
Days with a super star

She lost her husband and son in an accident.No hope to live.But one day he came to her life, a handsome superstar.How the fate binds the two.Did he fall in love with this average looking girl?. Is it possible for her to love a new person other than her husband and son.

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29 Chs

Miserable life

Aleena and Haya had a good day together.After the office time,they said good bye and rode their own vehicles.Haya reached her apartment and when she tried to open the door,she got a call.

It's a call from one of her father's neighbor. He told her to come back to her home quickly. She swallowed hard and asked him what happened?. He said that her dad's health condition is very bad.Today he fainted on the road and somebody picked him and admitted in a hospital.

Tears started flowing from her eyes.She took a taxi and it took almost 2 hours to reach the hospital. She gave the money to the driver and run towards the ward.

She saw her father and he is looking very thin now.She slowly walked towards him and took his wrinkled hands in her hand.Her tears are uncontrollable. She said.

"Father.I am sorry.I am not a good daughter. I even don't have the money for your medicines. You faced so many problems while taking care of me.I love you dad.I will not allow you to take death that easily.".

She walked towards doctors room

"May I come in doctor."

"yes come in".

She asked the doctor about her father's health condition and he said surgery is the only way to save him.They need to do it as soon as possible otherwise its difficult to save him.A lot of money needed for the surgery. She came out from the doctor's cabin and sit on the nearby chair.

"I don't know how to save my father. He is the only relative in this world. How I will gather this much money.I don't know ".

Tears are falling down from her eyes.She get up and walked towards her father's room.Her eyes locked on one of the advertisement shown in the notice board.

"Young surrogate mother is required for one our client.Selected candidate will get good remuneration. "