
Days with a super star

She lost her husband and son in an accident.No hope to live.But one day he came to her life, a handsome superstar.How the fate binds the two.Did he fall in love with this average looking girl?. Is it possible for her to love a new person other than her husband and son.

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29 Chs

Surrogate mother

Her eyelashes trembled a little while reading the news.After a long time she recovered from her dilemma. she suddenly noted down the mobile number mentioned in the notice.

"I will go to the end of the world to save my father.If I accept this offer,they will provide enough cash for my father's treatment. "

She walked towards the corner of the corridor and called the number mentioned in the notice.Bell is ringing and nobody picking up.Suddenly Haya heard a voice from opposite side.Her heart beated fastly.

"Hello who is this calling."

Haya startled for a moment. Then she replied in a low voice.

"I got this number from hospitals notice board.I am interested to accept this offer.I am in need of money.My father is in critical situation."

"Hello girl.My name is Aaron.I am one of the gynecologist of this hospital. If you are free can you please come to my office.We can discuss one to one. "

"Sure.I will come immediately. "

She asked the receptionist to find doctor's room.Then she walked slowly towards doctors cabin.She is having fear in her mind.But the ultimate goal is to save my father.She can do this.

She knocked the door.

"Yes come in."

She saw a handsome young doctor sitting there in the chair.He asked.

"What can I do for you".

She slowly said.

" I called you few minutes before.I am willing to be a surrogate mother."

Doctor looked into her eyes.She is young and beautiful.Tears are filled in her eyes and she is trying to suppress her sorrow.He asked her to sit down.

"We want a lady who is willing to do this from her heart.But from your face I can read, you are forced to do this.During pregnancy there are so many complications. Also mind of the surrogate mother should be calm otherwise it will affect the baby.I think you are not qualified to a surrogate mother. "

She said slowly.

"Eventhough I am forced to do this because of my father's health condition.I can assure that I can endure any hardships.Once my father's surgery completed successfully, my mind will be calm.Please consider me for this."

"ok.But I want to let you know,pregnancy will do so many changes to your body.You are young and may be this will affect your future."

She took a deep breath and said.

"I am ready to face any challenges."

"Ok.Then.We need to do body test to check whether your body is ok for conceiving the baby."

"Also you need to stay with the client during your pregnancy. Money is not a problem. But you don't have any relationship with the baby once baby born.Are you ok with that?."

"I am ok.But please allow me to continue my work.Otherwise after delivery I don't have any job."

"Ok.Will communicate with the client.Now you go for a body check."


Doctor called a nurse and asked her to accompany Haya for the body checkup.