
Days with a super star

She lost her husband and son in an accident.No hope to live.But one day he came to her life, a handsome superstar.How the fate binds the two.Did he fall in love with this average looking girl?. Is it possible for her to love a new person other than her husband and son.

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29 Chs


Haya was asked to sign the agreement after reading the contents.while holding the pen she is shivering and a lot of thoughts emerging into her mind.

"From today onwards my life is going to take a change. A new life will bud in my body.I don't who are the parents of the baby.Until now I don't have an intimacy with any men.My body will change.I am no more an innocent girl as like past."

A small drop of tear came down from her eyes.She try to control her emotions.She tried to think about her father and it gave confidence to her.

"This is not a big thing compared to my father's life."

She immediately signed the contract.Doctor give a cheque and it contain more money that is more than that required for surgery.Her hands trembled while holding the cheque. ..

She visited her fathers doctor and said that she arranged the money.Doctor said that he will perform the surgery soon.

She walked towards the billing section and payed the money for surgery.Next day surgery has been completed successfully and there after he was shifted to the room.Haya hold his hand and said sorry in her mind.

"Dad I don't have any other options.Please forgive me".

Tears rolled down from her eyes.At that moment, her father opened his eyes and looked into her face.

He slowly said.

"Dear.why you are crying?.I am still alive.You dad will not leave you my dear."

She hold his hand tightly.

"Dad.I am so happy that you are finally recovered from your disease.I will always support you.You are the only relative for me in this whole world. "

After a week ,he was recovered from his surgery and allowed to go back to the house.Once they reached the house ,she arranged everything for her dad. She find a male nurse to accompany her father.