
DC’s Soul Society

A Bleach x DC crossover with a unique storyline following the life of an OC who has to lead the Justice League against an unknown enemy in the world of the living. ( Bad description sorry )OC x Harem, some of our favorite bleach pairings make an appearance

Josh_Daley · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs


A New Threat appears
A/N: Hello to you all I'd like to welcome you all to the very first chapter of my first-ever fanfic, I ask you all to be patient with me as this is something completely new to me, but I hope you all enjoy, that being said all the rights to Bleach and DC belong to Tite Kobu and DC comics respectively. Enjoy Guys and Girls
Her heart was pounding in her chest as she ran down the dark streets of Gotham. In her head panic but in her Heart, FEAR, deep rotted fear seeping through every pore in her skin and into her very soul. Fear of who. No WHAT was chasing her. A Creature that couldn't be seen by the naked eye but had appeared before her very eyes, how'd she know the reactions or lack of reaction from the people around her. Thinking back to the moment it appeared before her. 'She was walking through the crowded streets of Gotham on her way home from work when she heard it. A Howl primal and demonic that it froze her in place, immediately on guard she began looking around for the source of that terrifying cry.
That's when her eye landed on and Giant black creature with a hole in its chest, a mask that resembled a skull, and yellow eyes that seemed to glow with joy looking at all the unsuspecting people around it. Then its eyes landed on her and the gleam in its eyes showed clear hunger. Following her instincts she screamed and ran, she ran faster than she had in her young life. A crash brought her out of her thoughts when a crashing sound came from behind her and its quick and heavy footsteps came closer trying to catch up to her.
She ran, her black hair flowing behind her, her normally warm brown eyes wide with fear and panic, and her brown skin covered in sweat. Her heels long since broken, clicking on the concrete she turned into and out of every street she could to escape the being chasing her. She turned hoping beyond hope that this would be the one and it was the one, the wrong one. A dead end, she turned hoping to make it out of the ally when a giant black arm grabbed her as she was about to exit, it squeezed and a scream like no other tore through her throat.
She knew what would come next as she felt her body begin to strain painfully as the creature applied more and more pressure taking what seemed to be a sadistic glee in seeing her in pain, she could see it in its eyes.
She squirmed trying to get free, it was futile. As she closed her eyes in acceptance of her fate but, with the sound of something slicing through the air, she was dropped to the ground while the creature in front of her shrieked in pain as a bat-shaped projectile was lodged into its arm. She was on the ground taking in beep, painful breaths as her ribs seemed to scream in protest with every gulp of air she took in. She clutched onto her now broken left arm. Watching as the creature removes the oddly shaped object from its arm. A figure in black landed in front of her, The figure seemed to be wearing a skintight grey body suit with a bat symbol on the chest, he was also wearing what seemed to be black underwear on the outside of his suit which was held up by a yellow utility belt, to complete the look he wore a black cape that connected to a cowl that covered the top part of his face leaving his mouth uncovered, she knew who he was, He was the Batman
He approached her downed form and ushered her up " Can you move?" He asked, His deep voice brought her some comfort in this situation " M-my arm I think it's broken" She responded. Hearing her response he was about to answer when his instincts screamed at him to move.
Following his instincts he rolled out of the way, narrowly avoiding the large fist that was aiming to take his head off, the fist missed its target and hit a nearby wall ripping through the brick like it was made out of wet paper. Batman's eyes narrowed slightly as he began to assess the situation. 'Superhuman strength and regeneration' he thought, noticing the wound left by his Batarang had already disappeared.
'This is going to be more complicated than I originally thought' he thought as he took two explosive Batarang from his utility belt and threw them at the creature, turning around he grabbed the stunned woman off her feet and fired his grappling hook to the roof of the building that now sported a new whole from where the creature hit the wall, retracting the cable the woman and himself were pulled to the building roof just in time to escape the explosion. After making sure the lady was unharmed he looked over the edge of the building waiting for the smoke to clear.
He didn't expect the creature to leap up out of the smoke and towards where they had landed on the roof above. Moving quickly he once again grabbed the Woman and moved away from the edge where the creature had landed. Placing the woman down batman reached into his utility brought out a pair of electric knuckles and got into a fighting stance, ready to face the creature in hand-to-hand combat, now more confident seeing the damage by his exploding Batarang. The creature charged at Batman with reckless abandon, seeing this batman also charged; ducking under the monster's wild haymaker bat let loose an uppercut towards the jaw of the creature, slightly stunning it due to electricity behind the strike.
Batman followed up with two jabs on the creature's midsection and moved into a low roundhouse kick trying to take the creature's feet out from under it. That turned out to be a mistake as the creature's lower body was much more solid than its upper body managing the tank the blow and giving the creature enough time to somewhat recover. Lashing out with a punch the creature was able to land a glancing blow on Batman's midsection as the caped hero tried to dodge backward.
Wincing at the blow Batman idly noted that two rids on the left side of his body were fractured, with the quick exchange of blows over Batman decided to switch tactics seeing as direct combat would only result in more damage being done to his person. Holding out his arms in front of him; his hands still in fists batman aimed at the creature and using his thumbs pushed a hidden trigger on each of his weapons that shot out two lines from each knuckle that attached to the chest of the creature, with another click of the trigger the knuckles released enough electricity to supercharge a tesla battery directly onto the monsters form. With a howl of pain, the creature was electrified causing its skin to blacken and a shriek of excruciating pain ravaged its way from the throat of the creature after the electricity came to a crackling end the creature toppled over onto the ground unmoving.
Batman slowly approached the down entity; keeping his guard in caution, after reaching the creature and confirming that it was indeed incapacitated he reached a hand up to his comms to alert Alfred to prepare his crime lab as he wished to take a sample from the body of the creature but as his hand was making its way to his earpiece the creature began to glow and particles began to float off its body; jumping back he watched as the body broke down into particles and dissipate into thin air.
When the odd process was over Batmna turned around and walked back to the woman he had left behind him and began to calm her down, after that was accomplished he called Alfred. "Alfred alert GCPD, and the paramedic that there's an injured woman at my location," Batman said.
" Right away sir, anything else" the calm voice of Alfred came through the earpiece. "Yes,' Batman stated, "Send an alert to the rest of the league, I need to alert them of this occurrence; I have a feeling this isn't the last we'll see of these things, also send an alert out to Barbra and Dick, I'll need their help". He stated as he jumped off the roof and into the approaching bat plane.
He was unaware that all that had happened was observed by a figure that seemed to be standing on the very air itself, " Hmm, the figure said in mild amusement, a smirk appearing on his lips " That was unexpected, but still they handled themselves well". The figure stated as he turned his head up towards the sky. "I'll see you all soon Justice League" He stated as he disappeared from his position.
Batman was Unaware that these creatures didn't just appear in Gotham but also, in Washington DC, Central City, and Metropolis. A new danger had Just appeared in the world of the living but unfortunately for the Justice League, they were not at all prepared for what was going to happen next.
A/N: I hope you all enjoyed the first chapter of the new series I'm writing I once again ask you if this is the first fanfic that I've written so there will be many mistakes, this is also an original Idea but I DON'T own anything even remotely Bleach and DC related all the rights belong to Tite Kubo and DC comics. I encourage you guys to leave reviews, like, and follow the story I'll see you guys next time in chapter 2 " New Allies and Old Relationships" BYE ;)