
Days with a super star

She lost her husband and son in an accident.No hope to live.But one day he came to her life, a handsome superstar.How the fate binds the two.Did he fall in love with this average looking girl?. Is it possible for her to love a new person other than her husband and son.

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29 Chs

Missing her

While driving, Shawn is feeling anxious. He want to see Leena at the earliest. After yesterdays night he felt strongly connected to her.

He can still feel her on his body. He want more of her with her consent.She is like a wine and he want to drink it uninterruptily.

Love for her is flowing out of his mind.He never felt this kind of feeling towards anybody. He already had sex with other beautiful women long back. But the satisfaction he is feeling now is incomparable with anybody.

Now they are one,their body became one.He wanted her fully,both mentally and physically.

He thought .

"I will beg her and ask for forgiveness. I will ask for her mind.I want her to the core.I never loved anyone like her.I want to live a whole life time with her".

He speeded his car and finally reached the villa.Eventhough he is reluctant to face her,he want to express his true feelings.

Yesterdays incident was not a sex with out love.He loved her and wanted to become one.But the alcohol drove him crazily and his inner secret came out and had made love with her.

He opened the front door and slowly walked towards her room. when reached infront of her room,he was hesitated for a moment and knocked the door slowly. But he can't hear any response.

Again knocked and still no response. He tried to open the door and found its not locked.He gently push it and came inside the room.He can't see anyone there.

He thought, may be she went to the kitchen and checked the kitchen. He checked almost all rooms and unable to found her. He felt a sudden fear in his heart.

He finally arrived his room and then he saw a folded paper.Its a letter from Leena.He slowly read the letter.His eyes became red and clenched his fists.