
Days with a super star

She lost her husband and son in an accident.No hope to live.But one day he came to her life, a handsome superstar.How the fate binds the two.Did he fall in love with this average looking girl?. Is it possible for her to love a new person other than her husband and son.

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29 Chs

Premedical check up

Haya walked behind the nurse.They entere into the medical lab.They took her blood and urine for testing.Then they take her to the scanning room.After completed the tests,nurse lead her again to Dr.Aaron's room.

He asked her to sit down and he checked his computer for her results. All the body conditions are okay for conceiving a child.His eyes stuck on one comment that she is still virgin.He feel suffocated.

He raised his eyes and look towards the girl sitting infront of him.Her face is looking anxious and she is waiting for the results.He slowly asked her.

"Are you still virgin?".

Haya startled when she heard his sudden question.She looked down and said.


Aaron felt a huge lump in his throat.

"You are still virgin and you are willing to conceive a child.Are you not afraid?.I reccomend you to drop this plan.Its not good for you.We can check for other surrogate mothers.You can leave.""

She felt a sudden pain in her heart.She don't know what she will do if doctor reject her.

How she will find this much money for her fathers treatment?.She can't leave this opportunity.

She suddenly sit down on the floor and held doctors leg.

She cried and said.

"Please doctor.Don't reject me.I don't know any other way to save my father.I am willing to be surrogate mother.I am not afraid of complications or sufferings.I am ready to take this.Please help me."

Doctor felt sorry for her heart felt cry.He asked her to get up and said.

"Okay.we will do this.You need to sign an agreement stating that you don't have any right for the child once the baby born.

You need to leave the baby after the child birth.Once you sign the agreement we will give you the amount and you can do the surgery for your father.

Next week we can start the treatment.We will use the sperm and egg of the parents and out it into your womb.Once that is success,you need to stay with them till the child birth.You can go for work during this time.But should be careful.Your procedures will be done by another doctor.She is my wife.Her name is Lanzi."

Haya nodded her head and she felt happy in heart as she can save her father.