energy, a new figure has emerged. Residents and witnesses alike have begun to share stories of an enigmatic speedster who seems to appear out of thin air, navigating Central City's streets with the speed of lightning.

Eyewitness accounts have birthed the moniker "The Golden Gale" for this mysterious savior, a nod to the brilliant trail left in his wake. In recent days, Astrape — as he's known — has emerged as a hero fighting against the tide of crime, from halting thefts with unparalleled swiftness to executing daring rescues amid flames.

In a momentous confrontation just five days past, Astrape countered the chaos sown by the Trickster. From neutralizing aerial threats to extracting civilians from infernos, his interventions have prompted citywide ponderance praise.

With every sighting, the hero leaves behind a trail of hope and a renewed sense of security within a city that has long felt the pulse of crime and chaos. Who is this swift savior, and what drives their astonishing deeds? As Central City's guardian, The Golden Gale has undoubtedly brought a newfound sense of awe and wonder, leaving citizens eager to know more about this uncanny force within their midst.

**More on page 3**

Jonathan, glancing through the newspaper, smiled faintly. Barely two weeks into his role as Astrape, and the city had embraced him.



In the bustling Daily Planet newsroom, Clark Kent's entrance prompted an immediate approach by Jimmy Olsen, brimming with excitement. "Clark, have you heard of the Golden Gale, or Astrape? They're calling him the fastest man alive!" his enthusiasm palpable.

"Oh," Clark raised an eyebrow over his black rimmed glasses. "Why do they call him that?" He asked right as he bumped into a desk and dropped the folders he had in hand. "Oh, dang it. I'm sorry," He rushed trying to help pick up some of the papers knocked off the desk.

"Don't worry about it Clark." A red headed Cat Grant replies, "We're still on for our date tonight right?" She questions after sorting her papers. "Yeah Cat, I can't wait." Clark smiles as he pushes up his glasses.

Jimmy, undeterred, continues, "He's making waves in Central City. It's all anyone can talk about—how he moves so fast, all that's seen is a golden blur."

Clark absorbed Jimmy's words, wondering if the emergence of new heroes means something is on the horizon.


The Batcave

"Alfred," a deep voice called," Do we know anything about this Astrape? He's an unknow variable like the alien." A posh British accent responded, "No master Wayne, this speedster has only recently appeared through his heroics."

Batman eyes narrowed in thought before he began typing at his computer,

"Subject: Astrape

Little known about the speedster, further analysis required.

Initial contingency: reduce traction, explosive projectiles,distractions."


S.T.A.R. Labs

Cisco approached Dr. Caitlin Snow, his friend, and Dr. Wells, his boss, looking annoyed. "That Astrape guy, broke in," Cisco revealed. "At first, I didn't even recognize it. He changed its appearance so drastically, it threw me off. But he made off with that suit he's wearing."

Wells frowned, turning his wheel chair towards Cisco. "Why would that be what he stole? There is a large amount of things he could take that's worth more." Cisco shook his head, "Probably not to a speedster. That suit is almost completely friction and abrasion resistant. It's only a proto-type I was cooking up for firefighters, you know to do something good for the city."

Dr. Snow furrowed her brows. "How would he know there was one here though? Unless you told someone Cisco?" Cisco shook his head. "No I haven't told anyone about the suits."

"We should let the police know." Dr. Wells spoke up, "Nothing we can do now." Before turning and driving himself out of the cortex.

Cisco turned to Dr. Snow, "I'm not that upset. I just wanted you guys to know."

What they didn't know was that Dr. wells, better know as Eobard Thawne, was worried. He drove to his time vault to check on the future. Once he was inside he stood up, far from the cripple he presented himself as, he sighed in relief as the newspaper from the future still read the same.



Jonathan sat it his apartment thinking over how much he could have done better. "Just because I have another life's worth of memories here with me doesn't mean I'm good enough to be a hero." He told himself. "It's time for me to get a teacher."

Jonathan set his course for Star City, planning to learn how to be a hero from someone who had been doing this for a while. Having not breached a thousand mile an hour, his trip while not instant was still fast. The city's ambiance was different, darker, grim. Jonathan knew cities like Gotham and Bludhaven were worse but Star City was something different compared to Central City.

Jonathan, leveraging his knowledge, chose a dramatic method to catch the attention of Oliver Queen, the man beneath the Arrow's hood. With a blur of golden light, he raced across the rooftop of the abandoned steel factory and abandoned night club.

As expected, Arrow materialized out of the shadows, his presence as sudden as it was silent. "Who are you?" his voice came through the modulator. "And what are you doing in my city?"

Jonathan spun to face him, greeted by an aimed arrow. He raised his hands in a peaceful gesture, "Whoa, hood, I need your help." His eyes locked onto the vigilante's gaze. "I figured I'd look for you, one cause I know who's under the hood and two cause our cities are close together."

The revelation hung between them, a bold admission that underscored Jonathan's request with seriousness. It was a gamble, invoking the identity of the man behind the mask, but Jonathan banked on the element of surprise and his genuine need for guidance to navigate this introduction.

The Arrow's stance stiffened, the pointed arrow wavering only slightly as he processed Jonathan's words. The tension was palpable,"Why shouldn't I shoot you?" The Arrow's voice, though distorted, carried the menace of a threat.

Jonathan, undeterred by the bow aimed at him, met The Arrow's challenge calmly. "You can try," he said, the edges of his mouth lifting in a half-smile, betraying his confidence. "But didn't you give up killing like a year ago?"

"That doesn't mean I can't put you in the hospital," The Arrow's modulated voice cut through. But Jonathan held his ground, the golden glow of hisvibrating form contrasting the dimly lit rooftop. "I'm only here to learn from you," he replied, his voice steady. "You've been doing this a lot longer than I have and I feel I could learn a lot."

"Follow me," he commanded before jumping into darkened alley below. As the Arrow disappeared into the darkness, Jonathan offered a slight shrug before stepping forward. Following the Arrow's lead, he found himself on the back end of the nightclub.

The narrow alleyway eventually led to an inconspicuous door, camouflaged with piling garbage around the alley. With a subtle motion, the Arrow unlocked the entrance, revealing a hidden passage that descended into The Arrowcave.

As Jonathan entered the Arrow Cave, he removed his mask, revealing his true identity. With a subtle release of tension, his vibrating form slowed, no longer the flickering blur that defined Astrape.

His gaze swept across the meticulously organized space, taking in the array of tools and equipment that adorned the tables—arrows of all kinds, gadgets, and monitors ablaze with information. Even looking at the fluorescent lights overhead illuminating the Arrow's operations.

"Whoa, this place is cool," Jonathan remarked. He paused. "I wish I had a secret base like this. All I've got is an apartment," he confessed, with a laugh.

Hearing Jonathan's voice, Felicity Smoke turned around from her computer, her eyes widening in surprise. "Um, who are you?" she asked, her voice filled with curiosity. Meanwhile, Diggle instinctively pulled his gun out, readiness etched in his expression.

Oliver Queen, lowered his hood, revealing his features as he stepped forward. "I'd also like to know who you are and how you know about me," he interjected, his voice a commanding tone.

Jonathan laughed. "Hey, no need to be aggressive," he began, his voice steady and confident. "Plus, it was easy to figure out. The Arrow didn't show up until you got back from the island Oliver, and none of the other people in this city who can afford to do this kind of thing can, because they are all older folks."

Diggle's brow furrowed as he processed Jonathan's words, his expression shifting into a deep frown. "That can't be it," he replied, his voice carrying a hint of skepticism.

Jonathan smirked. "Honestly, it's a wonder no one knows it's you," he remarked, his laughter resonated through the Arrow Cave as he continued, "Well, that's not all of it. Think about it - the Arrow disappeared for five months, the same time Oliver here did after the Glades got destroyed. And then there are those rumors about the Arrow showing up in Russia while Oliver was there on a business trip."

Oliver's acknowledgment of Jonathon's deductions. "Fine, you've figured it out," His voice showing how annoyed he was. "But that still doesn't tell us who you are or why you're here."

Jonathan's response was direct as he revealed his identity to Oliver and his team. "You're right. My name is Jonathan Jacobs, and I'm here to learn how to fight from you," he confessed.

He continued, his gaze steady on Oliver, "I have a feeling not all of the bad guys I'm going to face are going to be like the Trickster I just took down. Some of them will be real opponents, not just individuals using distractions to keep me at bay."


Oh no what will Oliver say?

Anyways I honestly hate the little interludes. No matter how many time I rewrote them they didn't seem to flow correctly. I left them in anyways as they are important to the story I'm trying to concoct, tell me what you think.